Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Deprived of the only sport they really loved, lynching, it was only a matter of time till the right-wing weirdoes gave up all inferior types.
People close to him have said he never forgets, holds grudges and always looks for a way to get revenge. We are now suffering through his revenge against Obama and the Press Corp dinner of 2011

I think almost every normal person I have met in real life would strive to teach children to not be a person like Donald J. Drumpf....arrogant, vindictive, petty, resentful.

Which is one reason I find it so mystifying when I see Trump-ettes here worshipping at the shrine of Donald J. Drumpf!
I think almost every normal person I have met in real life would strive to teach children to not be a person like Donald J. Drumpf....arrogant, vindictive, petty, resentful.

Which is one reason I find it so mystifying when I see Trump-ettes here worshipping at the shrine of Donald J. Drumpf!
I've also taught my children not to be like you.....
LOL you really don't understand monopoly based modern corporations do you? Not sure if I should ask that as a question.

Well yes I do. On the economic front when I say minority percentage, I mean the minority of consumers willing to buy and effect the bottom dollar. And as I implied above you truly have no clue how economics of scale works for neo-monopolies in the media industry. They (DirectTV) a subsidiary of AT&T are playing two sides of a sub set of people 'triggered' for them, in making money. And that moneys though not the majority of profit en mass is a perfect new alt- reactionary scam, i mean portfolio to make short term financial game or a minority profit.

Thanks for asking, sucker... er potential Corps client. DirectTV needs your monthly payment information.

While you did present a very well written response, with correctly spelled words and proper punctuation, it didn't really answer the question.

Do you need more time to reconsider how offering a refund, is making a profit??
While you did present a very well written response, with correctly spelled words and proper punctuation, it didn't really answer the question.

Do you need more time to reconsider how offering a refund, is making a profit??

Why waste time when I made the general concept clear the first time?
Why waste time when I made the general concept clear the first time?

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so now you want to include the disclaimer that it was just a "general concept" with no proof. :good4u:

And yet, you've still been unable to show how offering a refund, is making a profit??