Alvin bragg just assured a Republican victory in 2024

Fox just keeps getting caught lying

It needs to die

Too many people can’t discern fact from fiction on their own
You may be correct. And that would mean DeSantis would benefit. He is more electable than Trump anyway. Add Trump's base to DeSantis and he will be unstoppable. :)
DeSantis is not electable on the national stage. His Hitler act doesn't even play well in Florida.

Democrats will have a great '24
Has anyone noticed that recently the silence has been deafening about the Biden stolen, hidden, confiscated Classified Government Documents lately?

Obviously their importance has waned since it was found that Brandon had them everywhere they looked.

All is still being investigated

Just because you don’t hear about it means nothing

You don’t have enough voters to win idiot

Conservatives already have won. You twits handed the election to them on a silver platter.
Go ahead and continue to deny it. You are so flat-footed you will have no fucking clue what just happened when it does.
Thanks for providing evidence that there was no political calculation here.

We're a country of laws. If the rule of law breaks down, we have nothing.

I'm glad Bragg didn't consider any potential political ramifications. I don't necessarily agree w/ your list, but it's sort of conventional wisdom that this hurts Dems. Sounds like he is doing his job, and doing it well.

Lawlessness is not law. Your redefinitions don't work anymore.
Trump will be looking like what he is, a criminal. He will be photoed, fingerprinted, and arraigned. He will have to pay bail and will be out until his trial. Only Repubs think that is good. But they were voting for the thief-in-chief anyway. The borderline voters will flee. He will not get crossovers. Trump is political dead meat.
Trump will be looking like what he is, a criminal. He will be photoed, fingerprinted, and arraigned. He will have to pay bail and will be out until his trial. Only Repubs think that is good. But they were voting for the thief-in-chief anyway. The borderline voters will flee. He will not get crossovers. Trump is political dead meat.

You're such a fool, only rarely do you say anything sensible.

More & more, this board has become posters on the left making reasoned arguments, and conservative posters just trotting out the same name-calling & insults.

I'd love to see better. There used to be some on the right here who would really try for some debate. That's out now.
OK. You seem to think you have it figured out. I do not see court cases helping trump. He has a baked-in 35 percent of the Red party. I cannot see him getting more votes with 4 court cases in the news.

Of course not, but then you've rarely ever seen the big picture.
Alvin bragg just assured a Republican victory in 2024

Are the elections rigged or not? Because if they are Bragg did no such thing.

He's a shiny bead for you to look at.