An ARMED Society is a POLITE Society

Sorry, gotta ask where your info is coming! Cite, please

Feinstein was the author of the original bill. This will be much the same.,0,2429438.story

WASHINGTON — Two days after the shooting deaths of 26 people at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school, Sen. Dianne Feinstein pledged Sunday that she would introduce new gun-control legislation at the beginning of next year’s congressional session.

“It [the bill] will ban the sale, the transfer, the transportation and the possession,” the California senator said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Not retroactively, but prospectively. And it will ban the same for big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets.”

Feinstein said the purpose of her proposal, a version of the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004, is to get “weapons of war off the streets of our cities.”

It's a little silly to say what the bill will contain specifically since she hasn't introduced it yet, huh?
Listen for yourself.

Folks, this is the way to defeat the gun grabbers, just present the facts and they will lose everytime. Other gun grabbing Demos have in the past repeated the same things that Senator FineSteam did here, people like Senators Lautenbugger and Chukey Shoemer have both boasted that eventually they want "TO GET" every last gun.
I visit Arizona all the time, and when I do, I go shooting at the Usery Mountain Shooting range near Power Road and McKellups. This is where World Champion Combat Shooter Rob Leathem teaches people how to double tap, when defending themselves with their legally concealed carry handguns. I sit in the stands and try to absorb as much as I can, by watching the great Rob Leathem teach police officers how to do the RIGHT thing, defend themselves against violent predators like street gang hoodlums, by taking them out. I pity the fool who tries to rob Rob at a mall parrking lot, forget about it. Next time, I will see Rob teaching the AZ teachers how to double tap at the bad guys.

For the same reason there are fewer bar fights now that MMA came out. No one knows who is extremely dangerous so they don't press their luck.
For the same reason there are fewer bar fights now that MMA came out. No one knows who is extremely dangerous so they don't press their luck.
The bad guy will always bring in a gun, no matter what the laws says, because they are bad. If the good guys carry guns, the bad guys will think twice before they draw down on anyone because they will never really know who is packin heat. In San Francisco the bad guy can just go ahead and draw down on someone in a bar and because of the strict gun laws, no one will be packin heat to fire back. Some of these Forum Libs are even more pin-headed than I originally thought, when I first came aboard, so I am trying my darndest to try to "spell" it out to them. I need to learn to talk to some of these Libs like they are in first grade or something, they are so dense, and stubborn.