All human nature is natural

I think we are in an age of hyper-individualism that does not recognize the individuals role in society. So if you do ANYTHING that might inconvenience them or ask them to compromise, they simply say 'Fuck You'.

I think you live in a fantasy world where you parrot all the nonsense fed to you by MSNBC. You're the definition of MORON.
I think we are in an age of hyper-individualism that does not recognize the individuals role in society. So if you do ANYTHING that might inconvenience them or ask them to compromise, they simply say 'Fuck You'.

Agreed. So what is the solution to this problem?

Minimalize the impact of those individuals. Make sure they aren't setting policy. Covid really brought the problem home. MTG is one of the most powerful voices in Congress. Someone that ignorant, hateful and stupid has far too large a voice. In the words of Archie Bunker.... 'stifle'

By shooting them? How do you deprive Americans of their First Amendment matter how stupid the shit falling out of their mouths may be?

The reelection rates of House Representatives is well over 90%. The Senate is similar.

It's up to us, the voters. I know it sounds cliche, but what needs to happen is to sweep Republicans out of office at the local, state and Federal levels. All of them gone. I wouldn't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. They are the party that stands for absolutely nothing except white nationalism. They need to be gone. They can TALK all they want. I want to strip them of their power.

Agreed it's up to the voters. However, I can only vote in my state and my district. How do you persuade the voters in MTG's district to vote differently?

All you have to do is get the non-voters to vote. And Republicans are giving HUGE swaths of the electorate a myriad of reasons to do so. Low turnout favors Republicans. If those who are impacted by this nonsense show up at the polls, the next election will be a rout. I think it's going to happen.

:lolup: Priceless; dumber and dumb fuck in an echo chamber. :laugh:

Yes. You bet your ass I can. When your rights trample on the rights of everyone else, you will shut up and behave or find a different place to live. Feel free to bitch about it, you whiny little punk.

No one tramples rights like low IQ Fascist leaning leftist's dumbass.
I guess you would have to READ and COMPREHEND his arguments to understand halfwit.

No it is YOU who cannot comprehend his arguments because if you did, you wouldn't have made a retarded reply like that.

Humans have the capacity to destroy the planet, dimwit.
No it is YOU who cannot comprehend his arguments because if you did, you wouldn't have made a retarded reply like that.

There you go again, pretending you have a brain when it is obvious there is nothing between your ears. Your comprehension level is that of a child.

Humans have the capacity to destroy the planet, dimwit.

Wrong again halfwit. Humans are mere speck on the planet. But alas, you being a mentally retarded, uneducated halfwit lack the mental capacity to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Long after we are long gone, the planet will still be here. Now run along halfwit. I don't have time to debate someone lacking anything between their ears.
There you go again, pretending you have a brain when it is obvious there is nothing between your ears. Your comprehension level is that of a child.

Wrong again halfwit. Humans are mere speck on the planet. But alas, you being a mentally retarded, uneducated halfwit lack the mental capacity to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Long after we are long gone, the planet will still be here. Now run along halfwit. I don't have time to debate someone lacking anything between their ears.

This guy ^ has no clue what a nuclear holocaust is.

The only thing left would be cockroaches like you, unfortunately.
This moron ^ thinks a nuclear holocaust will destroy the planet. :laugh:

You just claimed the planet would be destroyed. How can there be cockroaches halfwit. You're dumber than a moron. :laugh:

Wow you suck at comprehension.

The OP made a claim that it is natural for humans to destroy environment.

Do you agree or disagree? Or are you going to keep addressing other posters, not the topic?
What's being called natural or human nature has been socially engineered. Groups or tribes had trading posts and celebrations they'd travel to but then go back home with their tribe. Cultures were never meant to live together for long periods of time. Gentrification proves that: "get rid of all them there poor folk" so us cul-de-sac kids can afford to move in. It's human nature to want to be with our culture.
Socially engineered by who? Are you claiming some mass hypnosis turning humans into zombies to live in cities to feed the rich (in your world, the Jews)?

IMO, people can be mainly divided into two groups. Like all things human it's actually a range, a matter of degree. There are those who like their individuality and those who prefer living in groups.

I'm in the former group. Per the 16Personalities, a little towards the hermit side. According to the tests, I'm an INTJ-A I think it fits me perfectly. LOL

You always disappeared whenever I asked others their results...a reaction I found interesting. Most honest, sane people answered, plus a few wacky ones.

Both T.A. Gardner, the wacky Righty, and Micawber, the wacky Lefty, were also INTJs. The latter now permbanned. TBH, I always found it a little disturbing that I not only had the same personality as those two but that I liked my personality while not agreeing with them in most things.
Wow you suck at comprehension.

The OP made a claim that it is natural for humans to destroy environment.

Do you agree or disagree? Or are you going to keep addressing other posters, not the topic?

TBH, I think age, bad genetics and too many chocolate bars have damaged Trump Dummy beyond repair.

BTW, I disagree with the premise. As American results prove, most people can be culturally trained to be selfish assholes who will cut down every tree, drain every river and pave over every part of America until we realize we can't eat money.

Mostly, it's the people who can't see past their own noses who are most affected by this social conditioning.

A lot of our social conditioning is television commercials and, now, web ads. Women are told they aren't pretty enough, men are told they are losers if they don't by their GFs a one carat diamond for Christmas and kids are told their parents suck unless they get the latest toy on the market.
TBH, I think age, bad genetics and too many chocolate bars have damaged Trump Dummy beyond repair.

BTW, I disagree with the premise. As American results prove, most people can be culturally trained to be selfish assholes who will cut down every tree, drain every river and pave over every part of America until we realize we can't eat money.

Mostly, it's the people who can't see past their own noses who are most affected by this social conditioning.

A lot of our social conditioning is television commercials and, now, web ads. Women are told they aren't pretty enough, men are told they are losers if they don't by their GFs a one carat diamond for Christmas and kids are told their parents suck unless they get the latest toy on the market.

Isn't social conditioning a part of nature?

Richard Dawkins coined the word, "meme", to describe this condition.
Isn't social conditioning a part of nature?

Richard Dawkins coined the word, "meme", to describe this condition.

social conditioning is a tool. If someone wants to claim a hammer or AR-15 is part of nature, they are free to argue that point, but I disagree. Tools aren't natural. They're manmade.
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural


the environmentalists are infected by a humanity hating archontic virus.

Who Are the 36 Hidden Tzadikim? - › library › article_cdo › aid › 837699 › jewish › Who-Are-the-36-Hidden-Tzadikim.htm
The 36 hidden tzadikim, also known as the Lamed Vovniks, are discussed by the Tikunei Zohar (50b), Sfat Emet, Meor V'Shemesh and others. The Meor V'Shemesh explains that the number 72 corresponds to the 70 Elders, plus Moses and Aaron. The Sfat Emet mentions the relationship with the Chanukah candles in his discussion of Chanukah.
Orchot Tzadikim - Sefaria › Orchot_Tzadikim
Orchot Tzadikim, originally named Sefer Ha-Middot by the anonymous author, is a book of Jewish ethical teachings. Written in Germany in the middle ages (c.1400 - c.1500 CE), Orchot Tzadikim follows the structure of "The Improvement of the Moral Qualities" by Solomon ibn Gabirol and adds teachings from the Rambam and others. The work advocates improving one's character and exercising balance ...
Archontics - Wikipedia › wiki › Archontics
The Archontics, or Archontici, were a Gnostic sect that existed in Palestine, Syria and Armenia, who arose towards the mid 4th century CE. They were thus called from the Greek word ἄρχοντες, "principalities", or "rulers", by reason that they held the world to have been created and ruled by malevolent Archons . History [ edit]
The Archons - Are You A Starseed? › the-archons
An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons to infiltrate the freewill of people.
Tzadikim Nistarim - Wikipedia › wiki › Tzadikim_Nistarim
The Tzadikim Nistarim ( Hebrew: צַדִיקִים נִסתָּרים, "hidden righteous ones ") or Lamed Vav Tzadikim ( Hebrew: ל"ו צַדִיקִים, x "36 righteous ones"), often abbreviated to Lamed Vav (niks), [a] refers to 36 righteous people, a notion rooted within the mystical dimensions of Judaism. The singular form is Tzadik Nistar ...
White Genocide & The Archontic Infection - Red Ice › red-ice-radio › white-genocide-and-the-archontic-infection
White Genocide & The Archontic Infection. Aug 4, 2014. John Lash is a self-educated free-lance scholar and author who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology. He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term.
Archonic Agenda and A Parasitic Dream | PDF | Mind | Thought - Scribd › document › 341750897 › Archonic-Agenda-and-a-Parasitic-Dream
An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons to infiltrate the freewill of people.
John Lamb Lash - White Genocide and the Archontic Infection (Red Ice ... › watch?v=BGePuIt03Wk
Henrik Palmgren interviews John Lamb Lash who discuss the devastating influence the archons have on humanity, and the shocking but unavoidable fact that is w...
Purging Archontic Deception - Energetic Synthesis › index.php › resource-tools › news-shift-timelines › 2233-purging-archontic-deception
The Archon is defined as a False King Tyrant Ruler that controls through masks of deception promoted through warring technological abuse, such as mind control, frequency implants, and military strategies, and can be applied to human or non-human alien sources.
Toxoplasmosis - The Revealing Behavior and Effects of Parasites › news › toxoplasmosis-the-revealing-behavior-and-effects-of-parasites
Toxoplasmosis - The Revealing Behavior and Effects of Parasites Aug 19, 2014 Source: A fascinating interview with neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky on toxoplasmosis and the behavior of a seemingly intelligent parasite. The parallels to archonic-type influences are astounding.
social conditioning is a tool. If someone wants to claim a hammer or AR-15 is part of nature, they are free to argue that point, but I disagree. Tools aren't natural. They're manmade.

Social conditioning is based on survival. That's a part of evolution. It helps societies survive as wholes. For example, without knowing traffic rules, the entire transportation would collapse.