Alias has been permabanned

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This is concerning a minor child, do you approve of a minor child's picture being passed around by posters on this forum that have no legal rights to the picture?

This isn't about you, start your own thread about the injustice.

why the double standards rana? you know for a fact i don't approve of any personal info being pass around. why is it you all defended tom stalking poet and giving out his info....but bitch when ID et al supposedly do the same thing?

it is really sad that you claim to have me on ignore, but have no problem talking to me about bullshit issues such as this. why not debate political issues?
Piss off, nippy. You've done plenty of whining about someone finding your personal info (workplace, etc.) and posting it so you don't have a leg to stand on here. Now run along and start researching a defense for your "clients" alias and ice slut, they're going to need it.

you're a dishonest whiny bitch. i have not defended anyone. you, however, have defended tom doing exactly what you're bitching ID et al have done.

you guys are sick. seriously. this isn't about is about YOU and your ilk defending your fellow posse member, but whining when someone else does the same thing. that you think this is about me show how mentally deranged you are.
why the double standards rana? you know for a fact i don't approve of any personal info being pass around. why is it you all defended tom stalking poet and giving out his info....but bitch when ID et al supposedly do the same thing?

it is really sad that you claim to have me on ignore, but have no problem talking to me about bullshit issues such as this. why not debate political issues?

I am free to read and respond to your stupidity as I see fit. You make no political post worth responding to or about.
I just don't like you, Yurt, you are a crybaby.

You are also a liar who misrepresents what I have said about the Tom incident. You constantly do this, it is why I ignore you.
why the double standards rana? you know for a fact i don't approve of any personal info being pass around. why is it you all defended tom stalking poet and giving out his info....but bitch when ID et al supposedly do the same thing?

it is really sad that you claim to have me on ignore, but have no problem talking to me about bullshit issues such as this. why not debate political issues?

When ID et al "supposedly" do the same thing? What planet are you living on? There's no "supposedly about it. The picture came from ID's photobucket, she sent it to alias, and he posted it.

Now maybe you can show me the exact thread where any of us posted pictures of id or her family, either on this forum or anywhere else. And maybe you can do it without bringing up your own issues, but I doubt it.
you're a dishonest whiny bitch. i have not defended anyone. you, however, have defended tom doing exactly what you're bitching ID et al have done.

you guys are sick. seriously. this isn't about is about YOU and your ilk defending your fellow posse member, but whining when someone else does the same thing. that you think this is about me show how mentally deranged you are.

Finally you have one thing right. This isn't about you. Yet here you are, post after post, railing at us with the "they did it too" defense that you'd be making fun of any other time. So again, why don't you just STFU and go "debate" somewhere, or what passes for debate in your pea brain.
I am free to read and respond to your stupidity as I see fit. You make no political post worth responding to or about.
I just don't like you, Yurt, you are a crybaby.

You are also a liar who misrepresents what I have said about the Tom incident. You constantly do this, it is why I ignore you.

For some reason it still hasn't sunk into his marble head that he's the one who made private info public.
Alias posted pics of a child? Darla's niece?

WTF is wrong with these people?? This is a forum for debate and discussion, and this wackos start stalking real life info? WTF?
Finally you have one thing right. This isn't about you. Yet here you are, post after post, railing at us with the "they did it too" defense that you'd be making fun of any other time. So again, why don't you just STFU and go "debate" somewhere, or what passes for debate in your pea brain.

why can't you just admit your double standard? tell me...why did you defend tom when you bitch about ID et al for doing the same thing? i predict you won't answer the question, and instead will resort to your typical insults.
I am free to read and respond to your stupidity as I see fit. You make no political post worth responding to or about.
I just don't like you, Yurt, you are a crybaby.

You are also a liar who misrepresents what I have said about the Tom incident. You constantly do this, it is why I ignore you.

what did i misrepresent rana? how is pointing your double standard "crying"? you used to respond to my posts until your posse got the better of you. you used to be a nice person. i don't know what happened to you. you're completely over emotional and irrational. you defend tom, yet you bitch about ID.

tell me....why is it ok for tom to look up poet's personal info and then pass that info along to another poster?
So he was permabanned for no reason? :palm:

From what I've been able to read, he posted another picture of Darla and threatened to post one of her neice.
It appears that he was banned for posting Darla's picture, again; after being temp-banned for doing the same thing earleir.

If people were banned for threatening to do things, Darla would be gone also.
How did these photos get to Alias?

Believe it or not, there are people who become so obsessed with this, they literally scour the internet day and night, trying to dig up ANYTHING of a personal nature on someone. Most of us do have some presence on the internet, other than here at JPP, so with a little detective work, things can be found. Once the tiniest of details is discovered, it generally opens a gateway to all kinds of other stuff.

The only problem I have with JPP's rule about this, is the enforcement isn't strong enough fast enough. There should be no warning, zero tolerance, you post personal info, you're OUT! PERIOD! No second chance, no opportunity to keep doing it... just ban the fucktard the first time they post something of a personal nature on another poster!
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