Alias has been permabanned

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Dixie is right. And anyone who can be proven to have assisted the asshole should be gone as well.

I am all for tolerance, but lines must be drawn concerning people's real lives.
Through a glass darkly

How very strange. Have I been all these years in a land of make believe? I joined this forum from the AOL one to discuss and have the craic and a bit of piss taking with the 'Characters' who I assumed were similarly motivated.
One gets to know certain of the characters but am I alone in not caring, one tiny jot, who anyone is in real life? I don't, honestly, care about new identities although so many previously unheard of generals is a little galling. I dont care if Alias is Damn Yankee or Darla. I respond to the post du jour.
Perhaps I have it all wrong.
I dunno.
Dixie is right. And anyone who can be proven to have assisted the asshole should be gone as well.

I am all for tolerance, but lines must be drawn concerning people's real lives.

Here is the thing about personal information and the people that violate it, most people, other than alias, usually aren't so stupid as to blatantly post shit out in the open that can easily be seen.

Historically on this site, a lot of it has been subtle stuff, that is usually hard to catch. it's usually been something like . . ." hey... how's bob doing." Most people in a thread will think nothing of a sentence like that, and move right on by. Does that count as personal information when it's a generic name and no one pays attention to it?

For a long time, we didn't really know how to approach that issue. It also didn't usually even come up.

What if, instead of the above being an innocent comment, it's something nefarious where the poster is actually saying "guess who just found out the name of your kid now?"

- or -

"So X, how was the snow?" - after maybe someone posted pictures on facebook about a winter ski vacation.

Note: the above are just examples, but very closely resemble 90% of the "personal information" that's on these boards.

So after a while we started realizing that people literally stalking others is a major problem, and we expanded the personal information rule to include "using personal information in order to intimidate and harass."

The intent was to punish those that have a habitual pattern of trying to intimidate another person.

But these creates new problems, because sometimes you'll have parties use these rules as a catch all gotcha technicality for something that just shouldn't be thought of as personal, in the true sense of the word, nor does it cause real harm.

"Hey man, how's life in texas?"

A statement like that is pretty vague, it's not localized, it's not really THAT personal.

As you can see, sometimes it's subjective, which is why it isn't always an easy decision.

Lastly, this is all very new to everyone on this board. For the longest time, the personal information rule never came up, and never was violated. It was like a rule that existed in theory, but no one would ever be so low as to violate it.

It can be a challenge when you want to be consistent in your application of rules while also trying to stick to the spirit of the rules.

Passing around peoples pictures, and linking to their facebooks, and talking about kids names, and showing that to other psychos on the internet is obviously something that could affect someone in real life. So we try to prevent that.

Saying "haha you have a dumb haircut" is a bit different.

But as to the obvious stuff, posting phone numbers, addresses, photos, where they work etc, makes it very easy to come to a decision.

I would'nt necessarily say I would go zero tolerance. We are all human, and capable of freaking the fuck out sometime. If someone was truly remorseful, apologetic, and had an otherwise good history here, I could see a reason to give that person a pass. If people have a history of being a dickhead, constantly abusive, and they post personal information, and they don't give a shit that they did it, they will probably be out the door the very first time.
Your whore's photobucket account was stamped on the picture alias posted, moron. She gave him my niece's pictures too, and she's geographically a lucky woman.

Go fuck yourself and take your whore with you for the view.

Hey cunt- yes you- cunt. I have never hacked an email. Hey cunt- yes you -cunt. I don't have any pictures of your niece. Hey cunt- yes you cunt- You stole pictures of mine from that photo bucket account that alias has too. Your pic was in my PB account because I KNEW you had been there- cunt. I posted it for you since you liked snooping so much- got it? Good.
what did i misrepresent rana? how is pointing your double standard "crying"? you used to respond to my posts until your posse got the better of you. you used to be a nice person. i don't know what happened to you. you're completely over emotional and irrational. you defend tom, yet you bitch about ID.

tell me....why is it ok for tom to look up poet's personal info and then pass that info along to another poster?

When I first started posting here Tom posted my name twice- damo edited it- Tom was not temp banned. Chris has posted my children's names and the street they live on (you know what loyal was perma banned for). zappa was sexually explicit about my daughter before I ever stooped to his level about his daughter- as you know because you called him on it- But have you heard rana or chris screech about that? NO. Darla has passed my pics around. How do I know? Because comments were made by darla and chris about pic that I had not put up on my blog- but that had been in my PB account where darla has taken it from. The point being that darla is as dubious as I ever was- In fact, at least I am up front about it. You read her threats to post personal stuff about me just a couple days ago- damo removed them after they were reported. They have all commented about knowing my age- where I live etc. This was why I made a blog. I would just get it all out there before darla and her gaggle were able to continue alluding to it-

I never hacked email- but after 10 years I know as well as she does how to throw spaghetti and have it stick- You heard her- she played her hand. She will stop at nothing until she gets me banned. She is a lying conniving bitch who will stop at nothing to gain her objective.
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i've told you before, i have no desire to get in the middle of this decade old squabble. i am in no position to say who is right or wrong, who did what or not. surely you understand that.

that said, how many more years must this feud continue? how many more threads must this feud be inserted? again, i have no idea the history with you guys, but this feud carries over into numerous threads. i have never seen a feud like this. you can let it go. you have that choice.

i've told you before, i have no desire to get in the middle of this decade old squabble. i am in no position to say who is right or wrong, who did what or not. surely you understand that.

that said, how many more years must this feud continue? how many more threads must this feud be inserted? again, i have no idea the history with you guys, but this feud carries over into numerous threads. i have never seen a feud like this. you can let it go. you have that choice.

I agree- but remember I was posting on topic in a thread the other evening when the cunt slimed the thread with this shit- trust me, her snail trails are never ending.

That said yurt, like you, I tend to want to give as good as I get.
When I first started posting here Tom posted my name twice- damo edited it- Tom was not temp banned. Chris has posted my children's names and the street they live on (you know what loyal was perma banned for). zappa was sexually explicit about my daughter before I have stooped to his level about his daughter- as you know because you called him on it- But have you heard rana or chris screech about that? NO. Darla has passed my pics around. How do I know? Because comments were made by darla and chris about pic that I had not put up on my blog- but that had been in my PB account where darla has taken it from. The point being that darla is as dubious as I have ever been- In fact, at least I am up front about it. You read her threats to post personal stuff about me just a couple days ago- damo removed them after they were reported. They have all commented about knowing my age- where I live etc. This was why I made a blog. I would just get it all out there before darla and her gaggle were able to continue alluding to it-

I never hacked email- but after 10 years I know as well as she does how to throw spaghetti and have it stick- You heard her- she played her hand. She will stoop at nothing until she gets me banned. She is a lying conniving bitch who will stop at nothing to gain her objective.

Of course you never posted anybody's real name... never posted any kids' names... never posted any city or street info... never posted any age info... never posted any pictures... never posted any references to other websites people used... yada yada yada. Have I got it right, that you're just an innocent victim who was forced to retaliate after everyone ganged up on little old you?

I want you to remember how your pal Tutu used to say I had a "Nazi notes file" about different posters. Damn straight I do, and whatever you think you can accuse me or the others of doing, I can trump you ten times over. And I'm perfectly willing to turn it all over to the mods and let them be the judge.

You can swear on a stack of bibles that you "never hacked" but we know better. We Know What You Did. Is that plain enough for you, you mealy-mouthed little tramp? You may be able to play alias and yurt because they're stupid. However, we are not stupid, we have records, and We Know What You Did. And you wrote the book on being a lying, conniving, amoral bitch.
Of course you never posted anybody's real name... never posted any kids' names... never posted any city or street info... never posted any age info... never posted any pictures... never posted any references to other websites people used... yada yada yada. Have I got it right, that you're just an innocent victim who was forced to retaliate after everyone ganged up on little old you?

I want you to remember how your pal Tutu used to say I had a "Nazi notes file" about different posters. Damn straight I do, and whatever you think you can accuse me or the others of doing, I can trump you ten times over. And I'm perfectly willing to turn it all over to the mods and let them be the judge.

You can swear on a stack of bibles that you "never hacked" but we know better. We Know What You Did. Is that plain enough for you, you mealy-mouthed little tramp? You may be able to play alias and yurt because they're stupid. However, we are not stupid, we have records, and We Know What You Did. And you wrote the book on being a lying, conniving, amoral bitch.

Yes, crotch sniffer, WE ALL KNOW how busy you stay amassing every one of our posts into your CIA files. Because it is the full extent and picture of your miserably dull and little life. Go ahead and send those files, I am sure the mods can't wait to dig into them- Because I am so sure they want to spend more time immersed in your conspiracies. :rofl:
icedancer, us mods literally have a laundry list of about 15 items of you posting all sorts of personal information of certain posters here. You are by far one of the biggest violators on this stuff. BY. FAR.

This stuff was from a long time ago where our personal information clause was much more strict and less defined. We do not retroactively ban, which is why you are still here, and why christie christie wasn't banned either. (Although again, you are by far a more habitual and egregious offender based on your history).

Additionally, we have a history of going lighter on first time/infrequent/minor offenses. This is true, but it's equally applied to all sides. General names, an erroneous comment, etc, will usually result in weaker measures. Sometimes we edit, sometimes we warn, sometimes we do temp bans. It depends entirely on history and context.

All this bitching about us being biased or inconsistent is just little pouty girl feet stomping. We gave damnyankee warnings and temp bans too, when he had a users picture in his avatar for example. We JUST LET ALIAS COME BACK off a 60 day ban after POSTING A PICTURE OF SOMEONE, the very person that you actually accuse us of being unwaveringly on the side of.

But if anyone is worried about us being biased, or are worried about being stuck in this murky grey area where us mods have to rule which personal information qualifies as banworthy or not, there is obviously a very simple solution to make sure one avoids being get caught up in the mess:


It's actually very easy, most people have already not been doing it for a decade.
icedancer, us mods literally have a laundry list of about 15 items of you posting all sorts of personal information of certain posters here. You are by far one of the biggest violators on this stuff. BY. FAR.

This stuff was from a long time ago where our personal information clause was much more strict and less defined. We do not retroactively ban, which is why you are still here, and why christie christie wasn't banned either. (Although again, you are by far a more habitual and egregious offender based on your history).

Additionally, we have a history of going lighter on first time/infrequent/minor offenses. This is true, but it's equally applied to all sides. General names, an erroneous comment, etc, will usually result in weaker measures. Sometimes we edit, sometimes we warn, sometimes we do temp bans. It depends entirely on history and context.

All this bitching about us being biased or inconsistent is just little pouty girl feet stomping. We gave damnyankee warnings and temp bans too, when he had a users picture in his avatar for example. We JUST LET ALIAS COME BACK off a 60 day ban after POSTING A PICTURE OF SOMEONE, the very person that you actually accuse us of being unwaveringly on the side of.

But if anyone is worried about us being biased, or are worried about being stuck in this murky grey area where us mods have to rule which personal information qualifies as banworthy or not, there is obviously a very simple solution to make sure one avoids being get caught up in the mess:


It's actually very easy, most people have already not been doing it for a decade.

Yes, grind, but I have 4 antagonists posting little pieces of personal shit- So I have quite a number of assholes to give it back to- don't I. And it was not until you and damo advised me to start reporting posts, that you were ever aware of their shit- SO FUCK YOU you biased asshole.

And like darla told Free, go fuck yourself and have your whore darla watch you.
Yes, crotch sniffer, WE ALL KNOW how busy you stay amassing every one of our posts into your CIA files. Because it is the full extent and picture of your miserably dull and little life. Go ahead and send those files, I am sure the mods can't wait to dig into them- Because I am so sure they want to spend more time immersed in your conspiracies. :rofl:

And your avoidance of this paragraph is more telling than you could even imagine. Unless you want to swear on that stack of Bibles that you never, ever did any of this. Then we'll take it from there.

Of course you never posted anybody's real name... never posted any kids' names... never posted any city or street info... never posted any age info... never posted any pictures... never posted any references to other websites people used... yada yada yada. Have I got it right, that you're just an innocent victim who was forced to retaliate after everyone ganged up on little old you?
what did i misrepresent rana? how is pointing your double standard "crying"? you used to respond to my posts until your posse got the better of you. you used to be a nice person. i don't know what happened to you. you're completely over emotional and irrational. you defend tom, yet you bitch about ID.

tell me....why is it ok for tom to look up poet's personal info and then pass that info along to another poster?

And your avoidance of this paragraph is more telling than you could even imagine. Unless you want to swear on that stack of Bibles that you never, ever did any of this. Then we'll take it from there.

Of course you never posted anybody's real name... never posted any kids' names... never posted any city or street info... never posted any age info... never posted any pictures... never posted any references to other websites people used... yada yada yada. Have I got it right, that you're just an innocent victim who was forced to retaliate after everyone ganged up on little old you?

No wonder the people in your life drink~ LET ME RESPOND to your stupid paragraph that you NEED to here back from me about- SEND ALL of your shit to the wait, send them to that little piss ant grind, he needs to stay busy with your shit.
No wonder the people in your life drink~ LET ME RESPOND to your stupid paragraph that you NEED to here back from me about- SEND ALL of your shit to the wait, send them to that little piss ant grind, he needs to stay busy with your shit.

Nobody in my life drinks, at least not to excess. But that you continue posting fiction from a PM that went to a hacked email account isn't helping your case.
Nobody in my life drinks, at least not to excess. But that you continue posting fiction from a PM that went to a hacked email account isn't helping your case.

Helping my case? I never hacked email or PM's you lying ugly cunt. Saying the people in your life must drink is a personal observation after reading your shrill ridiculous shit and pity the poor slob that has to wake up to you. Doing so with a hangover would be tough- so hitting the bottle and repeating the cycle is a grim life indeed- But hey, the only way to survive you Hagatha, is in a an altered state of reality.

10 years of building your CIA file :rofl:

PLEASE send those damn files-
Helping my case? I never hacked email or PM's you lying ugly cunt. Saying the people in your life must drink is a personal observation after reading your shrill ridiculous shit and pity the poor slob that has to wake up to you. Doing so with a hangover would be tough- so hitting the bottle and repeating the cycle is a grim life indeed- But hey, the only way to survive you Hagatha, is in a an altered state of reality.

10 years of building your CIA file :rofl:

PLEASE send those damn files-

Such vulgar, desperate shrillness. It's painful to watch you melt down like this. You've spent a year on vodka breath taunts and now you're trying to spin that it was an observation? Tell it to alias, he's gullible enough to fall for your bull shit.

Whether you yourself hacked or someone else did and passed along the info is irrelevant, so spare me your faux indignation. The end result was the same. Let me repeat: We Know What You Did. And all your cursing, weeping and wailing isn't going to change the facts. That's right, I have facts. You have vulgarity. How's that working for you?
Yes Darla; everyone knows that you're just as pure as the driven snow.
You're so sweet that chipmunks play in your hair, while hummingbirds drink the nector of your thighs.

We know this is the picture you want to present

View attachment 1542

While all along, this is who you truly are

View attachment 1543

I assume you mean "nectar" in which case it definitely conjures up images of .......well, let's just say it's getting warm in here. :D
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