Amen... Greenspan... Amen

threedee...that is the extent of dune's ability to debate. he makes HIS point and if you counter it with facts and logic, he simply insults you.
AG himself admitted to screwing up over the banking industry, credit crunch, etc. He said it all left him in a state of "shocked disbelief". Huh?

Yes, I am aware he screwed up. I am aware he was big enough to admit it. I am also aware that being wrong once doesn't mean he is always wrong. There is nothing wrong with double checking what he says or discussing it in detail to make sure it is accurate. What is completely ignorant is the responses of Bijou and Dune. The 'he was wrong once so how can you listen to anything he ever says again.... blah blah blah'... that is moronic at best.
Tell me Christy... what do you find incorrect about this statement:

Until we shut off the deficits themselves, debt by definition continues to rise,” he said. “The general focus of policy” is “taking the easy way out with very long-term negative consequences.”

Funny how the morons of the board can't discuss the above... they just launch into attacks on the person who said it.
Yes, I am aware he screwed up. I am aware he was big enough to admit it. I am also aware that being wrong once doesn't mean he is always wrong. There is nothing wrong with double checking what he says or discussing it in detail to make sure it is accurate. What is completely ignorant is the responses of Bijou and Dune. The 'he was wrong once so how can you listen to anything he ever says again.... blah blah blah'... that is moronic at best.

Superfreak, I will ask, again, if you gave bad advice to a client, steered them into a financial crisis, would you expect them to return as your clients? It isn't moronic, it is once bitten, twice shy.
Superfreak, I will ask, again, if you gave bad advice to a client, steered them into a financial crisis, would you expect them to return as your clients? It isn't moronic, it is once bitten, twice shy.

Again... how many perfect people do you know? There is nothing wrong to question what Greenspan said and discuss it with regards to its validity. What is moronic is saying 'he was wrong before, thus I will never accept that he could ever say anything correct again'... which is precisely what Bijou and dune have done on this thread.

Greenspan also stated we should let the Bush/obama tax cuts expire... do you think that is also 100% wrong due to Greenspans mistake?

As for my clients... I answered that a long time ago. Read the thread.
Again... how many perfect people do you know? There is nothing wrong to question what Greenspan said and discuss it with regards to its validity. What is moronic is saying 'he was wrong before, thus I will never accept that he could ever say anything correct again'... which is precisely what Bijou and dune have done on this thread.

Greenspan also stated we should let the Bush/obama tax cuts expire... do you think that is also 100% wrong due to Greenspans mistake?

As for my clients... I answered that a long time ago. Read the thread.

Sorry, looked for it, but didnt see it, I will look again, but i am one of those people that once you screw me, you lose the ability to ever convince me that anything you say has validity.
Sorry, looked for it, but didnt see it, I will look again, but i am one of those people that once you screw me, you lose the ability to ever convince me that anything you say has validity.

As I stated the last time, mistakes happen. There is a huge difference between a mistake and people that deliberately screw you over. If someone makes a big mistake, it is fine to question their future comments... do that. But outright dismissal of everything they say in the manner that Bijou and Dune did is fucking moronic.

Or again... do you think the tax cuts shouldn't expire? Because he said that too.
As I stated the last time, mistakes happen. There is a huge difference between a mistake and people that deliberately screw you over. If someone makes a big mistake, it is fine to question their future comments... do that. But outright dismissal of everything they say in the manner that Bijou and Dune did is fucking moronic.

Or again... do you think the tax cuts shouldn't expire? Because he said that too.

post 15 is where I answered it by the way.
I know not a single person who is ever correct 100% of the time. If you continually give bad advice or refuse to learn from your mistakes, then yes, a pattern would form that would lead you to distrust the opinion of someone. (see Paul Krugman)

The fact that Bijou used a journalist with little to no background as a refutation of what Greenspan stated is comical at best. Especially when what Greenspan stated is 100% correct economically. More debt does not solve a debt problem. It simply pushes the problem into the future for others to deal with. It is a short term fix with long term negative consequences.

Found it.
Again... how many perfect people do you know? There is nothing wrong to question what Greenspan said and discuss it with regards to its validity. What is moronic is saying 'he was wrong before, thus I will never accept that he could ever say anything correct again'... which is precisely what Bijou and dune have done on this thread.

Greenspan also stated we should let the Bush/obama tax cuts expire... do you think that is also 100% wrong due to Greenspans mistake?

As for my clients... I answered that a long time ago. Read the thread.

Well, I was going to let you have your silly little thread and leave you be today, while you nursed your sore ass beating from yesterday, but since you insist on purporting this complete turd that I expected perfection from Greenspan and he only made ONE mistake, I'm back to steer you back to reality by reminding you that the whole of Greenspan's Fed was a tragedy of errors. He was wrong more often than he was right. And no, I'm not going to search out and post each documented incidence of the proof of it - that's for you to do, since the burst bubbles, crashed economy, and sluggish recovery aren't evidence enough for you. Happy googling!