All human nature is natural


New member
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

That's nice.
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

We are just another species on the planet. Did you need to feel 'special' little snowflake? Like God gives a damn about what you do or what you think? Can't get through life if you accept reality, so you invent a fairy tale where you will live happily ever after forever? What a sad life you must lead.

So, everything we do is natural. Except for being gay, or transgender, or having sex outside of marriage

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Do you even think before you post or do you just vomit your bullshit free of thought?
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural
Suicide is natural. Mankind is the first species known to exist that can "naturally" destroy the entire planet ecosystem and commit species suicide.

Also, even baby birds know not to shit in their own nest.
We are just another species on the planet. Did you need to feel 'special' little snowflake? Like God gives a damn about what you do or what you think? Can't get through life if you accept reality, so you invent a fairy tale where you will live happily ever after forever? What a sad life you must lead.

So, everything we do is natural. Except for being gay, or transgender, or having sex outside of marriage

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Do you even think before you post or do you just vomit your bullshit free of thought?

Another right wing troll.

It’s destroying everything
While I agree, to what do you attribute this national callousness? Why are Americans less sensitive as American citizens and more selfishly concerned about themselves?

IMO, part of the problem is greed. People simply want for themselves and don't care how they get it.

Consider the WSE fans on JPP who are willing to murder Americans, even children, for their political ideology. Especially if they are Jewish or don't pass the paper bag test.
While I agree, to what do you attribute this national callousness? Why are Americans less sensitive as American citizens and more selfishly concerned about themselves?

IMO, part of the problem is greed. People simply want for themselves and don't care how they get it.

Consider the WSE fans on JPP who are willing to murder Americans, even children, for their political ideology. Especially if they are Jewish or don't pass the paper bag test.

I think we are in an age of hyper-individualism that does not recognize the individuals role in society. So if you do ANYTHING that might inconvenience them or ask them to compromise, they simply say 'Fuck You'.
I think we are in an age of hyper-individualism that does not recognize the individuals role in society. So if you do ANYTHING that might inconvenience them or ask them to compromise, they simply say 'Fuck You'.

Agreed. So what is the solution to this problem?
Agreed. So what is the solution to this problem?

Minimalize the impact of those individuals. Make sure they aren't setting policy. Covid really brought the problem home. MTG is one of the most powerful voices in Congress. Someone that ignorant, hateful and stupid has far too large a voice. In the words of Archie Bunker.... 'stifle'
Minimalize the impact of those individuals. Make sure they aren't setting policy. Covid really brought the problem home. MTG is one of the most powerful voices in Congress. Someone that ignorant, hateful and stupid has far too large a voice. In the words of Archie Bunker.... 'stifle'
By shooting them? How do you deprive Americans of their First Amendment matter how stupid the shit falling out of their mouths may be?

The reelection rates of House Representatives is well over 90%. The Senate is similar.
By shooting them? How do you deprive Americans of their First Amendment matter how stupid the shit falling out of their mouths may be?

The reelection rates of House Representatives is well over 90%. The Senate is similar.

It's up to us, the voters. I know it sounds cliche, but what needs to happen is to sweep Republicans out of office at the local, state and Federal levels. All of them gone. I wouldn't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. They are the party that stands for absolutely nothing except white nationalism. They need to be gone. They can TALK all they want. I want to strip them of their power.
It's up to us, the voters. I know it sounds cliche, but what needs to happen is to sweep Republicans out of office at the local, state and Federal levels. All of them gone. I wouldn't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. They are the party that stands for absolutely nothing except white nationalism. They need to be gone. They can TALK all they want. I want to strip them of their power.

Agreed it's up to the voters. However, I can only vote in my state and my district. How do you persuade the voters in MTG's district to vote differently?
Agreed it's up to the voters. However, I can only vote in my state and my district. How do you persuade the voters in MTG's district to vote differently?

All you have to do is get the non-voters to vote. And Republicans are giving HUGE swaths of the electorate a myriad of reasons to do so. Low turnout favors Republicans. If those who are impacted by this nonsense show up at the polls, the next election will be a rout. I think it's going to happen.
All you have to do is get the non-voters to vote. And Republicans are giving HUGE swaths of the electorate a myriad of reasons to do so. Low turnout favors Republicans. If those who are impacted by this nonsense show up at the polls, the next election will be a rout. I think it's going to happen.

That's been a problem for decades. What is the plan for making the next election different?

Any ideas on why turnout is so low?
More than half of the nation’s citizen, voting-age population (CVAP) voted in 2022 — the second highest turnout for a congressional election in two decades.

The 52.2% voter turnout was just 1.2 percentage points lower than in 2018 (53.4%) and significantly higher than in 2014 (41.9%) and in 2010 (45.5%).

Despite lower turnout in 2022 than in 2018, the share of voting-age citizens who were registered to vote was 69.1% — the highest registration rate in a midterm election since at least 2002.

so you can force them to live and behave YOUR way, right?

Yes. You bet your ass I can. When your rights trample on the rights of everyone else, you will shut up and behave or find a different place to live. Feel free to bitch about it, you whiny little punk.
Yes. You bet your ass I can. When your rights trample on the rights of everyone else, you will shut up and behave or find a different place to live. Feel free to bitch about it, you whiny little punk.

thank you for displaying the perfect example of why we will never surrender the 2nd Amendment. you will NEVER force your bullshit on the rest of the population. you can try, but just end up dead.
thank you for displaying the perfect example of why we will never surrender the 2nd Amendment. you will NEVER force your bullshit on the rest of the population. you can try, but just end up dead.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Go ahead, hot shot. Pick up your gun and start fighting or SHUT THE FUCK UP. Get it? You will.