Alvin bragg just assured a Republican victory in 2024

In your extremely humble opinion. In fact, I grant too much leeway to rightys. I think that they will, when it comes down to it, not vote for an obvious crook. I give them too much respect. All Bragg did was his job. The 23 people on the jury voted that Trump should be charged and he did his job.
Trump is a man without values. He is a horrible person who laughs at regulations and laws.

Lawlessness is not law. Your fiction won't save you.
You ARE a righty and I'd like to see you dangling from the end of a rope. You wanted got it.

Figuratively speaking, you are right. I hope it doesn't come to actually hanging people from the end of a rope (civil war). It could though. Democrats seem intent on wanting to start one.
Man you Hillary haters are all confused. Comey tried his best to prosecute Hillary. First when he was Kenneth Starr's Assistant Prosecutor in the WhiteWater Special Council Hearings. And then again during her presidential run in 2016, in her Blackberry/Mail Server Investigation by the FBI. Even after Kenneth Starr had to tell the public that there was no evidence to prosecute the Clintons of any wrongdoing at the conclusion of the Whitewater Hearings, Comey still went to the press trying to say the Clintons must be guilty of something. It was Kenneth Starr that told Comey to stop embarrassing himself and stop meeting with the press about it. And then we all know how Comey tried to ruin Hillary's chances at being the president in 2016, by holding a press conference a week before the election, to say Hillary was being investigated for some alleged Top Secret documents she received on her Blackberry- THAT ENDED UP NEVER BEING TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS in the first place. This was just pure revenge towards Hillary, because he was embarrassed he was never able to prosecute Hillary for anything. And why? Because there was never any THERE THERE! That's why!

So, it was never wordsmithing (WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT MEANS) that exonerated Hillary, IT WAS A LACK OF EVIDENCE THAT EXONERATED HILLARY in both of those witch trials and wild goose chases by the REPUBLICANS- AT THE TAX PAYERS EXPENSE! When you lie about shit, you actually have to have evidence to prove your not just making shit up to harm the careers of Democrats!

You dumb mother-fuckers do not even know your history and hold the wrong people accountable for your own failures to produce any evidence to back up your LIES and TOTALLY POLITICALLY MOTIVATED outrageous accusations and WITCH HUNTS!


You motherfuckers are pathetic!

And you, DUMBER-THAN-SHIT, should be taken out and shot- just for being so ignorant and stupid, making comments like this!

Your fiction won't save you.
All Hillary Haters would disagree!

Hatred has a way to blind you and overcome your ability to reason or see the truth!

If you are a Christian, Go talk to Jesus about this!

If not, you'll just have to take my word for it- as a Public Service Announcement! :laugh:

Speaking for Jesus again, lizard?? Your hatred DOES blind you.

She erased the evidence.

Which itself is a crime.
You may be in a trap yourself. The indictment is one more act for the drama queen. The country is getting sick of it. Trump is endless trouble. "Let's find some stability and move on" could be the feeling and the view of average voters, leaving Trump with his dedicated outnumbered diehards.

Yeah. You just go on being flat-footed. You will be completely clueless about what the hell happened when it does.
Lawlessness is not law. Your fiction won't save you.

Fiction? The asshole is being indicted Tuesday. He will go to trial and lose. I do not need saving. Trump does. Your deep deep level of con cannot be salvaged. you are a lost cause. You gobble up every trump lie.
Fiction? The asshole is being indicted Tuesday. He will go to trial and lose. I do not need saving. Trump does. Your deep deep level of con cannot be salvaged. you are a lost cause. You gobble up every trump lie.

Going to try to change the subject, eh? No, that won't save you either.
Fiction? The asshole is being indicted Tuesday. He will go to trial and lose. I do not need saving. Trump does. Your deep deep level of con cannot be salvaged. you are a lost cause. You gobble up every trump lie.

Just can't keep track of your hatred, can ya?
No, Trump is already indicted. He will not be indicted again on Tuesday. You idiots sealed your own fate when Trump was indicted. Your TDS will not save you.
These situations don't impact votes at all.

Everybody has already taken sides, and minds are never changed.
The news creates talking points and nothing else.

The only factor that impacts elections
is which side has the better recent dead voter / recent new eighteen-year-old voter ratio
since the last election.

Our deficient constitution gives the right wing a huge advantage in representation relative to percentage of population,
so we can be pretty sure that this republic will never operate very smoothly or efficiently.
These situations don't impact votes at all.

Everybody has already taken sides, and minds are never changed.
The news creates talking points and nothing else.

The only factor that impacts elections
is which side has the better recent dead voter / recent new eighteen-year-old voter ratio
since the last election.

Our deficient constitution gives the right wing a huge advantage in representation relative to percentage of population,
so we can be pretty sure that this republic will never operate very smoothly or efficiently.

Still trying to discard and deny the Constitution, eh?