An Apology for DamnYankee

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Staff member
1. No posting private information without consent... We will delete the posts and you will likely not have access for at least a couple of days, if not permanently. Private information would be information that could be used to find out who you are and/or where you live, how to contact you and/or information about a person's life that was not made public by posting it on this board. If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

I have bolded the relevant portion of the rule.

It has come to my attention that DY was banned for posting about "private" information that had been previously discussed on this board openly. Because of this it is apparent that due to our zeal to protect the privacy of our users we acted hastily and in error. When banning for the release of personal info, it is needful to be as quick as possible as there can be somebody who uses the idea that we are going to ban them to post even more personal info before the ban falls. I'm sorry that DY got caught in this, and his ban has been lifted.

"I fully consented to the banning of Damn yankee and I am now fully admitting I was 100% wrong to do so. It turns out we had imperfect information, and although at the time we had reason to believe he was violating one of our most important rules, I, and the other mods were in error. I offer Damnyankee my full apology.

As an aside, it is important to note, that we have a policy that when we believe someone is committing a rule violation, that they be banned first, and are provided with an avenue to contact us if they feel they have grounds to appeal. This is to prevent scenarios where if one is facing say, a permaban, that one does not have the opportunity to go for broke and release additional personal information before the ban sets in.

Damnyankee and others proved that the information he posted was previously posted by his accuser. And thus, us mods were wrong to ban him.

So with that said, hopefully we can all move forward. Once again, apologies to damnyankee."


I would like to offer an apology to Damn Yankee on behalf of the JPP staff. While it is true he had released 'private information', such information was already available on the board. Due to several other instances of similar violations taking place, we acted in haste. We have since been informed of our error, and have lifted the ban. While I personally do not like Damn Yankee, in this instance he did not warrant punishment for his actions, and his ban has been lifted. Let me again apologize for my part in this mistake.

Billy, aka Kel Tec RFB (currently)
1. No posting private information without consent... We will delete the posts and you will likely not have access for at least a couple of days, if not permanently. Private information would be information that could be used to find out who you are and/or where you live, how to contact you and/or information about a person's life that was not made public by posting it on this board. If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

I have bolded the relevant portion of the rule.

It has come to my attention that DY was banned for posting about "private" information that had been previously discussed on this board openly. Because of this it is apparent that due to our zeal to protect the privacy of our users we acted hastily and in error. When banning for the release of personal info, it is needful to be as quick as possible as there can be somebody who uses the idea that we are going to ban them to post even more personal info before the ban falls. I'm sorry that DY got caught in this, and his ban has been lifted.

"I fully consented to the banning of Damn yankee and I am now fully admitting I was 100% wrong to do so. It turns out we had imperfect information, and although at the time we had reason to believe he was violating one of our most important rules, I, and the other mods were in error. I offer Damnyankee my full apology.

As an aside, it is important to note, that we have a policy that when we believe someone is committing a rule violation, that they be banned first, and are provided with an avenue to contact us if they feel they have grounds to appeal. This is to prevent scenarios where if one is facing say, a permaban, that one does not have the opportunity to go for broke and release additional personal information before the ban sets in.

Damnyankee and others proved that the information he posted was previously posted by his accuser. And thus, us mods were wrong to ban him.

So with that said, hopefully we can all move forward. Once again, apologies to damnyankee."


I would like to offer an apology to Damn Yankee on behalf of the JPP staff. While it is true he had released 'private information', such information was already available on the board. Due to several other instances of similar violations taking place, we acted in haste. We have since been informed of our error, and have lifted the ban. While I personally do not like Damn Yankee, in this instance he did not warrant punishment for his actions, and his ban has been lifted. Let me again apologize for my part in this mistake.

Billy, aka Kel Tec RFB (currently)

:good4u: :chesh: :good4u:
There are plenty more, evidently, lurking around. He's back...on a technicality.

A technicality? He didn't break the rules. You may not like him, but certainly you don't want people banned based on popularity.
A technicality? He didn't break the rules. You may not like him, but certainly you don't want people banned based on popularity.

He did, in fact, break the rules. A poster found the quote of mine, which testified to my divulging my personal info. The hints and alludes to my appearance, however, have nothing to do with my postings....and couldn't be attributed to me...meaning that some posters here are aware of my alias, which is personal alias, Poet, was created, specifically, because of my personal info being posted on a political debate forum by forum members and a moderator, under an alias. I left the forum for that very reason. If folks can't play fair, and debate without resorting to posting personal info to score points, then I won't be here, either. This isn't about banning based on popularity. I give a shit. This is about respecting forum members and following the rules.
Anybody wanting to know my personal info....PM me, if you want the truth. Otherwise, it's just hearsay.
He did, in fact, break the rules. A poster found the quote of mine, which testified to my divulging my personal info. The hints and alludes to my appearance, however, have nothing to do with my postings....and couldn't be attributed to me...meaning that some posters here are aware of my alias, which is personal alias, Poet, was created, specifically, because of my personal info being posted on a political debate forum by forum members and a moderator, under an alias. I left the forum for that very reason. If folks can't play fair, and debate without resorting to posting personal info to score points, then I won't be here, either. This isn't about banning based on popularity. I give a shit. This is about respecting forum members and following the rules.
Anybody wanting to know my personal info....PM me, if you want the truth. Otherwise, it's just hearsay.

The fact is that he was banned for posting personal info. Then it turned out you had posted the info originally. That means it is not grounds for a ban.

That some others have hinted about what they know does not justify a ban for DY. The fact that DY is an asshole has no bearing on the matter, but it seems to be why you want to see him gone.

If someone breaks the rules you report them. Damo will not tolerate posting of personal info unless it is by the indiviual themselves.
i've never seen mods or admins apologize. kudos to the jpp staff.

poet, stop crying and moaning. why complain if you already posted the information?
The fact is that he was banned for posting personal info. Then it turned out you had posted the info originally. That means it is not grounds for a ban.

That some others have hinted about what they know does not justify a ban for DY. The fact that DY is an asshole has no bearing on the matter, but it seems to be why you want to see him gone.

If someone breaks the rules you report them. Damo will not tolerate posting of personal info unless it is by the indiviual themselves.

Did you not understand what I wrote? Referring to me, "all of a sudden", as "Patchy", is a reference to my appearance. I have no pictures reflecting that anywhere in the forum. That is personal. You're confused. Again. I don't want to see anyone "gone". I want folks to respect my privacy, as is my right. I'm ashamed of nothing. Someone wants me to post my picture, I'll do it. But I'll be damned if I'll be preempted. Whose side are you on?
Did you not understand what I wrote? Referring to me, "all of a sudden", as "Patchy", is a reference to my appearance. I have no pictures reflecting that anywhere in the forum. That is personal. You're confused. Again. I don't want to see anyone "gone". I want folks to respect my privacy, as is my right. I'm ashamed of nothing. Someone wants me to post my picture, I'll do it. But I'll be damned if I'll be preempted. Whose side are you on?

your quote:

I have no hair, except for a small patch, I'm bald.
Did you not understand what I wrote? Referring to me, "all of a sudden", as "Patchy", is a reference to my appearance. I have no pictures reflecting that anywhere in the forum. That is personal. You're confused. Again. I don't want to see anyone "gone". I want folks to respect my privacy, as is my right. I'm ashamed of nothing. Someone wants me to post my picture, I'll do it. But I'll be damned if I'll be preempted. Whose side are you on?

Aye matey- been walking the plank have ye? ARRRGH!
Aye matey- been walking the plank have ye? ARRRGH!

You're really a dumb bitch. I hope I don't get reprimanded for posting personal info. Patchy refers to the patch of hair I have on my head, not a eye-patch, scumbucket. One-dimensional thinking troglodyte.
your quote:

You stupid mr'er. That quote was to verify, that the reference being made, was concerning me. I didn't volunteer or confirm that bit of info until it was made apparent by Freedom and DY. Again, you're sticking your nose into other's peoples business....something that doesn't even concern you. Why don't you get you some business of your own? Idiot.
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