All human nature is natural

It's up to us, the voters. I know it sounds cliche, but what needs to happen is to sweep Republicans out of office at the local, state and Federal levels. All of them gone. I wouldn't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. They are the party that stands for absolutely nothing except white nationalism. They need to be gone. They can TALK all they want. I want to strip them of their power.

but then all we have left is the root of the
I know it sounds cliche,
Of course you know that it sounds like you are just mindlessly quipping what someone else has ordered you to believe and regurgitate. There's a good reason for that. Go on.

[Republicans] are the party that stands for absolutely nothing except white nationalism.
What does this even mean? You are slinging around meaningless buzzwords that someone else has ordered you to regurgitate. Nationalism? Is there something wrong with patriotism? Oh, that's right, you think there is. You are a leftist, so you hate the US, and that means you hate patriots. White? Democrats are the party of slavery and racism. The Republican party was formed to abolish slavery, and succeeded, but thereafter had to retool their efforts to combat the Democrats' ceaseless efforts to bring slavery back. Democrats are the party of HATE, especially of patriots.

So explain, why do you HATE patriotism so much? Is it a case of "HATERS gonna HATE"? Why don't you HATE racism that much? Oh, that's right, Democrats are the party of racism and slavery.

I'd still like to hear your explanation.

They can TALK all they want.
Who can't? (you really do write the stupidest shit. It's like you're trying to make Nordberg look intelligent). Just list those who cannot TALK all they want.

I want to strip them of their power.
It seems like you want to put them all in prison. Would that be a good first step?
I guess the irony went right over your head. Ray Epps was one of many federal officers working for the democrat hierarchy on 6.Jan. The system has you trained to believe this is human nature.
Thank you, COgoat, for once again proving that, while you are more intelligent and better educated than your friends in the Kooky Klown Klub, you are also the Kraziest. :thup:
Thank you, COgoat, for once again proving that, while you are more intelligent and better educated than your friends in the Kooky Klown Klub, you are also the Kraziest. :thup:
Crazy people believe government and legacy media. Comon sense tells us something is wrong. The world is at a tipping point. It's time for that pendulum to start its swing back towards nature. We live in a material world filled with make believe.
Nature has a way of creating balance. Even locusts would eventually starve themselves if they destroy their entire food source.

Locusts also have numerous natural enemies. With humans on the planet, we tend to jeopardize those natural enemies. Upsetting the balance, as it were.

But I take your point.

so some people have taken upon themselves to kill other humans feeling they are agents of god, or some shit.

this is psychopathy.
Crazy people believe government and legacy media. Comon sense tells us something is wrong. The world is at a tipping point. It's time for that pendulum to start its swing back towards nature. We live in a material world filled with make believe.

You're free to dance around it naked and set it on fire, COgoat. The fact remains, you are on the fringe. You are claiming you are 100% sane and that the vast majority of Americans are insane.

If you really had a psych degree, you'd know what that usually means. The fact you are antisemitic and believe every major white supremacist conspiracy about Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, "the woke", the Left, etc, is another clue...with which you will not agree upon. LOL
You're free to dance around it naked and set it on fire, COgoat. The fact remains, you are on the fringe. You are claiming you are 100% sane and that the vast majority of Americans are insane.

If you really had a psych degree, you'd know what that usually means. The fact you are antisemitic and believe every major white supremacist conspiracy about Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, "the woke", the Left, etc, is another clue...with which you will not agree upon. LOL
Government forced people to get the jabs if they wanted to work and travel. That's one of the most unnatural events in human history. Should government have that much power over the people?
Government forced people to get the jabs if they wanted to work and travel. That's one of the most unnatural events in human history.

Should government have that much power over the people?
Ooooh....during a pandemic. That means they are also injecting nanobots into our asses. :rofl2:

The fact you refuse to provide facts is expected. The fact you are a liar is well known. That said, it's interesting that you truly believe people will just take your word for it. LOL
Ooooh....during a pandemic. That means they are also injecting nanobots into our asses. :rofl2:

The fact you refuse to provide facts is expected. The fact you are a liar is well known. That said, it's interesting that you truly believe people will just take your word for it. LOL
Should government have emergency powers that circumvent our natural and constitutional rights?
That's not true, TOW, and you know it. There should be laws about hurting/harming others and punishments applied.

You want to make it against the law to hurt people's feelings. IMO, that's not only an impossible task, but silly.

Mainly, I'm against empowering government to use the law as a club to force people to do as it wishes or as the popular vote wishes. Do you really want to see a national religion because "most people voted for it"? Do you want government to punish you for hurting someone else's feelings on JPP?

You attack TOP all the time. You are guilty of cyberbullying. Do you want government to have the power to take away your Internet privileges, then leave it up to you to fight to get them back?

Government forced people to get the jabs if they wanted to work and travel. That's one of the most unnatural events in human history. Should government have that much power over the people?

Only if we give it to them. Did we do that, COgoat?
Consistency is an important part of the argument.
True. It's also an important part of checking both a person's sanity and their sincerity.
I can tell someone's sanity simply by asking if they got the jab. A yes means they're codependent on government and it won't take that many sheepdogs to herd them on the truck for their final journey.
I can tell someone's sanity simply by asking if they got the jab. A yes means they're codependent on government and it won't take that many sheepdogs to herd them on the truck for their final journey.

I believe you believe that, COgoat.
It was that free taxpayer money that got you up and out for a run every morning at dawn.

You've been milking the bull a little too long.
Nothing is free. If you were sane, you'd understand the point.

You can't milk bulls, COgoat. Another reason why I know your thinker is broken.