Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Yeah, a place that's about selling tickets sure wouldn't want to the public to know that sales are down; but you failed to read down farther, in your own link.

In the aftermath, league sponsors have either stayed quiet or issued cautious statements aimed at appealing to both sides. In videos posted online, fans appear to have burned their season tickets, and DirecTV, the only place to get live access to all NFL games, is offering refunds to customers offended by the anthem protests.

Why would Direct TV give refunds for something that was already paid for??
Yeah, a place that's about selling tickets sure wouldn't want to the public to know that sales are down; but you failed to read down farther, in your own link.

In the aftermath, league sponsors have either stayed quiet or issued cautious statements aimed at appealing to both sides. In videos posted online, fans appear to have burned their season tickets, and DirecTV, the only place to get live access to all NFL games, is offering refunds to customers offended by the anthem protests.

Why would Direct TV give refunds for something that was already paid for??

LOL. Business is doing business, waiting for the winds to blow in a direction they can make profit. Direct TV is just doing what con mans do, making profit off suckers... er I mean consumers. If the winds change they will quickly shut it off. I suspect they know that a minority will actually ask for a refund. It will not effect profit & will allow them to play the 'I care' about your needs' game to gain a new minor % of customers. I'm sorry you are easily duped, it happens.
LOL. Business is doing business, waiting for the winds to blow in a direction they can make profit. Direct TV is just doing what con mans do, making profit off suckers... er I mean consumers. If the winds change they will quickly shut it off. I suspect they know that a minority will actually ask for a refund. It will not effect profit & will allow them to play the 'I care' about your needs' game to gain a new minor % of customers. I'm sorry you are easily duped, it happens.

How is offering a refund, making profit??

So what are you basing your "minority" and "minor % of customers" on?
Do you have something of substance or are you just duped by your own conjecture?
How is offering a refund, making profit??

LOL you really don't understand monopoly based modern corporations do you? Not sure if I should ask that as a question.

So what are you basing your "minority" and "minor % of customers" on?
Do you have something of substance or are you just duped by your own conjecture?

Well yes I do. On the economic front when I say minority percentage, I mean the minority of consumers willing to buy and effect the bottom dollar. And as I implied above you truly have no clue how economics of scale works for neo-monopolies in the media industry. They (DirectTV) a subsidiary of AT&T are playing two sides of a sub set of people 'triggered' for them, in making money. And that moneys though not the majority of profit en mass is a perfect new alt- reactionary scam, i mean portfolio to make short term financial game or a minority profit.

Thanks for asking, sucker... er potential Corps client. DirectTV needs your monthly payment information.

That's because the photo has been photo-shopped, the deep state & media are colluding to give the impression that most folks are going about their normal lives, game participation/viewing etc...... :whome:

:0) I'm sure Breitbart is sending that out today .. after all, everyone knows the NFL has no fans or money left.
Trump's feud with NFL may be result of failures in USFL era

Donald Trump first feuded with the NFL over three decades ago and time has not healed all wounds. Now it looks like he's using his unexpected power of the Presidency to attempt to bully the NFL and its players and finally get even.

That's one way to interpret Trump's relentless attacks on the NFL regarding the national anthem issue in the last week that has somehow accomplished the impossible: He has unified the players with the owners along with finding a way to get the league office and the union to fight together.

The national anthem controversy, started by former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick one year ago to raise awareness about racial inequality, social injustice and police brutality against African-Americans, was quieting down with fewer than 10 players kneeling in Week 2 this season.

In Week 3, however, after Trump's inflammatory "son of a b---h" remark in Alabama, about 250 players responded to Trump by kneeling for the anthem while just about every player locked arms and three teams remained in the locker room. The league is 70% black.

Is Trump's all-out sniping at the NFL a result of his failed USFL trial in 1986 and his subsequent failed attempts to buy a team in the NFL? Does he have it in for the league?

The NFL and Trump have had a contentious relationship that goes way back to the USFL days. Most recently, Trump was outbid in 2014 by Terry and Kim Pegula for the Buffalo Bills. Trump offered $1 billion but the Pegulas were selected by the estate of the late Ralph Wilson with a winning bid of $1.4 billion. If Trump was successful in buying the Bills, perhaps he wouldn't be President today.

Trump's biggest failure in what was once an obsession to own an NFL team started when he purchased the USFL New Jersey Generals for $5 million following their first season of spring football in 1983.

Three years later, he was the driving force when the USFL announced it would play its fourth season in 1986 from the spring to the fall and was also filing a $1.69 billion antitrust suit against the NFL.

Trump’s plan was transparent: He wanted into the NFL. He was hoping to bring the NFL to its knees with a huge jury award, forcing a merger that would include his Generals. He was trying to turn his $5 million investment in the Generals into an NFL franchise, which were then valued at close to $100 million. If he had been successful, the Generals would be worth over $3 billion today.

The court result was humiliating. When the jury read the verdict after a trial that took months, it found the NFL guilty of the most serious of the nine charges: Operating as a monopoly. The league never denied it was a monopoly but had argued the USFL's wounds were self-inflicted.

The future President was seated in Room 318 in U.S. District Court on judgment day on July 29, 1986. His eyes got big when the guilty verdict was read and he was already making plans to build a stadium in Manhattan for the Generals to compete with the Giants and Jets in New Jersey. The NFL was extremely nervous. Trump had a big smile on his face until the jury foreman announced it was awarding the USFL damages of just $1. Trebled under anti-trust law, it became $3.

Trump stood up, walked to the back of the courtroom and departed before hearing the NFL was found not guilty on the other eight counts. Trump's plan had backfired. He killed the USFL. Instead of remaining in the spring as it should have, the league folded.

He hasn't let up. A few of his tweets this week:

--"If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!"
--NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S."
--"The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can't kneel during our National Anthem!"

He's fails again .. You're BACKFIRED :0)

Trump's feud with NFL may be result of failures in USFL era

Donald Trump first feuded with the NFL over three decades ago and time has not healed all wounds. Now it looks like he's using his unexpected power of the Presidency to attempt to bully the NFL and its players and finally get even.

That's one way to interpret Trump's relentless attacks on the NFL regarding the national anthem issue in the last week that has somehow accomplished the impossible: He has unified the players with the owners along with finding a way to get the league office and the union to fight together.

The national anthem controversy, started by former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick one year ago to raise awareness about racial inequality, social injustice and police brutality against African-Americans, was quieting down with fewer than 10 players kneeling in Week 2 this season.

In Week 3, however, after Trump's inflammatory "son of a b---h" remark in Alabama, about 250 players responded to Trump by kneeling for the anthem while just about every player locked arms and three teams remained in the locker room. The league is 70% black.

Is Trump's all-out sniping at the NFL a result of his failed USFL trial in 1986 and his subsequent failed attempts to buy a team in the NFL? Does he have it in for the league?

The NFL and Trump have had a contentious relationship that goes way back to the USFL days. Most recently, Trump was outbid in 2014 by Terry and Kim Pegula for the Buffalo Bills. Trump offered $1 billion but the Pegulas were selected by the estate of the late Ralph Wilson with a winning bid of $1.4 billion. If Trump was successful in buying the Bills, perhaps he wouldn't be President today.

Trump's biggest failure in what was once an obsession to own an NFL team started when he purchased the USFL New Jersey Generals for $5 million following their first season of spring football in 1983.

Three years later, he was the driving force when the USFL announced it would play its fourth season in 1986 from the spring to the fall and was also filing a $1.69 billion antitrust suit against the NFL.

Trump’s plan was transparent: He wanted into the NFL. He was hoping to bring the NFL to its knees with a huge jury award, forcing a merger that would include his Generals. He was trying to turn his $5 million investment in the Generals into an NFL franchise, which were then valued at close to $100 million. If he had been successful, the Generals would be worth over $3 billion today.

The court result was humiliating. When the jury read the verdict after a trial that took months, it found the NFL guilty of the most serious of the nine charges: Operating as a monopoly. The league never denied it was a monopoly but had argued the USFL's wounds were self-inflicted.

The future President was seated in Room 318 in U.S. District Court on judgment day on July 29, 1986. His eyes got big when the guilty verdict was read and he was already making plans to build a stadium in Manhattan for the Generals to compete with the Giants and Jets in New Jersey. The NFL was extremely nervous. Trump had a big smile on his face until the jury foreman announced it was awarding the USFL damages of just $1. Trebled under anti-trust law, it became $3.

Trump stood up, walked to the back of the courtroom and departed before hearing the NFL was found not guilty on the other eight counts. Trump's plan had backfired. He killed the USFL. Instead of remaining in the spring as it should have, the league folded.

He hasn't let up. A few of his tweets this week:

--"If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!"
--NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S."
--"The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can't kneel during our National Anthem!"

He's fails again .. You're BACKFIRED :0)

People close to him have said he never forgets, holds grudges and always looks for a way to get revenge. We are now suffering through his revenge against Obama and the Press Corp dinner of 2011
Packers, Bears players lock arms during national anthem, while some Green Bay fans follow suit

Green Bay Packers players, coaches and staff locked arms during the national anthem Thursday night, a plan they revealed earlier this week,*prior to their game against the Chicago Bears at Lambeau Field. Many Bears players and coaches*did the same.

Some fans in the stands also locked arms in unison with the Packers, while others held their hands over their hearts and some saluted during the singing of The Star-


Strange .. I don't see many empty seats.


I don't see anybody bending a knee either........guess we'll have to check the seats in places that still try it......
lol.....lib'ruls are they pretend not bending a knee is still bending a knee and think everyone standing is supporting them instead of the flag.......