Amen... Greenspan... Amen

LMAO... so essentially you have nothing. In your opinion once someone has been wrong they should never be trusted to be right ever again.

Ok... so we now know never to read anything you write again.

Thanks Simpleton, a perfect example of your MO. I never said what you just attributed to me and you know it, but then that is your MO afterall.

Greenspan fucked us all and you know it. Should Sirhan Sirhan be trusted again because he only made one mistake? Shut the fuck up Simpleman.
Yes. 30% of the time.

Here's the thing. Austerity will not work. Look at Ireland, the latest poster child for dying economies.

You cannot, I repeat, cannot save an economy by cutting everything to the bare bones and not increase revenue.

Ummm...I think he is for increasing revenue.....or letting the tax cuts expire. Same thing, IMO. I don't think anyone's perfect on this but I agree with Greenspan's premise in the OP that none of today's politicians have what it takes to make the tough decisions. Taxes need to be raised and cuts need to be made. None of the guys and gals on either side have the guts to do it.
So you are just a petulant little child who wishes to throw another tantrum? Can't actually discuss the quote, you instead wish to attack the person who said it?

What's the matter? Not intelligent enough to comment on the quote?

Are you having a cow again, Superfool? This forum is for entertainment purposes only. I'm enjoying myself. Yes, it's at your expense. Again. But dammit, I can't help myself sometimes. When some self-important blowhard who takes himself so seriously that he acts like he walked into a beehive because words on a screen just sting the living shit out of his delicate little sensibilities and just gets funnier and funnier for me. So sue me.
Thanks Simpleton, a perfect example of your MO. I never said what you just attributed to me and you know it, but then that is your MO afterall.

You are implying it Rune... you are on here telling us that it is ridiculous of me to be quoting Greenspan do to his past mistakes. You are saying that his past mistakes automatically disqualify what he is saying now. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that not what you are saying? Because if you aren't saying that, then you would be commenting on the actual quote rather than attacking Greenspan.

Greenspan fucked us all and you know it. Should Sirhan Sirhan be trusted again because he only made one mistake? Shut the fuck up Simpleman.

LMAO... such a spaz...

Yes, I am one who has stated many times that the low interest rate environment Greenspan supported was too prolonged and most definitely had a hand in the housing bubble becoming as large as it did. Now, what other mistakes are you referring to?

Sirhan Sirhan didn't make a mistake. He committed premeditated murder. That is deliberately doing something wrong. But you aren't intelligent enough to comprehend the difference... are you?
Are you having a cow again, Superfool? This forum is for entertainment purposes only. I'm enjoying myself. Yes, it's at your expense. Again. But dammit, I can't help myself sometimes. When some self-important blowhard who takes himself so seriously that he acts like he walked into a beehive because words on a screen just sting the living shit out of his delicate little sensibilities and just gets funnier and funnier for me. So sue me.

Oh... so you don't think this political message board is for discussing politics and sharing thoughts? You just want to have fun? That is why you act like a petulant child? Thank you for clarifying your intent. I will waste no further time with you.
You are implying it Rune... you are on here telling us that it is ridiculous of me to be quoting Greenspan do to his past mistakes. You are saying that his past mistakes automatically disqualify what he is saying now. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that not what you are saying? Because if you aren't saying that, then you would be commenting on the actual quote rather than attacking Greenspan.

LMAO... such a spaz...

Yes, I am one who has stated many times that the low interest rate environment Greenspan supported was too prolonged and most definitely had a hand in the housing bubble becoming as large as it did. Now, what other mistakes are you referring to?

Sirhan Sirhan didn't make a mistake. He committed premeditated murder. That is deliberately doing something wrong. But you aren't intelligent enough to comprehend the difference... are you?

So you are claiming that Greensap did nothing intentionally wrong? OK Superspin, go with that, lol.
Oh... so you don't think this political message board is for discussing politics and sharing thoughts? You just want to have fun? That is why you act like a petulant child? Thank you for clarifying your intent. I will waste no further time with you.

Of course it's for discussing politics. Go search out my posts and see where I've often discussed politics here. But it's also for fun. Look thee to werewolf, the off-topic threads about house-hunting, and the pseudo-serious threads with silly names honouring assclowns like Greenspan. Fun, all.
Ummm...I think he is for increasing revenue.....or letting the tax cuts expire. Same thing, IMO. I don't think anyone's perfect on this but I agree with Greenspan's premise in the OP that none of today's politicians have what it takes to make the tough decisions. Taxes need to be raised and cuts need to be made. None of the guys and gals on either side have the guts to do it.

Precisely. Unfortunately for the two buffoons Bijou and Dune... they don't comprehend the message. They just want to act like children tossing a tantrum.

We must do both. I would personally take it further than what Greenspan has stated... but we can't even get politicians to do as much as he suggests, let alone what I would do. Gather up all the politicians in DC, put them all together and you will still not have even a single spine.
So you are claiming that Greensap did nothing intentionally wrong? OK Superspin, go with that, lol.

Please elaborate Rune.... what did he do wrong... can you even list the things you despise him for?

When you are done, please tell us which of them he deliberately did wrong. Thanks!
Matt Taibbi on Alan Greenspan:

"Greenspan is a classic con man. A guy who reached power by sounding smart and giving pretty speeches to politicians who didn’t know what he was talking about much of the time. He’s like religious con men who get to where they are by saying vague things and letting people reach their own interpretation. And he stayed in power by giving the powerful what they wanted. There were disastrous consequences for everybody but him. In the process, he presided over this period where more and more political decisions were moved to unaccountable financial bureaucracies. That’s a big part of the story too: how guys like him gained power and the politicians officially lost power.

Greenspan’s whole career was built on media exposure. He was romantically involved with key members of the media, such as Barbara Walters and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is his wife. He was very, very cunning in getting people to write articles about what a genius he was. That’s how he got into power: first economist to make the cover of Newsweek. He established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally. In the book, I show his record as an actual economist was complete shit."

When the economy tanked and Greenspan had to admit he screwed up, I questioned everything else he said before that.

"A long-time cheerleader for deregulation, Greenspan admitted to a congressional committee yesterday that he had been "partially wrong" in his hands-off approach towards the banking industry and that the credit crunch had left him in a state of shocked disbelief. "I have found a flaw," said Greenspan, referring to his economic philosophy. "I don't know how significant or permanent it is. But I have been very distressed by that fact."
AG himself admitted to screwing up over the banking industry, credit crunch, etc. He said it all left him in a state of "shocked disbelief". Huh?

No friggin way. He was shocked that the foxes were not the best guards for the henhouse? That Lloyd Blankfein wasn't really doing god's work?

That selling junk mortages as triple A+ might end in negative consequences? How could he have known?
what the hell?

the liberals on the board mostly suck. they are nothing but dunetroll clones.

except for mott, nigel and...........BAC

thanks idiots for bringing this board down to the gutter
No friggin way. He was shocked that the foxes were not the best guards for the henhouse? That Lloyd Blankfein wasn't really doing god's work?

That selling junk mortages as triple A+ might end in negative consequences? How could he have known?

Astonishing, isn't it?
seriously christiefan....i often enjoy our debates, you are not in that group, i forgot to exclude you.

you have to honest though....the current crop of libbies are nothing to be proud of. you cite when you make a claim, you back up your claims most of the time.

nothing like bijou et al......