Alvin bragg just assured a Republican victory in 2024

Trump, Trump, Trump!

Trump is sure to be your next president now, Marty.

“Trump has tried to paint Bragg's probe as politically motivated. Quinnipiac found that 62% of Americans agree that the New York investigation is "mainly motivated by politics" as compared to "mainly motivated by the law." Seventy percent of independents agreed that it was motivated by politics, compared to 93% of Republicans and 29% of Democrats.”

Poor Marty.
Trump's polling numbers went UP after this indictment.
Whose mind did Al Bragg change with this prosecution?

What new trumpanzee zealot came to being as a result of this court proceeding?

Where do these clowns come up with this shit?
I would have gone to prison for that, and you would have too. Why are you saying she shouldn't have?

So it begs the question again of why did Trumps AG and DOJ not nail her when they were desperate searching for top Dems to prosecute and still are via the Durham investigation?

Is the answer Dems are just so much smarter that even when republicans control all the levers of power they just get outsmarted?

I mean i can accept that answer as republicans and their voters are increasingly stupid.
So it begs the question again of why did Trumps AG and DOJ not nail her when they were desperate searching for top Dems to prosecute and still are via the Durham investigation?

Is the answer Dems are just so much smarter that even when republicans control all the levers of power they just get outsmarted?

I mean i can accept that answer as republicans and their voters are increasingly stupid.
That's what Pedo Don keeps saying. He was tricked and deceived by Democrats.
Trump will be looking like what he is, a criminal. He will be photoed, fingerprinted, and arraigned. He will have to pay bail and will be out until his trial. Only Repubs think that is good. But they were voting for the thief-in-chief anyway. The borderline voters will flee. He will not get crossovers. Trump is political dead meat.

There are already photos of Trump, meh.
Trump has already been fingerprinted, meh.
An arraignment is not a conviction, dumbass.

Far from being 'dead meat', Trump campaign contributions have increased substantially right after the indictment. Independent voters in polls are becoming more and more Trump supporters, particularly after the indictment. You just handed victory for the conservatives on a silver platter, dumbass.

You just stay flat-footed. It won't save you, but I suppose it will make you feel better. You've already lost.
More & more, this board has become posters on the left making reasoned arguments, and conservative posters just trotting out the same name-calling & insults.

I'd love to see better. There used to be some on the right here who would really try for some debate. That's out now.

No, your projection will not save you. There is no debate. Democrats have really blown it this time.