All human nature is natural

Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

Mankind is the only part of nature infected with original sin.
Four. Does that make you feel superior, COgoat? Do you think you can now track me on the Internet?
You are 100% on the side of government. Even Owl had to call you out on your opposition to empowering government. I identified you as JPPs original Karen.
You are 100% on the side of government. Even Owl had to call you out on your opposition to empowering government. I identified you as JPPs original Karen.
I'm on the side of We, the People.

If you want to label me a Jew-loving, black-loving, government-supporting socialist karen, that's on you, son.
Mankind is the only part of nature infected with original sin.
Disagreed, since Knowledge is not a sin.

Besides, the story is flawed. Either God created humans and didn't know what Eve, meaning God is not all knowing or God did create humans knowing what they do which absolves them of all guilt.

Of course you know that it sounds like you are just mindlessly quipping what someone else has ordered you to believe and regurgitate. There's a good reason for that. Go on.

What does this even mean? You are slinging around meaningless buzzwords that someone else has ordered you to regurgitate. Nationalism? Is there something wrong with patriotism? Oh, that's right, you think there is. You are a leftist, so you hate the US, and that means you hate patriots. White? Democrats are the party of slavery and racism. The Republican party was formed to abolish slavery, and succeeded, but thereafter had to retool their efforts to combat the Democrats' ceaseless efforts to bring slavery back. Democrats are the party of HATE, especially of patriots.

So explain, why do you HATE patriotism so much? Is it a case of "HATERS gonna HATE"? Why don't you HATE racism that much? Oh, that's right, Democrats are the party of racism and slavery.

I'd still like to hear your explanation.

Who can't? (you really do write the stupidest shit. It's like you're trying to make Nordberg look intelligent). Just list those who cannot TALK all they want.

It seems like you want to put them all in prison. Would that be a good first step?

It seems like you are a fucking moron.

Prison if they are convicted of a crime. But I never said anything about prison. Learn to read, would you dumb fuck?
Mainly, I'm against empowering government to use the law as a club to force people to do as it wishes or as the popular vote wishes. Do you really want to see a national religion because "most people voted for it"? Do you want government to punish you for hurting someone else's feelings on JPP?
Government forced people to get the jabs if they wanted to work and travel. That's one of the most unnatural events in human history. Should government have that much power over the people?

I'm on the side of We, the People.

If you want to label me a Jew-loving, black-loving, government-supporting socialist karen, that's on you, son.
You're always calling the FBI on we the people. It's you who wants to punish those who hurt your feelings. You can claim to be against empowering government all you want but JPP knows you're our Karen.
You're always calling the FBI on we the people. It's you who wants to punish those who hurt your feelings. You can claim to be against empowering government all you want but JPP knows you're our Karen.

See COgoat? That's why I know you are a wackadoodle. LOL
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

Umm.. no.

Throwing toxic stuff into a river is not "natural".

It's not giving a fuck for profit.
But I never said anything about prison.
Correct. That's why I used the word "seems" within the holistic context of your writing. Learn to read, would you dumb fuck? ... and don't sleep through high school in the next life.
Bro, you can be whoever you want to be in Cyberia. Just don't try to be on the side of the people. JPP knows you too well.
Terry is working with only a brain stem and has no other tools to cope. Let's just try to keep Terry comfortable and not upset the feeding tube.
Correct. That's why I used the word "seems" within the holistic context of your writing. Learn to read, would you dumb fuck? ... and don't sleep through high school in the next life.

So you made up my position out of whole cloth. Seems like you are an alcoholic who beats his wife.
So you made up my position out of whole cloth.
It seems that way to you. You have no English reading comprehension. You're another one who should hunt down the people who were responsible for his education and bitch-slap them into next Tuesday. They did you a grave disservice.

Let's form another victim group: Concart's Life Matters. Everything verbal, nothing written, to be more inclusive since Concart can't read.
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

All human nature is natural, I agree… But sometimes nature destroys itself, and sometimes nature is smart enough not to destroy itself.