American exceptionalism


Verified User
Maybe all of today's bullshit was once true, although it would have had to have been before my time. For sure it is no longer anywhere near true while we continue to shout the same old juvenile phrases like. "We're #1!!!"

My daddy once told me, (paraphrasing to make it seem more erudite) "Son, whatever you do don't ever believe your own bullshit". We, as a country, now believe our own bullshit and it has become the primarey reason we cannot improve.

Be sure to look up the links. (in red) Or you can remain ignorant. Your choice.

While the U.S. continues to have the largest economy in the world and by far the biggest military budget, in most categories relating to prosperity, security, happiness and well-being, the great American empire falls somewhere between the developed and the developing world.
^ good article. we certainly have degraded the "American dream" down to survivalism -the middle class is constantly >squeezed<

I do think our system of governing is "exceptional" - for the 1st 2 centuries it was the most "exceptional" in the world-
offering a nimble president, but not a monarchy, and rule of law. We threw it all away for the hyper-partisanship of short term results.
The US system does require a compromise for the common good,but the partisans don't care about anything but their own rigid agenda.

I was reading the South China Post a few years ago when Hong Kong was developing it's political system
They basically decide not to go with separation of powers, and a US style system.
Not because it' inherently flawed, but because how badly it's been screwed up..

I remember back in the 60's,and historical reading of men/women looking to enter politics for high ideals.
Now it's just another entertainment - really talented patriotic peple would rather put their efforts in something else.

American politics is almost inconsequential. That's our loss. The Founders assumed citizen governing,not a professional political class
I believe that we are still exceptional people and that the american dream is alive and possible but so many people right now are becoming so used to mediocracy as something that is acceptable that many people want to get as much as possible for themselves with as little work as necessary to get it and that's just not realistic.

Examples to get off of my chest:

- 2+2 equals 4, it does not equal about 4. We will never be exceptional if we can't accept basic math.
- You should not get a trophy for placing fifth in a tournament. You get experience from that loss that you can apply towards the next game, and if you learn enough and play well enough maybe you'll win first place and get a trophy the next time
- You don't get do-overs. You didn't study enough for that test and you failed it, study harder for the next one and ask for help if you are having trouble learning the material.
- You're feelings were hurt, that's all, you can either let someone else control your emotions and life through their words or you can prove them wrong and be yourself regardless, but just because your feelings were hurt does not mean that people around you should be forced to change to benefit yourself.
- You will not be the CEO of a major company right out of college, and being told that does not mean that you should complain about it or demand it. Work hard and let your work move you up. If you don't become the CEO then keep working hard and do the best you can regardless. You are not entitled to anything.
- A minimum wage job is not meant to be a career or to support a family. Have the confidence in yourself to work hard and move up or to do something that makes you happy. You may not ever make as much as you think you should but that does not mean that you have to give up or stay with that company your whole life. If working a minimum wage job at mcdonalds makes you happy then thats great but its upon you to figure out a way to support yourself or your family if that's your only income. If that minimum wage job is truly in your opinion the best representation of your ambition then that's on you.
- the government does not owe you a living. If more people saw it as their responsibility to support themselves then maybe they would inspire their own future children to work hard as they did which would end up benefitting the country.
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I ride horses, have competed in rodeos, and things like that. I remember when I was in middle school I was at a local rodeo and was competing in the goat tying event. For those of you that may not know what that is I basically ride into an arena really fast, jump off my horse and then bring a goat to the ground and tie its legs while being timed. It was my first run of the day, I was nervous, and when I went to dismount the horse my boot got stuck and I basically face planted into the dirt. It hurt, it was embarrassing, it threw off my focus, but I knew that if I was to start crying or give up that it would disappoint my parents and myself too, and so knowing that I wasn't going to come anywhere close to winning that day I still finished as well as I could. After that I practiced my dismounting over and over again until it wasn't an issue ever again. I bring this up because people fall on their face every single day and its up to that individual person every day to either lay there and wait for help or to get up, brush off the dirt (and horse poop), and try again.
Maybe all of today's bullshit was once true, although it would have had to have been before my time. For sure it is no longer anywhere near true while we continue to shout the same old juvenile phrases like. "We're #1!!!"

My daddy once told me, (paraphrasing to make it seem more erudite) "Son, whatever you do don't ever believe your own bullshit". We, as a country, now believe our own bullshit and it has become the primarey reason we cannot improve.

Be sure to look up the links. (in red) Or you can remain ignorant. Your choice.

While the U.S. continues to have the largest economy in the world and by far the biggest military budget, in most categories relating to prosperity, security, happiness and well-being, the great American empire falls somewhere between the developed and the developing world.

You and Trump both think our country has fallen.
^ good article. we certainly have degraded the "American dream" down to survivalism -the middle class is constantly >squeezed<

I do think our system of governing is "exceptional" - for the 1st 2 centuries it was the most "exceptional" in the world-
offering a nimble president, but not a monarchy, and rule of law. We threw it all away for the hyper-partisanship of short term results.
The US system does require a compromise for the common good,but the partisans don't care about anything but their own rigid agenda.

I was reading the South China Post a few years ago when Hong Kong was developing it's political system
They basically decide not to go with separation of powers, and a US style system.
Not because it' inherently flawed, but because how badly it's been screwed up..

I remember back in the 60's,and historical reading of men/women looking to enter politics for high ideals.
Now it's just another entertainment - really talented patriotic peple would rather put their efforts in something else.

American politics is almost inconsequential. That's our loss. The Founders assumed citizen governing,not a professional political class

Our constitution and government structure were great in their time. That time is long gone.
Uh-oh, where is Desh saying you hate our founders and you hate democracy?

I said no such thing. IK said our constitution no longer fits the times. There are other forms of democracy and founders did great................................... for their time.
I said no such thing. IK said our constitution no longer fits the times. There are other forms of democracy and founders did great................................... for their time.

You don't understand Desh then. She is a Constitutionalist and if you think the constitution no longer fits our times then you hate the Constitution. And if you don't like our government you hate democracy.

The beauty of the Constitution is that is still incredibly relevant today. It still stands against increased government involvement that you would like.
You don't understand Desh then. She is a Constitutionalist and if you think the constitution no longer fits our times then you hate the Constitution. And if you don't like our government you hate democracy.

The beauty of the Constitution is that is still incredibly relevant today. It still stands against increased government involvement that you would like.

One unwarranted assumption after another. Because I think a Ford Model T is no longer relevant to the times does not mean I hate the Model T or diminish it's importance to it's time.

Yours is just bullshit to cover a lack of argument.
One unwarranted assumption after another. Because I think a Ford Model T is no longer relevant to the times does not mean I hate the Model T or diminish it's importance to it's time.

Yours is just bullshit to cover a lack of argument.

1) it's not possible to argue with Desh

2) to start a discussion what about the constitution is outdated in your opinion?
1) it's not possible to argue with Desh

2) to start a discussion what about the constitution is outdated in your opinion?

In situations such as we have today with one or both parties being recalcitrant, the government simply cannot function.
^ good article. we certainly have degraded the "American dream" down to survivalism -the middle class is constantly >squeezed<

I do think our system of governing is "exceptional" - for the 1st 2 centuries it was the most "exceptional" in the world-
offering a nimble president, but not a monarchy, and rule of law. We threw it all away for the hyper-partisanship of short term results.
The US system does require a compromise for the common good,but the partisans don't care about anything but their own rigid agenda.

I was reading the South China Post a few years ago when Hong Kong was developing it's political system
They basically decide not to go with separation of powers, and a US style system.
Not because it' inherently flawed, but because how badly it's been screwed up..

I remember back in the 60's,and historical reading of men/women looking to enter politics for high ideals.
Now it's just another entertainment - really talented patriotic peple would rather put their efforts in something else.

American politics is almost inconsequential. That's our loss. The Founders assumed citizen governing,not a professional political class

and it is all due to the republican party
I believe that we are still exceptional people and that the american dream is alive and possible but so many people right now are becoming so used to mediocracy as something that is acceptable that many people want to get as much as possible for themselves with as little work as necessary to get it and that's just not realistic.

Examples to get off of my chest:

- 2+2 equals 4, it does not equal about 4. We will never be exceptional if we can't accept basic math.
- You should not get a trophy for placing fifth in a tournament. You get experience from that loss that you can apply towards the next game, and if you learn enough and play well enough maybe you'll win first place and get a trophy the next time

the whole thing is abut building character until some idiot invented trophys

- You don't get do-overs. You didn't study enough for that test and you failed it, study harder for the next one and ask for help if you are having trouble learning the material.

and who do you think is not following that one?

- You're feelings were hurt, that's all, you can either let someone else control your emotions and life through their words or you can prove them wrong and be yourself regardless, but just because your feelings were hurt does not mean that people around you should be forced to change to benefit yourself.

It is fine for humans to tell other humans that what they did you found objectional

- You will not be the CEO of a major company right out of college, and being told that does not mean that you should complain about it or demand it. Work hard and let your work move you up. If you don't become the CEO then keep working hard and do the best you can regardless. You are not entitled to anything.

yes human beings are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

- A minimum wage job is not meant to be a career or to support a family. Have the confidence in yourself to work hard and move up or to do something that makes you happy. You may not ever make as much as you think you should but that does not mean that you have to give up or stay with that company your whole life. If working a minimum wage job at mcdonalds makes you happy then thats great but its upon you to figure out a way to support yourself or your family if that's your only income. If that minimum wage job is truly in your opinion the best representation of your ambition then that's on you.

Any person who works 40 hours should have enough to survive on...Its called a minimum wage for a reason

- the government does not owe you a living. If more people saw it as their responsibility to support themselves then maybe they would inspire their own future children to work hard as they did which would end up benefitting the country.

where is your proof that there are masses of people who just want a free ride?

all of these are colored with hate of other people and seeing them in the worse light you can conjure up in your head
What has he done to cause our fall?

I think Stone means symbolic, in that Trump represents a certain type of American attitude and lifestyle that I mediocre. His work ethic has depended upon a generous tax code (obviously it's not for most people) and nepotism. He promotes a fairly sleazy culture, and is wildly self-entitled and narcissistic.