Alvin bragg just assured a Republican victory in 2024

Thanks for providing evidence that there was no political calculation here.

We're a country of laws. If the rule of law breaks down, we have nothing.

I'm glad Bragg didn't consider any potential political ramifications. I don't necessarily agree w/ your list, but it's sort of conventional wisdom that this hurts Dems. Sounds like he is doing his job, and doing it well.
I don't see it that way at all. Independents will not approve of trump any more due to this and the other criminal trials that are on the horizon.

His base is wound up, but they always are. Republicans hate him, but will vote for him anyway.

Why do you believe this will hurt Democrats? Independents will decide the election, the way they always do.
Wont be me slapping you in the nuthouse, will be your own state and county mental health authorities. ANYONE can clearly see you are too far gone to remain loose in the public. Unluckily for YOU, have provided years and years of evidence for their viewing right here on this forum. ;)

First they ignore you

Then they ridicule you

Then they fight you

Then you win
We sure did in 2016 imbecile!

I guess desh is so dumb she never heard of the Electoral college..

2016 was about who didn't show up to vote. Not who did.

Nobody was inspired to vote for Clinton. Nobody knew how incompetent trump was back then, because they believed all of his lies.

"On day 1 I will get rid of carried interest. My friends are going to be very mad ate me"

Still waiting on that.
then we have nothing. the rule of law broke down when comey used wordsmithing to exonerate hillary
Actually, it broke down when he leaked a bogus investigation into Weiner's laptop, but said nothing about the investigation into Putin/trump.
First they ignore you

Then they ridicule you

Then they fight you

Then you win

No desh. When they slap that straight jacket on you then you lose. Instead You spend the rest of your life licking flies off the window and talking to people who arent really there. Have fun...
The best person

That means no republicans
So far you've got no one who's "best"...;)...A Republican might be your only option... You couldn't possibly vote for if
Joe and Kamala decide to run again... I mean seriously anyone would be better...
Not sure how that works, but the idea was to keep it from the public until after the election.

Suing does the opposite

He could have sued her if she approached him with a request for money to keep her from claiming he fucked her that day

The poster claimed she was scamming him with a threatened lie of sex

This thing will end in one of the following ways.

1. This will be thrown out-by a judge before trial

2. Will go to trial and Trump will win

3. Will go to trial and Trump will lose

4. It will be appealed and eventually be thrown out

Here is how this makes the Republicans win in 2024

1. This will energize the Republican base like no other.

2. Even some Democrats and some independents and virtually all libertarians realize the politicization of the law is a very very bad thing for America. Remember both Hitler and Mussolini imprisoned their political opponents.

3. This being thrown out by a Judge would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

4. A trump win would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

5. A Trump loss would feel good for Democrats temporarily.

6. A Trump win on appeal would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

7. If this knocks Trump out of the 2024 race DeSantis will benefit from Trump's base and becomes the obvious choice in the primary.

8. DeSantis has fewer negatives than Trump and is more palatable to many Libritarians and Democrats and Trump hating Republicans. Add that to how energize this has just made Republicans and the lack of enthusiasm for Biden Republicans should do well in 2024.

Bragg just fell into a trap.

You sure like to dream big, don't you.

This thing will end in one of the following ways.

1. This will be thrown out-by a judge before trial

2. Will go to trial and Trump will win

3. Will go to trial and Trump will lose

4. It will be appealed and eventually be thrown out

Here is how this makes the Republicans win in 2024

1. This will energize the Republican base like no other.

2. Even some Democrats and some independents and virtually all libertarians realize the politicization of the law is a very very bad thing for America. Remember both Hitler and Mussolini imprisoned their political opponents.

3. This being thrown out by a Judge would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

4. A trump win would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

5. A Trump loss would feel good for Democrats temporarily.

6. A Trump win on appeal would give credence to the claim of a baseless political prosecution..

7. If this knocks Trump out of the 2024 race DeSantis will benefit from Trump's base and becomes the obvious choice in the primary.

8. DeSantis has fewer negatives than Trump and is more palatable to many Libritarians and Democrats and Trump hating Republicans. Add that to how energize this has just made Republicans and the lack of enthusiasm for Biden Republicans should do well in 2024.

Bragg just fell into a trap.

Oh, no. Another red wave?

This did not knock Trump out of the race--he already had no chance of winning. He has run twice and couldn't get the most popular votes either time.

I am seeing anti DeSantis ads on TV today sponsored by MAGA.
This trial will not be held until after the next presidential election, but other than your kind, do people want to vote for an individual under criminal indictment?
You may be correct. And that would mean DeSantis would benefit. He is more electable than Trump anyway. Add Trump's base to DeSantis and he will be unstoppable. :)
So far you've got no one who's "best"...;)...A Republican might be your only option... You couldn't possibly vote for if
Joe and Kamala decide to run again... I mean seriously anyone would be better...

Well your an idiot loser who embraces lies over truth