An excoriating and true paragraph.

The NYT has a mixed liberal and conservative editorial staff.

Just yesterday, the NYT headlined- Kamala Harris Could Learn From Donald Trump About The Importance Of Lowering The Deficit!

DaWHAT??????????????? The president that increased the deficit the fastest and the most in American History with no regard for the deficit what-so-ever?

You can attack the NYT all day, but address the point that is very valid. trump is a loser.
You can attack the NYT all day, but address the point that is very valid. trump is a loser.
Trump has done or said nothing to attract INDEPENDENTS or anyone new to his campaign. He has even gone further Right with whatever policy he has mentioned. All he is doing is throwing red meat to his DOGS, slopping his hogs, running his foul mouth, and preaching to his own Choir of Deplorables- and telling BOLD FACE LIES, that are easily fact checked, making racist and sexist comments, and talking about crazy stuff that don't make any sense what-so-ever.

Meanwhile, Kamela/Walz is making gradual but steady upward strides in the polls, while the Trump Train is turning into a TRAIN WRECK!

Brilliant DONNIE! Just Brilliant! We couldn't do this without you!

Thanks in advance to TRUMP and all of his TRUMPTARDS- who are doing everything WRONG right now!!
"One of the defining attributes of his leadership of the Republican Party is the extent to which he (Trump) has so thoroughly reshaped Republican identity while leading Republican politicians to a string of national election defeats. Following his surprise win in 2016, Republicans either lost or underperformed in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Trump himself was a one-term president, the first since George H.W. Bush lost his bid for re-election in 1992. And the closer Republican candidates tie themselves to Trump in a competitive election, the more likely it is they will lose, from Kari Lake in Arizona to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania."
Here's another defining attribute of GOP leadership:

The GOP care more about lining their pockets than they do retirees' needs.

"Lobbying groups representing New York Life, Lincoln Financial Group, Prudential Financial and other companies first pushed back against the newly proposed regulations before suing to topple them entirely."

"Now the government’s latest attempt to protect retirees is in political and legal limbo, facing the possibility that it may never take effect."

"It is the latest example of a pervasive pattern: The Biden administration tried to impose new restrictions on powerful industries, those businesses successfully turn to (Republican) Congress and courts for a reprieve. This time, the resulting clash centers on a basic question: Should federal law require more financial professionals to put retirees’ needs above all else — including their own paychecks — when they offer advice about how to invest?"