Amen... Greenspan... Amen

Who gives a shit about Greenspan's 'knowledge'? What matters is how he APPLIED the knowledge, and we all know how that turned out, don't we?

So you are saying that if someone makes a mistake that they can never do anything right again?

Why don't you list all of Greenspans mistakes (or just the ones you consider big)
LMAO... you posted the Taibbi piece to try to discredit Greenspan. You did not qualify anything Greenspan said in the OP. You are just spouting nonsense as you also have no clue when it comes to economics. Or do you believe that more debt will solve the debt problems countries are facing?

I don't care what Greenspan said in the OP. I didn't read the OP. I don't read anything that Greenspan says anymore, and your thread title reveals your abysmal judgment regarding Greenspan.

Are we clear, doofus?
LMAO... you posted the Taibbi piece to try to discredit Greenspan. You did not qualify anything Greenspan said in the OP. You are just spouting nonsense as you also have no clue when it comes to economics. Or do you believe that more debt will solve the debt problems countries are facing?

Are you nuts? Greenspan doesn't need dicrediting, he himself admitted he was entirely wrong.
Wow Bijou, it didn't take long for you to figure out how to deal with Simplefreak's process of distraction, diversion and movable goal posts. Kudos.

LMAO... tell us Dune... what goal post did I shift? What am I distracting from? What am I diverting attention from?
Are you nuts? Greenspan doesn't need dicrediting, he himself admitted he was entirely wrong.

something you are quite incapable of. It is very easy to go back in hindsight and pinpoint errors made. He owned up to his.

Now perhaps you will be so kind to answer... if someone makes a mistake, does that mean they can never do anything right again?
LMAO... tell us Dune... what goal post did I shift? What am I distracting from? What am I diverting attention from?

Your MO in general Superspin. This thread is the perfect example. Greenspan fucked the whole planet with his bogus theories but he is still credible to you.
I don't care what Greenspan said in the OP. I didn't read the OP. I don't read anything that Greenspan says anymore, and your thread title reveals your abysmal judgment in Greenspan.

Are we clear, doofus?

LMAO... you have no idea what my position is on Greenspan. You are again simply spitting out nonsense. Why are you on this thread if you don't care to discuss his point? To simply distract others from doing so? To post meaningless dribble from some hack journalist?
Matt Taibbi on Alan Greenspan:

"Greenspan is a classic con man. A guy who reached power by sounding smart and giving pretty speeches to politicians who didn’t know what he was talking about much of the time. He’s like religious con men who get to where they are by saying vague things and letting people reach their own interpretation. And he stayed in power by giving the powerful what they wanted. There were disastrous consequences for everybody but him. In the process, he presided over this period where more and more political decisions were moved to unaccountable financial bureaucracies. That’s a big part of the story too: how guys like him gained power and the politicians officially lost power.

Greenspan’s whole career was built on media exposure. He was romantically involved with key members of the media, such as Barbara Walters and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is his wife. He was very, very cunning in getting people to write articles about what a genius he was. That’s how he got into power: first economist to make the cover of Newsweek. He established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally. In the book, I show his record as an actual economist was complete shit."

I will give no credibility to anyone claiming to be a journalist who feels compelled to use such language in a public piece or book. So after reading that last sentence what was written before was deleted for me. I don't believe any of it.
Greenspan, the man who admitted he made mistakes when it came to our economy? That Greenspan?

Yes. 30% of the time.

Here's the thing. Austerity will not work. Look at Ireland, the latest poster child for dying economies.

You cannot, I repeat, cannot save an economy by cutting everything to the bare bones and not increase revenue.
LMAO... you have no idea what my position is on Greenspan. You are again simply spitting out nonsense. Why are you on this thread if you don't care to discuss his point? To simply distract others from doing so? To post meaningless dribble from some hack journalist?

I'm on this thread for the same reason anyone who chooses to does so. Pick a reason. Here, I'll help you: The thread title was irresistibly stupid. Does that work for you?
Your MO in general Superspin. This thread is the perfect example. Greenspan fucked the whole planet with his bogus theories but he is still credible to you.

LMAO... so essentially you have nothing. In your opinion once someone has been wrong they should never be trusted to be right ever again.

Ok... so we now know never to read anything you write again.
Are you nuts? Greenspan doesn't need dicrediting, he himself admitted he was entirely wrong.

So in other words you are just ranting and you actually have no idea what you are talking about? Can't provide examples of all these fuck ups by Greenspan?
I will give no credibility to anyone claiming to be a journalist who feels compelled to use such language in a public piece or book. So after reading that last sentence what was written before was deleted for me. I don't believe any of it.

Be sure to always - always - make sure the sand is nice and soft before you plow your head into it.
Yes. 30% of the time.

Here's the thing. Austerity will not work. Look at Ireland, the latest poster child for dying economies.

You cannot, I repeat, cannot save an economy by cutting everything to the bare bones and not increase revenue.

Thanks Dung
I'm on this thread for the same reason anyone who chooses to does so. Pick a reason. Here, I'll help you: The thread title was irresistibly stupid. Does that work for you?

So you are just a petulant little child who wishes to throw another tantrum? Can't actually discuss the quote, you instead wish to attack the person who said it?

What's the matter? Not intelligent enough to comment on the quote?