An excoriating and true paragraph.

Sure like a frog into the middle of the road. I actually hope you morons win it all so when the shit hits the fan and everyone is broke we will have only the dems to thank. The things you gutless pukes will still try and blame Republicans. You don't even have conviction for your own causes.
I thought you guys promised we would all be broke by now last time?
I understand the practice of citation, but why does it matter in a two bit political discussion board?

I do not believe in form over function.
You are on a "two bit" board. That must be how you perceive yourself.
You are on a "two bit" board. That must be how you perceive yourself.
? I work hard on being real.

Not inflating my sense of self worth or reality...

I am a small time lawyer spending time here, with an amazing family, its a choice I made.
? I work hard on being real.

Not inflating my sense of self worth or reality...

I am a small time lawyer spending time here, with an amazing family, its a choice I made.
Your justification for violating forum rules is "being real?! That is bizarre.
You actually think people are swimming in cash buh? Is it that you can't hear it don't want to?
Not swimming in cash, no. But are we doing well, yes. Everyone is eating, we are a healthy nation. No sugar high, not overextending ourselves... We are a very strong nation.
Your justification for violating forum rules is "being real?! That is bizarre.
I am just asking why it matters, there are so many "rules" broken here. I said Id work on abiding, but your reaction seems outsized.
I am just asking why it matters, there are so many "rules" broken here. I said Id work on abiding, but your reaction seems outsized.
Just surprised a self described lawyer would not know citing a quotation is standard practice. And a rule here.
Just surprised a self described lawyer would not know citing a quotation is standard practice. And a rule here.
I know the rules and about standard practice. I chose to not waste my time, but if its a huge deal to you, I said id try to do better.

I simply asked why, and you did not answer.
I know the rules and about standard practice. I chose to not waste my time, but if its a huge deal to you, I said id try to do better.

I simply asked why, and you did not answer.
Because I never read unsourced quotes. It's what trolls do.
The fact you did not immediately cite the source is what trolls also do. Just to be antagonistic.
Sure like a frog into the middle of the road. I actually hope you morons win it all so when the shit hits the fan and everyone is broke we will have only the dems to thank. The things you gutless pukes will still try and blame Republicans. You don't even have conviction for your own causes.

You MAGA morons are going to throw your arms out of their sockets patting yourself on the back as often as you do.
Its from the NYT, but behind a paywall.
The NYT has a mixed liberal and conservative editorial staff.

Just yesterday, the NYT headlined- Kamala Harris Could Learn From Donald Trump About The Importance Of Lowering The Deficit!

DaWHAT??????????????? The president that increased the deficit the fastest and the most in American History with no regard for the deficit what-so-ever?
