All human nature is natural

Agreed it's up to the voters. However, I can only vote in my state and my district. How do you persuade the voters in MTG's district to vote differently?
And your governor just gave himself the power to overturn the results of the elections.
All you have to do is get the non-voters to vote. And Republicans are giving HUGE swaths of the electorate a myriad of reasons to do so. Low turnout favors Republicans. If those who are impacted by this nonsense show up at the polls, the next election will be a rout. I think it's going to happen.
Only for Senators. Most states are safely gerrymandered for district elections
Social conditioning is based on survival. That's a part of evolution. It helps societies survive as wholes. For example, without knowing traffic rules, the entire transportation would collapse.

Mankind is a little different since we can construct social conditioning.

A tiger mom instructing her kittens how to hunt is natural. A man teaching his children to make spears and dig tiger traps is on a different order of "natural". The tigers don't need anything beyond their natural tools. Mankind constructs tools be it the leg bone of a tapir or an orbiting nuclear weapons platform*. Mankind also adapts quickly to changing conditions and repurposes tools/weapons as necessary. Tigers, not so much.

While mankind is part of nature, IMO, it's important to realize the different levels of "nature" and "natural". The OP is trying to equate them. I disagree.

* Thank you Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick!
Mankind is a little different since we can construct social conditioning.

A tiger mom instructing her kittens how to hunt is natural. A man teaching his children to make spears and dig tiger traps is on a different order of "natural". The tigers don't need anything beyond their natural tools. Mankind constructs tools be it the leg bone of a tapir or an orbiting nuclear weapons platform*. Mankind also adapts quickly to changing conditions and repurposes tools/weapons as necessary. Tigers, not so much.

While mankind is part of nature, IMO, it's important to realize the different levels of "nature" and "natural". The OP is trying to equate them. I disagree.

* Thank you Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick!

Monkeys and gorillas have been observed to use tools in nature. I recall watching a show where they showed a gorilla (I think?) using a stick to draw insects out of a wood.

Monkeys and gorillas have been observed to use tools in nature. I recall watching a show where they showed a gorilla (I think?) using a stick to draw insects out of a wood.


True, but they are limited in usage. They'll use a wooden pick to dig out termites or a large log or rock to bash something, but that's about it.

A human would use the same wooden pick to pick out the termites, then use the same pick to clean their teeth then use it to stab someone they don't like in the eye. Let's see a chimp to that. LOL
True, but they are limited in usage. They'll use a wooden pick to dig out termites or a large log or rock to bash something, but that's about it.

A human would use the same wooden pick to pick out the termites, then use the same pick to clean their teeth then use it to stab someone they don't like in the eye. Let's see a chimp to that. LOL

Socially engineered by who? Are you claiming some mass hypnosis turning humans into zombies to live in cities to feed the rich (in your world, the Jews)?

IMO, people can be mainly divided into two groups. Like all things human it's actually a range, a matter of degree. There are those who like their individuality and those who prefer living in groups.

I'm in the former group. Per the 16Personalities, a little towards the hermit side. According to the tests, I'm an INTJ-A I think it fits me perfectly. LOL

You always disappeared whenever I asked others their results...a reaction I found interesting. Most honest, sane people answered, plus a few wacky ones.

Both T.A. Gardner, the wacky Righty, and Micawber, the wacky Lefty, were also INTJs. The latter now permbanned. TBH, I always found it a little disturbing that I not only had the same personality as those two but that I liked my personality while not agreeing with them in most things.
I'm claiming that 95% of humans are robots and easy to program. The good news is it only took 5% of the populace to start the American Revolution. With every victory the revolution grew in size.

Ray Epps was not the only agent provocateur working for Hillary on 6.Jan.
I'm claiming that 95% of humans are robots and easy to program. The good news is it only took 5% of the populace to start the American Revolution. With every victory the revolution grew in size.

Ray Epps was not the only agent provocateur working for Hillary on 6.Jan.
Thanks for your perspective on 95% of human beings but I disagree. Most people are of average intelligence and never come to your attention because they are minding their own fucking business. It's only the idiots and the bossy ones who will attract your attention.

Your conspiracy theories are a primary indicator that your thinker is broken. Sad.
Thanks for your perspective on 95% of human beings but I disagree. Most people are of average intelligence and never come to your attention because they are minding their own fucking business. It's only the idiots and the bossy ones who will attract your attention.

Your conspiracy theories are a primary indicator that your thinker is broken. Sad.
I guess the irony went right over your head. Ray Epps was one of many federal officers working for the democrat hierarchy on 6.Jan. The system has you trained to believe this is human nature.
Many people say that humans are destroying the “natural” environment as if humans are not part of the natural environment.

We are

Taking religion away then we are simply just another species on the planet and nothing more therefore everything we do is natural

Do we destroy environments?
Absolutely but so do many other species on the planet

All species have evolved to have traits to help them survive, some have strength or venom or camouflage and humans have intelligence

Because of this intelligence we can do things on far bigger scales but it is still natural behavior

Humanity isn’t destroying the environment but rather existing in it and changing it just as many other species do

Everything humanity does is completely natural

natural things can still be detrimental.

it's our nature to eat carbs as available, regardless of real dietary need. that was good for a while, now it's bad sometimes.

i think its important to fight real pollution.

but the "environmental movement" and its insane war on c02 and the west for genocide reasons, is not about the environment. it's about engendering nihilism, mass murder, and dominator spirituality in the target population.

our greatest talent is being able to see the 'flaws' in our nature, not to eradicate them, but to be able to lessen their potential harm.

yes. jealousy serves a purpose in our nature, but we are better off for not murdering all men who look at our ladies.
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You might be able to get away with saying locusts but other than that peachy is out of his mind.
Nature has a way of creating balance. Even locusts would eventually starve themselves if they destroy their entire food source.

Locusts also have numerous natural enemies. With humans on the planet, we tend to jeopardize those natural enemies. Upsetting the balance, as it were.

But I take your point.