America will start its recovery...

Bill Raped Juanita Broadrick. We can go down this path publicly if you like, or you can research it yourself first and save yourself the embarrassment of defending these criminals.

Juanita Broaddrick Signed an affidavit that she made the rape allegation up! You believe Juanita Broaddrick but not Jean Carroll? Why?
Juanita Broaddrick Signed an affidavit that she made the rape allegation up! You believe Juanita Broaddrick but not Jean Carroll? Why?

bill clinton cigar penetrated monica lewinsky in the white house and then blew a load on the devil's blue dress.
I know many will not agree with me, but here is my opinion...

Our nation will be on the road to getting back on track come next January, no matter which of the three likely canidates are elected.

All three of the pending canidates are honest and in my opinion would not lie us into a war. They might promote a war I would disagree with (McCain) but I dont belive they would PR and Market us into a war like Dumbya did. I also dont see in McCain, Clinton or Obama the irrational adherence to religous dogma and stedfastnest to a failing idea that Bush seemed to hold to. Neither seem to be afraid to admit mistakes or the type to refuse to move on once its clear a mistake was made.

so you are assuming that if Biden wins he will reverse everything he's done in the last two years and start doing things right.....(sorry.......didn't realize some fucking idiot had resurrected a thread from ages ago)
That was consensual. Different thing.

Clinton didn’t Brag about it.

Monica Lewinsky

Then President Clinton began an affair with the 22-year-old White House intern in 1995. The two had numerous sexual encounters in the White House, including some in a private office connected to the Oval Office. Lewinsky’s friend, Linda Tripp, recorded several hours of phone conversations in which Lewinsky went into detail about the affair, including the fact that she kept a blue dress that had Clinton’s DNA on it.

When news of the affair broke in January 1998, Clinton denied the allegations for several months until eventually admitting that he had an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky in August of 1998. The affair ultimately led to Clinton’s impeachment in the House of Representatives on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, making him only the second president to be impeached. Clinton was then acquitted after an impeachment trial in the Senate and remained in office.

Juanita Broaddrick

In a 1999 interview on Dateline NBC, Broaddrick alleged that Clinton raped her in a motel room during a gubernatorial campaign stop in 1978.

He turned me around and started kissing me, and that was a real shock. I first pushed him away. I just told him ‘no.’ . . . He tries to kiss me again. He starts biting on my lip. . . . And then he forced me down on the bed. I just was very frightened. I tried to get away from him. I told him ‘no.’ . . . He wouldn’t listen to me.”

Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, called Broaddrick’s allegations completely false in 1999.

Broaddrick spoke with on Wednesday and called Hillary Clinton an “enabler” of her husband’s behavior. Earlier this year, she accused Hillary Clinton of pressuring her to not speak out about the alleged rape back in 1978.

Gennifer Flowers

Flowers came forward during the 1992 presidential campaign and said she had been Clinton’s mistress for over a decade. Immediately after the allegations surfaced, Clinton denied having a relationship with Flowers in an interview on 60 Minutes with Hillary sitting beside him. In 1998, Clinton admitted to having a sexual relationship with Flowers, but he stated it only occurred once in 1977.

Paula Jones

Jones alleged that in 1991 Clinton coaxed her to a hotel room where he made unwanted sexual advances towards her, including dropping his pants and asking her for oral sex. In 1994, Jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton that in 1998 the Washington Post said “opened a Pandora’s box of allegations about [Clinton’s] past sex life and made him the first sitting president ever interrogated under oath as a defendant in a civil lawsuit or before a grand jury as a criminal target.” Discovery proceedings in the Jones lawsuit also played a role in under covering the Lewinsky Scandal.

Clinton and Jones reached a settlement in 1998 in which Clinton agreed to pay Jones $850,000 — more than the $700,000 she pled as damages when the lawsuit was filed — but admitted no wrongdoing. Clinton’s attorney, Robert S. Bennett, maintained the allegations were baseless after the settlement was reached.

Kathleen Willey

In a 1998 interview on 60 Minutes, Willey alleged that Clinton attempted to kiss her and groped her breasts and genitalia during an unwanted encounter in a private room near the Oval Office in 1993. Willey also alleged Clinton was aroused during the encounter. Willey was a Democratic Party activist and met Clinton at a 1989 fundraiser event.

Clinton has always denied the allegation.

Elizabeth Ward Gracen

Ward-Gracen came forward in 1998 and she regretted having had a one-night stand with Clinton back in 1982. Speculation had swirled around the alleged affair since at least 1992, but Ward-Gracen had always denied it and avoided getting served with subpoena in the Jones lawsuit by staying out the country to film a television show.

Clinton denied this allegation in 1998.

Sally Perdue aka Myra Belle Miller

Perdue-Miller, a former Miss Arkansas, came forward in 1994 and said she had an affair with Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas in 1983. She said she was warned by an unnamed Democratic Party staffer to stay quiet about the affair during the 1992 campaign. “They knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn’t guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs,” Perdue-Miller told a reporter in a 1998 interview.

Clinton has never publicly responded to this allegation.

Dolly Kyle Browning

Kyle-Browning was a high school friend of Clinton who admitted to having an on-and-off sexual relationship with Clinton from the mid-1970s through 1992. She made the admission in a sworn affidavit filed in 1998.

Clinton has never publicly responded to this allegation.

The article was first published May 18, 2016. We’ve updated it for this article.
Well now this thread certainly aged poorly.

is it like looking in a mirror?
