American Citizen Taxpayers Are Being Denied The Right To Vote

Actually, if you paid attention you’d know I post more original threads here than just about anybody exposing the crimes of government at every level.
Show me in the US Code where it is a crime.
Thus, your “inconvenience” at the voting booth is simply one of the crimes I’ve exposed.
Search the US Code above and show me where it is illegal for the government to make anything inconvenient. I'll wait.

If you weren’t such an uninformed brainwashed partisan, you’d actually oppose crooked government instead of making fucking excuses for their robbing of your tax dollars.

If I were an uninformed brainwashed partisan, I'd be supporting Hillary or Sanders.

So you don’t understand that the States can’t constitutionally prohibit taxpaying citizens from voting every ballot they pay for and equal protection of the law is a constitutional guarantee and if they finance one political party they constitutionally have to finance every political party and you enjoy being stiffed and robbed by State government. You’re a brilliant little fellow!

Show me where it says that exactly in either the Constitution or the U.S. code. I'll wait.

It doesn’t matter which crooked bastards of the duopoly you vote for. The duopoly owns your soul! They force you to pay for their party primary elections and conventions to the tune of millions of dollars.

I'm paying more money for idiot liberals to live on welfare.

They have conspired together to own the media, have total control over the national debate, ballot access and all of the Wall Street and other special interest money, and they get away with it because you’re uninformed, apathetic about their criminal activities and brainwashed by their partisan propaganda. You voted for the 20 trillion dollar national debt, congratulations!

Actually, I voted against Obama twice. And when the Florida primary comes around, I'll be voting for Donald Trump. So that last statement doesn't apply to me.
No one is saying that the states are refusing ANYONE the right to vote.

I am numbnuts!

Earth to DUMBASS:
Refusing someone the right to vote means, "YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO VOTE. FUCKING PERIOD! Get the fuck out of this polling place before we call a cop. You are not allowed to vote."

What do you call States that have “closed” primary elections whereby independents and members of parties other than the Democrat and or the Republican parties ARE REFUSED THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE the ballots of those parties even though their tax dollars paid for the building the party is using for their primary election, paid for the utilities the party is using, paid for the printing of the ballot the party is using and or the voting machinery the party is using?:dunno::cof1:
I am numbnuts!

What do you call States that have “closed” primary elections whereby independents and members of parties other than the Democrat and or the Republican parties ARE REFUSED THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE the ballots of those parties even though their tax dollars paid for the building the party is using for their primary election, paid for the utilities the party is using, paid for the printing of the ballot the party is using and or the voting machinery the party is using?:dunno::cof1:

You don't have a right to participate in a party's nominating process. If the party in a particular state chooses to have a primary vote on the ballot, then you can choose to take part in it. Or not. Feel free to vote for the nonpartisan offices and referenda which appear on the ballot.
You don't have a right to participate in a party's nominating process. If the party in a particular state chooses to have a primary vote on the ballot, then you can choose to take part in it. Or not. Feel free to vote for the nonpartisan offices and referenda which appear on the ballot.

BOBO doesn't vote.

Poor BOBO.
The duopoly's rigged elections likely have some foreigners in other countries voting in them, you pissy little thread banning coward.

crazy assed racists on the internets making baseless claims is not proof fool