American Citizen Taxpayers Are Being Denied The Right To Vote

If citizen taxpayers are paying the bill, why should they have to change anything to vote on both ballots, they're paying for them and they may like somebody in both corrupt parties?

There are a lot of things taxpayers are paying for that you disagree with. Doesn't necessarily make it illegal.
If citizen taxpayers are paying for the crooked duopoly's primary elections, by what authority does the corrupt bastard party hacks force citizen taxpayers to declare any party affiliation?

Party affiliation is not a protected class.
By what authority do they deny citizen taxpaying independents the right to vote in elections they're being bilked to pay for? Where's your outrage about being ripped off by crooked politicians?:dunno::cof1:

I have outrage to spare for that Kenyan son of a bitch who wasted my money and ran up $20 TRILLION in debt. Bitching about who can vote which party is kind of petty by comparison. One state says I have to change parties to vote. It's inconvenient. Boo fucking hoo. The federal government funds Planned Abortion and Human Parts Marketinghood. I'm more pissed about that.

Sometimes, you've got to pick your battles.
I have outrage to spare for that Kenyan son of a bitch who wasted my money and ran up $20 TRILLION in debt. Bitching about who can vote which party is kind of petty by comparison. One state says I have to change parties to vote. It's inconvenient. Boo fucking hoo. The federal government funds Planned Abortion and Human Parts Marketinghood. I'm more pissed about that.

Sometimes, you've got to pick your battles.

You are insane.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[4]

That means states can decide on their primary election process, who can cross over, who can't, and whether or not to vote or caucus.

And you believe that gives the States the right to bilk citizen taxpayers to finamce PARTY elections whereby citizen taxpayers are refused their right to vote particular ballots in some States, right?

What about this, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States......." (Amendment 14)

The 10th amendment gives the States the power to create election law, but as long as the State is forcing its taxpaying citizens to foot the bill for political party elections, the State has no power to deny citizens the privilege to vote every ballot they are paying for. Furthermore, every taxpayer should be outraged that they are being bilked by the State to pay for political PARTY operations and party responsibilities, especially the independent taxpayers and members of 3rd parties not being financed by the State for their operations and party responsibilities.
I didn't think you could back up your BS.

I understand completely.

Thanks for admitting it.

Poor BOBO.

And you can't back up anything I said was wrong, I understand that you can't and the fact that you're an intellectual coward!:rofl2::cof1:
There are a lot of things taxpayers are paying for that you disagree with. Doesn't necessarily make it illegal.

Party affiliation is not a protected class.

I have outrage to spare for that Kenyan son of a bitch who wasted my money and ran up $20 TRILLION in debt. Bitching about who can vote which party is kind of petty by comparison. One state says I have to change parties to vote. It's inconvenient. Boo fucking hoo. The federal government funds Planned Abortion and Human Parts Marketinghood. I'm more pissed about that.

Sometimes, you've got to pick your battles.

You're too fucking stupid to understand that the garbage government is funding with your taxes that you're concerned about, government get's away with it because you're not concerned that they, [government), know your the same fucking idiot that allows them to bilk your tax dollars to pay for their crooked fucking primary elections and conventions. If you're that fucking stupid, they know they can get away with funding anything the duopoly wants and you will never even bother protesting it. You failed to "pick your battles" at the onset. You're uninformed. The fucking duopoly owns your ignorant soul!
You're too fucking stupid to understand that the garbage government is funding with your taxes that you're concerned about, government get's away with it because you're not concerned that they, [government), know your the same fucking idiot that allows them to bilk your tax dollars to pay for their crooked fucking primary elections and conventions.
Our government is twenty trillion in the hole with 100 MILLION people out of work and record highest food stamp use in history. We have a president now who is wiping his ass on the Constitution and the ONLY thing you're worried about is a little inconvenience at the voting booths? Are you just a fucking RETARD or what?

It's up to the States. They make the rules. If you don't like those rules, here are your options:

2. Change party affiliation if you want to vote in a different party primary.

(I tried to keep it simple because you retards have problems with multiple choice questions.0

If you're that fucking stupid, they know they can get away with funding anything the duopoly wants and you will never even bother protesting it. You failed to "pick your battles" at the onset. You're uninformed. The fucking duopoly owns your ignorant soul!

Actually, I just have a life. I vote when it's time to vote and all the candidates I would want to vote for or against are available for me. I don't vote in Democrat races because I wouldn't vote for a Democrat in the general.

It works for me. If it doesn't work for you, get the fuck out of my country. I'm sure Cuba would love to have you.
You made the claim.

If you can't prove your allegations are true, it's not incumbent on others to prove them false.

Poor BOBO.

The claim stands, intellectual coward!:cof1: I don't have to prove a fucking thing to you because you can't prove anything I say isn't true and aside from that you're an intellectual coward who bans your intellectual betters from your threads.:mun::cof1:
Our government is twenty trillion in the hole with 100 MILLION people out of work and record highest food stamp use in history. We have a president now who is wiping his ass on the Constitution and the ONLY thing you're worried about is a little inconvenience at the voting booths? Are you just a fucking RETARD or what?

Actually, if you paid attention you’d know I post more original threads here than just about anybody exposing the crimes of government at every level. Thus, your “inconvenience” at the voting booth is simply one of the crimes I’ve exposed. If you weren’t such an uninformed brainwashed partisan, you’d actually oppose crooked government instead of making fucking excuses for their robbing of your tax dollars.

It's up to the States. They make the rules. If you don't like those rules, here are your options:

2. Change party affiliation if you want to vote in a different party primary.

(I tried to keep it simple because you retards have problems with multiple choice questions.0

So you don’t understand that the States can’t constitutionally prohibit taxpaying citizens from voting every ballot they pay for and equal protection of the law is a constitutional guarantee and if they finance one political party they constitutionally have to finance every political party and you enjoy being stiffed and robbed by State government. You’re a brilliant little fellow!

Actually, I just have a life. I vote when it's time to vote and all the candidates I would want to vote for or against are available for me. I don't vote in Democrat races because I wouldn't vote for a Democrat in the general.

It works for me. If it doesn't work for you, get the fuck out of my country. I'm sure Cuba would love to have you.

It doesn’t matter which crooked bastards of the duopoly you vote for. The duopoly owns your soul! They force you to pay for their party primary elections and conventions to the tune of millions of dollars. They have conspired together to own the media, have total control over the national debate, ballot access and all of the Wall Street and other special interest money, and they get away with it because you’re uninformed, apathetic about their criminal activities and brainwashed by their partisan propaganda. You voted for the 20 trillion dollar national debt, congratulations!
And you believe that gives the States the right to bilk citizen taxpayers to finamce PARTY elections whereby citizen taxpayers are refused their right to vote particular ballots in some States, right?

No one is saying that the states are refusing ANYONE the right to vote.

Earth to DUMBASS:
Refusing someone the right to vote means, "YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO VOTE. FUCKING PERIOD! Get the fuck out of this polling place before we call a cop. You are not allowed to vote."

There is NO constitutional right to CONVENIENCE in voting, dumb shit.

What about this, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States......."
Irrelevant to this discussion. Nobody is being denied the right to vote.

The 10th amendment gives the States the power to create election law, but as long as the State is forcing its taxpaying citizens to foot the bill for political party elections, the State has no power to deny citizens the privilege to vote every ballot they are paying for.

Show me where it says that in the Constitution. Show me were the STATE is given ANY rights at all. I'll wait.

Furthermore, every taxpayer should be outraged that they are being bilked by the State to pay for political PARTY operations and party responsibilities, especially the independent taxpayers and members of 3rd parties not being financed by the State for their operations and party responsibilities.

The taxpayers are being bilked by the welfare state. But they are NOT denied the RIGHT TO VOTE.


There is no such thing as a right to convenience in voting.