Amen... Greenspan... Amen

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

In Europe, Greenspan said one of the central issues is that rather than working toward solutions to close the fiscal deficit, world leaders are working on funding it.

“Until we shut off the deficits themselves, debt by definition continues to rise,” he said. “The general focus of policy” is “taking the easy way out with very long-term negative consequences.”

this should be blasted to every single politician at every level.

Matt Taibbi on Alan Greenspan:

"Greenspan is a classic con man. A guy who reached power by sounding smart and giving pretty speeches to politicians who didn’t know what he was talking about much of the time. He’s like religious con men who get to where they are by saying vague things and letting people reach their own interpretation. And he stayed in power by giving the powerful what they wanted. There were disastrous consequences for everybody but him. In the process, he presided over this period where more and more political decisions were moved to unaccountable financial bureaucracies. That’s a big part of the story too: how guys like him gained power and the politicians officially lost power.

Greenspan’s whole career was built on media exposure. He was romantically involved with key members of the media, such as Barbara Walters and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is his wife. He was very, very cunning in getting people to write articles about what a genius he was. That’s how he got into power: first economist to make the cover of Newsweek. He established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally. In the book, I show his record as an actual economist was complete shit."
Matt Taibbi on Alan Greenspan:

"Greenspan is a classic con man. A guy who reached power by sounding smart and giving pretty speeches to politicians who didn’t know what he was talking about much of the time. He’s like religious con men who get to where they are by saying vague things and letting people reach their own interpretation. And he stayed in power by giving the powerful what they wanted. There were disastrous consequences for everybody but him. In the process, he presided over this period where more and more political decisions were moved to unaccountable financial bureaucracies. That’s a big part of the story too: how guys like him gained power and the politicians officially lost power.

Greenspan’s whole career was built on media exposure. He was romantically involved with key members of the media, such as Barbara Walters and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is his wife. He was very, very cunning in getting people to write articles about what a genius he was. That’s how he got into power: first economist to make the cover of Newsweek. He established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally. In the book, I show his record as an actual economist was complete shit."

lmao... and what exactly are Matt's credentials to question Greenspan's economic position?
Greenspan, the man who admitted he made mistakes when it came to our economy? That Greenspan?

yes, people do indeed make mistakes. I disagreed with many of his policies. being wrong in the past is not a rationale reason to state he is wrong now.

He certainly has forgotten more on economics than Matt has ever known.
yes, people do indeed make mistakes. I disagreed with many of his policies. being wrong in the past is not a rationale reason to state he is wrong now.

He certainly has forgotten more on economics than Matt has ever known.

It certainly gives rise to question his knowledge in my opinion. If you misadvised your clients would you expect them to continue using your services?
LMAO... so he can just say whatever he wants, even though he has little to no background in economics? The topic which Greenspan was discussing? and you give that validity over what Greenspan said?

He's an investigative journalist. And yes, he can say whatever he wants. How seriously anyone takes what he says depends upon the veracity of his claims and the ability to verify said claims. And guess what? His claims are easily verified. Maybe you can learn how to do that someday?
It certainly gives rise to question his knowledge in my opinion. If you misadvised your clients would you expect them to continue using your services?

I know not a single person who is ever correct 100% of the time. If you continually give bad advice or refuse to learn from your mistakes, then yes, a pattern would form that would lead you to distrust the opinion of someone. (see Paul Krugman)

The fact that Bijou used a journalist with little to no background as a refutation of what Greenspan stated is comical at best. Especially when what Greenspan stated is 100% correct economically. More debt does not solve a debt problem. It simply pushes the problem into the future for others to deal with. It is a short term fix with long term negative consequences.
He's an investigative journalist. And yes, he can say whatever he wants. How seriously anyone takes what he says depends upon the veracity of his claims and the ability to verify said claims. And guess what? His claims are easily verified. Maybe you can learn how to do that someday?

His claims that you quoted have nothing to do with Greenspans economic knowledge and do nothing to refute what Greenspan said. so why would you post it?
It certainly gives rise to question his knowledge in my opinion. If you misadvised your clients would you expect them to continue using your services?

Superfuck's primary objective here is to discredit Taibbi, not qualify anything Greenspan has said or done, because Greenspan's epic fuck-ups have written his legacy themselves. Taibbi's just reporting on it. Superfuck can't qualify Greenspan's economic prowess, and he knows it, and he knows WE know it.
His claims that you quoted have nothing to do with Greenspans economic knowledge and do nothing to refute what Greenspan said. so why would you post it?

Who gives a shit about Greenspan's 'knowledge'? What matters is how he APPLIED the knowledge, and we all know how that turned out, don't we?
Superfuck's primary objective here is to discredit Taibbi, not qualify anything Greenspan has said or done, because Greenspan's epic fuck-ups have written his legacy themselves. Taibbi's just reporting on it. Superfuck can't qualify Greenspan's economic prowess, and he knows it, and he knows WE know it.

LMAO... you posted the Taibbi piece to try to discredit Greenspan. You did not qualify anything Greenspan said in the OP. You are just spouting nonsense as you also have no clue when it comes to economics. Or do you believe that more debt will solve the debt problems countries are facing?