America the shoot-iful

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HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Two parents had a disagreement that ended with one pointing a gun at another this morning at the drop-off lane of Deer Park Elementary, according to the school principal.

In a letter sent out to parents, the principal said the parents started arguing before school. Both of them had children in their vehicles, and other students also witnessed the confrontation.

"So, one mom is yelling at one mom and the mom in the car pulled out a gun and says, 'Back off.' So, she did and called the police," parent Jeanette Renteria said.

According to the principal, the gun was not fired.

Police responded to the school, but we do not know if anybody was arrested.

Read the full letter to parents here:

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I'm writing to inform you of an incident involving two parents that took place in the drop-off lane at Deer Park Elementary this morning. As students were being dropped off before school this morning, the two parents were involved in a disagreement. The confrontation escalated, ending with one parent pointing a firearm at the other. Other parents witnessed the disagreement, and the police were contacted and quickly arrived on the scene.
Unfortunately, children were in both of the vehicles involved, and students were present in other nearby vehicles as well. No one was injured in the incident. In fact, the weapon was never used. But what should have been a reasonably safe drop-off process quickly became a police investigation.
At our school, teaching students the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in life is our goal and purpose. But we don't just teach language arts or science or mathematics or fine arts. We also teach children the appropriate way to resolve conflicts. It's not unusual for there to be disagreements between students at our school, but we always encourage children to seek a peaceful end to the conflict.
At one time or another, we've all experienced frustration while driving. But, as our students know all too well, it's never a good idea to react when emotions are high. My hope is that we can all look at what happened this morning and reconsider how we deal with disagreements and anger in our lives. Conflicts such as the one that took place this morning have no place at our school. Keeping our schools safe for our children and community is our highest priority, but we can't do it alone. It takes all of us being aware of our surroundings, reporting suspicious activities, and using good judgment and restraint when disagreements arise.
Staff members are trained through the Crisis Prevention Institute, giving them the ability to intervene using specific techniques to de-escalate a crisis situation. In this way, we are able to assure the Care, Welfare, Safety and Security for all students and staff at our school. I have included a crisis prevention resource at the link below.

In closing, I want to thank you in advance for doing your part to keep Deer Park Elementary a place where our students feel safe and secure.
Lisa McLaughlin
Principal, Deer Park Elementary​
Gun owner celebrates the 2nd Amendment by shooting a woman in the head and leaving her body in a parking lot

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (KBOI) — A 37-year-old northern Idaho woman was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head inside a vehicle at a hospital parking lot in Coeur d'Alene.
Police say Kelly A. Pease's body was found by a Kootenai Health employee at about 2:45 p.m. Wednesday.
Detectives say have identified the suspect as 61-year-old Steven T. Denson of Post Falls, who was recently in a relationship with Pease and now has a first degree murder warrant for his arrest.
Officers were told the employee started life-saving measures before finding that the woman was dead.
Police say the scene didn't look like a suicide - and that the gunshot wound did "not appear to be self-inflicted." Denson is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 225 pounds and has grey hair and hazel eyes. He was last seen driving a 2000 white Nissan Pathfinder with Washington State license plate AVA9015.
Anyone with information about Denson's whereabouts is asked to call police. He's considered armed and dangerous.​
Gun owner celebrates the 2nd Amendment by shooting a woman in the head and leaving her body in a parking lot

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (KBOI) — A 37-year-old northern Idaho woman was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head inside a vehicle at a hospital parking lot in Coeur d'Alene.
Police say Kelly A. Pease's body was found by a Kootenai Health employee at about 2:45 p.m. Wednesday.
Detectives say have identified the suspect as 61-year-old Steven T. Denson of Post Falls, who was recently in a relationship with Pease and now has a first degree murder warrant for his arrest.
Officers were told the employee started life-saving measures before finding that the woman was dead.
Police say the scene didn't look like a suicide - and that the gunshot wound did "not appear to be self-inflicted." Denson is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 225 pounds and has grey hair and hazel eyes. He was last seen driving a 2000 white Nissan Pathfinder with Washington State license plate AVA9015.
Anyone with information about Denson's whereabouts is asked to call police. He's considered armed and dangerous.​

Still posting with glee that a white person is dead?
Sources: Sean Hannity once pulled a gun on Juan Williams



....Hanity is quoted as saying; "I do not start fights but I finish them. This is pure entertainment for me. If people take cheap shots I hit back."
Still, Hannity's version of entertainment can go too far. Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams, according to three sources with knowledge of the incident. He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body. (Hannity was just showing off, the sources said, but the unforeseen off-camera antic clearly disturbed Williams and others on set.)
For the record: Hannity's colleagues brought the Williams incident to the attention of Fox News executives, though it's not clear whether anything came of it. The sources said it went to Bill Shine, the network's co-president and longtime Fox News executive, who is Hannity's longtime friend and a former producer. A Fox News spokesperson said the incident was referred to the legal and human resources departments.
"Sean Hannity has been trained in firearm safety since he was 11 years old and has a license to carry a gun in five states, including New York," Fox News said in a statement to CNNMoney. "The situation was thoroughly investigated and it was found that no one was put in any danger." (The spokesperson said the incident took place in October 2016.)
The Fox News spokesperson also provided the following statements from Hannity and Williams.
"While discussing the issue of firearms, I showed my good friend Juan Williams my unloaded firearm in a professional and safe manner for educational purposes only," Hannity's statement read. "Every precautionary procedure that I have been trained in since the age of 11 was followed. I've had a conceal carry permit in five states for all of my adult life. Any other interpretation of this is outright false reporting."
"This incident is being sensationalized -- everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm's way," Williams' statement read. "It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends."
If it feels like Hannity is spoiling for a fight, perhaps that's because he is. Off camera, he has become an avid student of Mixed Martial Arts. He has a brown belt in Karate. He even has a personal sensei (martial arts teacher) who travels with him. Last year, Hannity and his sensei paid a visit to UFC champion Chuck Liddell to learn some new techniques. The visit was featured as a segment on Hannity's show, which provides some insight into his passion for the hobby.
On camera, Hannity also seems to thirst for confrontation. The fact that Trump won the presidency -- which gave Hannity "told you so" rights over his critics -- did not temper him. If anything, it made him feel more emboldened.
Before Trump's victory, Hannity's attacks against the political establishment and the mainstream media were usually limited to the familiar populist complaints about ineffective bureaucrats and overpaid liberals. He once critiqued the media for riding around in "chauffeured limousines" and enjoying "fine steakhouses" -- an odd criticism, given that Hannity, one of the highest-paid hosts on cable news, flies in private jets and enjoys steak.
Since Trump's victory, Hannity has become downright conspiratorial. He recently suggested that the CIA conducted "false flag" cyberattacks against Americans. He has embraced the idea that there is a "deep state" of federal officials working to undermine Trump from within government. He now calls the mainstream media the "propaganda press" and the "alt-left." When MSNBC's Rachel Maddow revealed two pages of Trump's 2005 tax documents on Tuesday night, Hannity dedicated an entire segment to what he described as "corporate jihad" by her employer, NBC.
For Hannity, there is no room for dissent from his worldview. Critics are dismissed outright as shills and propagandists -- two terms Hannity's critics frequently use against him.
Earlier this month, Hannity conducted an interview with Monica Crowley, the conservative commentator who would have become Trump's deputy national security adviser were it not for her rampant plagiarism, which was uncovered by CNN's KFile. Hannity announced that anyone who had questions about Crowley's plagiarism -- which, again, had been well documented -- could "go to hell."
Watching his show, reading through his Twitter feed, it's clear that Hannity has become a hammer and everyone who disagrees with him has become a nail.
Or rather, a "jackass," and Hannity's life is one big game of pin the tail on the donkey.
Jury Convicts Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupiers in Second Trial

Steve Russell • March 14, 2017
The second round of jury verdicts in the armed takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has come in and created a stark contrast with the first round, in which seven defendants were acquitted of conspiracy and weapons charges. The first seven tried included ringleaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy, sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who famously mustered armed men from the so-called militia movement to back up his efforts to deadbeat the government out of 20 years of grazing fees.

After most commentators called the first Malheur trials a case of jury nullification, the prosecutors hired a jury consultant for the second trial, which has resulted in all four defendants being convicted. Darryl Thorne and Jason Patrick were convicted of conspiracy and may get up to six years in prison. Duane Ehmer and Jake Ryan were convicted of the lessor charge of deprivation of government property. Sentencing for all four will be set later so that presentencing reports can be prepared. They are free on bail pending sentencing.

Like the first seven defendants, the ones just convicted were charged with conspiring to impede the employees of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge from doing their jobs. In the first trial, the defendants successfully claimed that if the employees had ignored the brandished firearms and demanded to come to work, they would have been allowed to work.

In the latest trial, the prosecutors argued that any rational person would be impeded from work by someone with a gun sitting at their desk. None of the four defendants in the latest trial testified but the facts that they occupied the facility and they were armed were uncontested.

Ammon Bundy did testify about the reasons for the takeover as a protest against federal control of western lands. The armed occupiers claimed at the time of the takeover that the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was rightfully state land rather than federal land, apparently unaware that if the federal officials withdrew, the law appeared to require that the land revert to the Northern Paiutes.

The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was formerly known as the Malheur Indian Reservation, from which most of the Northern Paiutes were removed in retaliation for being on the losing side of the Bannock War in 1878. The remaining Paiutes inhabit a 760-acre reservation near Burns, Oregon, and they have come to cordial understandings with the workers at Malheur about access to sacred sites and protection of Paiute artifacts.

In January of 2016, early in the occupation, Burns Paiute tribal chairperson Charlotte Roderique told ICMN, “We are really worried about the status of the artifacts down there.” When the Burns Paiutes were finally able to enter Malheur and assess the damage to culturally sensitive sites on February 29, they found that their worries were well founded.

The Paiutes were particularly outraged that the occupiers had dug a latrine trench through a known field of tribal artifacts.

Reporters for The New York Times were allowed into the occupied area later and found, “Garbage, broken electronics, abandoned outdoor gear and rotting food…” “Journalists given a tour,” the Times reported, “were advised to avoid the human feces that dotted the premises.”

The verdicts just returned bring to 11 the number of persons put on trial for the occupation of Malheur out of about 25 arrested when the standoff ended.​

Man kills himself at Billings shooting range with rented gun

A man killed himself Wednesday at the Three Sights Indoor Shooting Range where he had rented a firearm.

Billings police responded to the shooting at 1020 Central Ave. at about 2:45 p.m. The gunshot victim was the only person harmed, said Sgt. Mitch Hart, of Billings Police Department.

Three Sights offers firearms training, gun sales and a variety of firearms to rent in addition to an indoor shooting range.

Wade Fredrickson, Three Sights owner, confirmed the man shot himself with one of the business’ weapons. Fredrickson declined to comment on the company’s rental procedure but said this was the first incident of its kind at the facility.
“We are deeply sorrowed for his family and him,” Fredrickson said. “We are dealing with it in our own way down here and moving forward at this time.”

The man was identified as a 30-year-old from Billings. He died of a single gunshot wound, said Cliff Mahoney, Deputy Yellowstone County Coroner.