America the shoot-iful

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After casing the location on two previous visits, an armed robber entered the Chazz liquor store in Florence, Ala. and attempted to strong-arm the clerk. An altercation ensued in which the clerk was able to retrieve a gun and fire at the criminal, striking the robber and causing him to flee. In his escape, the criminal only made it to the store parking lot, where he collapsed and died. After an initial investigation, police determined that the robber was on probation for a previous robbery conviction. Chazz manager Terry Rhodes hoped that the incident would deter future robbery attempts, stating, “I know times are hard and everything, but I hope they'll think twice, because this is not something anybody enjoys doing. You don't want to kill anybody, but sometimes you're afraid for your life, you don't know what they're gonna do.” Police do not plan to charge the clerk.
Two young men approached door of a 95-year-old homeowner in Vance, Ala. and offered to mow his lawn. The homeowner refused, but the pair remained at the door and asked for some water. After the homeowner told the men of a spigot on the side of the house, he overheard the pair talking about robbing him. After retrieving a rifle the homeowner opened the door, at which point he and one of the robbers exchanged fire. The criminals fled the scene, but one was captured by law enforcement a short time later. The homeowner was unharmed.
In the leg? What about putting one in the central body mass, or a head shot? Was the homeowner drunk?
A woman was alone in her home in Piedmont, Ala., when she heard a suspicious noise. After retrieving a handgun, the woman searched the house and noticed that her sliding glass door had been broken and a man with a flashlight was inside the home. The intruder yelled something at the homeowner, who then shot the intruder several times, killing him. Police noted that it is unlikely the homeowner will face any charges, with Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson stating, “She was totally within her rights to defend herself.”
Career criminal Kevin Duane Dudley entered the Bait Shop in Bessemer, Ala., drew a sawed-off shotgun and demanded money from the owner. While Dudley was holding the owner at gunpoint, two customers walked into the store, distracting Dudley long enough for the store owner to grab his pistol. The owner then fired at Dudley, striking and killing him. After an investigation, it was shown that Dudley had been convicted of robbery in 1996 and spent time in prison. More recently, Dudley had been a suspect in a number of other armed robberies as well as a murder.
A female employee of the Phone Store in Birmingham, Ala. was making her way to her car in the parking lot, when an armed robber confronted her and demanded money. A male store employee noticed the robbery and retrieved a gun. As the male employee attempted to find cover, the criminal fired at him. The armed employee returned fire, causing the robber to run from the scene. Neither of the store employees was hurt during the incident
A woman armed with a knife attempted to rob the M&D Laundromat in Theodore, Ala. The owner of the laundromat responded to the threat by retrieving a gun, and the robber fled. Later in the day, the police caught up with the criminal, who eventually confessed to the robbery at the laundromat and another the same day.
Around 3 a.m., a career criminal broke into the Brewton, Ala. home of an 81-year-old man and his wife. The armed, masked intruder made his way to the bedroom, where he woke the sleeping couple and demanded money. The 81-year-old man drew a pistol from his nightstand and fired at the criminal, striking him in the head, killing him. During the investigation, police learned that the intruder had been released from a Nebraska jail only two days before the home invasion. Escambia County Sherriff Grover Smith was supportive of the homeowner’s actions, stating, “The man was in his home, in bed with his wife, and he acted in self-defense,” and went on to note, “as far as the wife, she had armed herself with a shotgun by the time I got there."
Wow, I see the drunkard has discovered how to cut n' paste from American Rifleman or some such gunlover blog...cheers, drunkard!
Were they?

A homeowner in the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta, Ga. was awakened by the sound of an intruder forcing his way in through a side door. After an initial investigation revealed the intruder to be downstairs, the homeowner retrieved a shotgun and went to the top of his stairs. As the criminal attempted to ascend the staircase, the homeowner warned him that he was armed and ordered him to leave. When the home invader refused to leave, the homeowner fired a warning shot into the floor. Still undeterred, the criminal moved toward the homeowner, who responded by opening fire on the intruder, striking him in the leg. When police arrived the criminal was taken to a local hospital and listed as in stable condition. (The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. October 27, 2011)

'Homeowner' is singular, drunkard. Did you mean "was he"?
BTW, Stupor Moderator...

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Around 11:45 p.m. a man in Opelika, Ala. was approached by an armed robber demanding money. The citizen drew his firearm and shot the armed criminal, ending the attempted robbery. The criminal was taken to a local hospital, where he is being detained. The armed citizen does not face charges.
A NURSE WAS home with her sick children when a man knocked on the door. She'd never seen him before, so she quieted the children and didn't answer. Undeterred, the man circled the house and tried to kick in the kitchen door, prompting the nurse to hide her children in a bedroom closet and tell the oldest to dial 9-1-1. The terrified child placed the call, saying, "We are going to die today." But police say the nurse wasn't going to allow that to happen. She retrieved a .38-caliber revolver, peered down the hallway and saw the burglar standing in the living room. "I came at him and started firing; she recalls. The burglar fled the scene. Speaking to a reporter, the nurse urged other women to consider gun ownership and to take firearm-training classes.
Two armed robbers attempted to rob a 60-year-old man from Mobile, Ala. The armed men had planned to wait until the man retrieved money from an ATM, follow the victim to his home, and then rob him at gunpoint. When the robbers confronted the man with a revolver and demanded money, the man drew his own pistol and fired, striking both suspects. One robber was killed, while the other is expected to recover. The Mobile County District Attorney, John Tyson Jr., has deemed the incident to be a case of self defense.
Around 11:45 p.m. a man in Opelika, Ala. was approached by an armed robber demanding money. The citizen drew his firearm and shot the armed criminal, ending the attempted robbery. The criminal was taken to a local hospital, where he is being detained. The armed citizen does not face charges.

Are you the copyright holder, drunkard?

5. When Posting Copyrighted Material.. All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Proper format is to post the first few paragraphs and then link to the article for the rest. Please don't repost entire articles here. Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107
Two armed robbers attempted to rob a 60-year-old man from Mobile, Ala. The armed men had planned to wait until the man retrieved money from an ATM, follow the victim to his home, and then rob him at gunpoint. When the robbers confronted the man with a revolver and demanded money, the man drew his own pistol and fired, striking both suspects. One robber was killed, while the other is expected to recover. The Mobile County District Attorney, John Tyson Jr., has deemed the incident to be a case of self defense.

Are you the copyright holder, drunkard?

5. When Posting Copyrighted Material.. All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Proper format is to post the first few paragraphs and then link to the article for the rest. Please don't repost entire articles here. Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107
Victor Greenwood, a pizza deliveryman in Dothan, Ala., was assaulted after being lured to a vacant house by two men whose plans were to rob him. After realizing that something was amiss, Greenwood was walking back to his when one of the men struck him in the head with a brick. Greenwood dropped the food, grabbed his pistol and fired, striking one of the men in the leg, and scaring the other one off. The wounded attacker was soon captured by police. After the assault Greenwood stated, "It was either me or him; If they'd got me on the ground, it would've been over." Both attackers have been charged with first-degree armed robbery. Unlike employers in other incidents in which pizza delivery drivers have been fired for defending themselves, Greenwood’s manager, Alan Hodges, has nothing but praise for Greenwood's actions. "He's a hero to a lot of delivery people. They risk their lives to deliver their food," Hodges said