American exceptionalism

It was truly easy on the part of any of the dozens of no. 1 world powers in the past to look at themselves and say "See? I am no. 1. That must mean I am uniquely special, and will continue as such for all time." Of course no one remembers most of them now. Turns out they weren't exceptional after all, just another cog in the wheel of history.
I agree about the electoral college -it was always a bad idea ( to save Americans from their plebian selves) - but the House is democratic.

The Senate is weighed to the states ( 2 per state), again none of this was problematic for 2 centuries.
Senate 'supermajorities" do more then "chill legislative passions like a saucer to hot coffee" -it puts in in the deep freeze

Methinks it's the plutocracy at work. $Billion presidential elections,etc.

I agree but the founders were not and could not be the all seeing eyes into the future. They did well but no one could expect them to foresee what this nation, and the world, has become. It is not that the principles are wrong, it is the structure of the government.

A Ford Model T is based on exactly the same principles as a new Ford Fusion. However it is totally inadequate as a modern day vehicle. That takes nothing away from it's importance to its time or it's place in history. I feel exactly the same way about our constitution.
Maybe all of today's bullshit was once true, although it would have had to have been before my time. For sure it is no longer anywhere near true while we continue to shout the same old juvenile phrases like. "We're #1!!!"

My daddy once told me, (paraphrasing to make it seem more erudite) "Son, whatever you do don't ever believe your own bullshit". We, as a country, now believe our own bullshit and it has become the primarey reason we cannot improve.

Be sure to look up the links. (in red) Or you can remain ignorant. Your choice.

While the U.S. continues to have the largest economy in the world and by far the biggest military budget, in most categories relating to prosperity, security, happiness and well-being, the great American empire falls somewhere between the developed and the developing world.

It is clear you don't understand what American exceptionalism means
Is this one country or is it not? Last I heard there was no Republic of South Dakota.

If I was in the habit of groaning posts I'd groan this one. This is a huge country and we are not a monolithic group of people. We are very diverse. Your perceived ideal government is something I continuously vote against. Our founders were infinitely wise to set up our constitutional republic and representative democracy.
If I was in the habit of groaning posts I'd groan this one. This is a huge country and we are not a monolithic group of people. We are very diverse. Your perceived ideal government is something I continuously vote against. Our founders were infinitely wise to set up our constitutional republic and representative democracy.

Had the founders not wanted a stronger federal government, with laws that applied nationally, they would have kept the Articles of Confederation.