An honest question.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Take a wild guess. Hint: what was the political leanings of the SCOTUS members who voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade? What are the political affiliations of state governor's who are implementing additional punitive actions against women who seek abortion under any circumstance (barring imminent death of the pregnant woman?

Then there's stuff like this: The U.S. remains the only country among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 member states without mandated paid leave for new parents, despite the fact that more than 80 percent of Americans support such a policy and only 60 percent of current workers are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act’s guaranteed unpaid leave. At the same time, workforce participation plummeted during the pandemic, with women’s unemployment and nonparticipation nearly double that of men in 2020.

Go ahead, take a wild guess!

Abortion isn't a "right." It isn't enumerated in the Constitution as one. It is no more a right than education, income security, healthcare, or anything else that actually costs money and is only available to some portion of the population.

Abortion can be legal or illegal, but it isn't an inalienable right.

That argument to popularity in a grotesquely biased magazine not withstanding.

That wasn't the question(s), toodles. Please answer those.

And since the Constitution could not cover every possible aspect of American society (then or in the future), you have amendments and SCOTUS rulings. For your reference:

Privacy Rights and Personal Autonomy Legally Protected by the Constitution

The U.S Constitution safeguards the rights of Americans to privacy and personal autonomy. Although the Constitution does not explicitly provide for such rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution protect these rights, specifically in the areas of marriage, procreation, abortion, private consensual homosexual activity, and medical treatment.

State and federal laws may limit some of these rights to privacy, as long as the restrictions meet tests that the Supreme Court has set forth, each involving a balancing of an individual's right to privacy against the state's compelling interests. Such compelling interests include protecting public morality and the health of its citizens and improving the quality of life. Court has held,to their own medical care.

Constitutional Right to Privacy

The fundamental right to privacy, guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, protects against unwarranted invasions of privacy by federal or state entities, or arms thereof. As early as Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that the doctor-patient relationship is one which evokes constitutional rights of privacy. Because the Supreme Court has found that a fundamental right of privacy exists as to medical information about a person, private causes of action (against defendants other than federal or state entities) also exist for alleged violations of privacy rights (e.g., “invasion of privacy”). This right would extend to the privacy of any medical information contained in medical records.
TAG, let's cut through the bullshit, OK?

Any political positions that move our nation closer to civilized status
would be unacceptable to you
because you know that you lack the mental acuity
to prosper in a civilized environment among civilized people.

Were you to suddenly appear in Scandinavia, for example,
you'd have to pray that PETA got all of the zoos shut down,
because nobody there would believe for a minute
that you're a sentient human being.

Fates willing,
someday our standards will reach that level,
and your kind will be blessed with the mercy of extinction.

Nobody should have to trek through this world with your limitations.
I am sorry that you're cursed with having to do so now..

What do you consider "civilized status?"

For example, I consider full blown socialism, along with its more virulent cousin communism, to be forms of slavery. I think a nation where every dispute has to be settled by lawyers and judges to be uncivilized.

And, I've been to Scandinavia more than once...

It is YOU that treks through the world with serious limitations. I suggest you NEVER go to roughly two-thirds of the nations on this planet because you are going to be a victim if you do.
That wasn't the question(s), toodles. Please answer those.

And since the Constitution could not cover every possible aspect of American society (then or in the future), you have amendments and SCOTUS rulings. For your reference:

Privacy Rights and Personal Autonomy Legally Protected by the Constitution

The U.S Constitution safeguards the rights of Americans to privacy and personal autonomy. Although the Constitution does not explicitly provide for such rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution protect these rights, specifically in the areas of marriage, procreation, abortion, private consensual homosexual activity, and medical treatment.

State and federal laws may limit some of these rights to privacy, as long as the restrictions meet tests that the Supreme Court has set forth, each involving a balancing of an individual's right to privacy against the state's compelling interests. Such compelling interests include protecting public morality and the health of its citizens and improving the quality of life. Court has held,to their own medical care.

Constitutional Right to Privacy

The fundamental right to privacy, guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, protects against unwarranted invasions of privacy by federal or state entities, or arms thereof. As early as Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that the doctor-patient relationship is one which evokes constitutional rights of privacy. Because the Supreme Court has found that a fundamental right of privacy exists as to medical information about a person, private causes of action (against defendants other than federal or state entities) also exist for alleged violations of privacy rights (e.g., “invasion of privacy”). This right would extend to the privacy of any medical information contained in medical records.

Those are opinions not legal positions written into law. Learn the difference.

In a quick shoot down of your choice of opinions, you have no legal right to assisted suicide. As for abortion, if it's solely a "woman's right to choose" then why do men have to pay child support for children born out of wedlock? Both parties involved in the procreation of the fetus / child, should have a say in it from creation to age of majority. Or, women should be solely responsible for unintended pregnancies they might get into with the men being held blameless as nothing more than sperm donors.

That's fair and equal.

So, the opinions you used above are full of shit based on selective reading of the law.
Those are opinions not legal positions written into law. Learn the difference.

In a quick shoot down of your choice of opinions, you have no legal right to assisted suicide. As for abortion, if it's solely a "woman's right to choose" then why do men have to pay child support for children born out of wedlock? Both parties involved in the procreation of the fetus / child, should have a say in it from creation to age of majority. Or, women should be solely responsible for unintended pregnancies they might get into with the men being held blameless as nothing more than sperm donors.

That's fair and equal.

So, the opinions you used above are full of shit based on selective reading of the law.

:palm: You know, it's really pathetic and tiring when you dim witted MAGA toots proudly make statements and assertions that essentially throw facts and logic out the window during a debate/discussion.

Opinions become bills, bills become laws, the Constitutionality of those laws (state & federal) can be challenged with the SCOTUS, who's ruling substantiate what is and what is not the law of the land.

Got that toodles?

That's how the following was reached regarding assisted suicide

As for child support for non-wed couples:

Read it ALL carefully and comprehensively, toodles. Or do what you do best: don't read and insist your opinion, supposition and conjecture are akin to facts.

And when all is said and done, why don't you grow a pair and stop all this dilly dallying with regards to the question: which political party is stripping women of their personal right of determination? Or are you one of those religious fanatics that think it's okay to force a junior high schooler to bring to term a pregnancy born of incest or rape? The reading audience awaits.
I believe white MAGA women hitch their wagon to the patriarchy of white Christian nationalism because they believe they will benefit socially and economically relative to minorites and other women of color by helping to keep white patriarchical domination at the top of the food chain.

I think most “white” women who voted for Trump and would vote for him again (so some people might refer to them as “MAGA”) never once think about race in their decision to vote.
There are people who get off on being someone’s slave

The next step is women won’t be able to travel without the governments sanction to keep them from having abortions

Then comes the leashes

Yep, but the trannies will be able to travel leash free. Go ahead and claim the GOP will do that.
Take a wild guess. Hint: what was the political leanings of the SCOTUS members who voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade? What are the political affiliations of state governor's who are implementing additional punitive actions against women who seek abortion under any circumstance (barring imminent death of the pregnant woman?

Then there's stuff like this: The U.S. remains the only country among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 member states without mandated paid leave for new parents, despite the fact that more than 80 percent of Americans support such a policy and only 60 percent of current workers are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act’s guaranteed unpaid leave. At the same time, workforce participation plummeted during the pandemic, with women’s unemployment and nonparticipation nearly double that of men in 2020.

Go ahead, take a wild guess!

democrats.............go figure. when are you going to realize that the D's are also racist, as well as misogynistic?????? Roe v Wade NEEDED to be overturned because there was no FEDERAL right to an abortion for birth control. end of story.

now let's hear your oather/threeper/trumper blather because you're butthurt about being shown reality you refuse to acknowledge.
The one that erases women and replaces them with men dressed as women.

The right to use a bathroom without a man in it has been stripped from women. The right to be in a locker room without men has been stripped. The right to compete in sports against other women has been stripped.

The OP is right, the filthy democrat party is stripping rights from women, but there is nothing slow about it.

but INCLUSION you transphobic watchamacallit........../sarcasm.....
There are people who get off on being someone’s slave

The next step is women won’t be able to travel without the governments sanction to keep them from having abortions

Then comes the leashes

You're just everyone's bitch.
They don't care Trump is a criminal

Right. Being a criminal doesnt disallow someone from holding office. Teddy Kennedy left a woman to die in a car he drove, under the influence of alcohol, off a bridge. He reported it 8 hours later. Not another fucking word was said about it. Stfu you stupid piece of shit
Really? Take note:

Former President Trump indicated he would consider signing into law legislation banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy if he is elected president again in 2024.

Why it matters: The new comments came as a departure from his campaign's previous support for individual states deciding restrictions — as abortion again looms over the upcoming major election cycle.
You can't use Axios as a source with me.
How so? Remember, it was the CONSERVATIVE APPOINTED SCOTUS judges in the majority that voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade....not to mention all the red state restrictive addendum's to that ruling.
Rescinding Roe v Wade was the constitutional thing to do... It was a violation of the constitution to begin with.
Right. Being a criminal doesnt disallow someone from holding office. Teddy Kennedy left a woman to die in a car he drove, under the influence of alcohol, off a bridge. He reported it 8 hours later. Not another fucking word was said about it. Stfu you stupid piece of shit

Review the court case of the Ted Kennedy accident
what political party is slowly stripping rights from women?

slow stripping is actually more provocative.
Actually, it's more your willful ignorance or genuine denial. For your education:

Understanding White Christian Nationalism

A common misunderstanding would be that it is the same thing as being a patriotic Christian,” said Philip Gorski, chair of the Department of Sociology at Yale. “Patriotism is an adherence to the ideals of the United States, and nationalism is loyalty to your tribe and not the country.”

In a recent book with sociologist Samuel L. Perry of the University of Oklahoma, Gorski traces white Christian nationalism in the United States to the late 1600s. Adherents believe in the idea that America was founded by Christians who modeled its laws and institutions after Protestant ideals with a mission to spread the religion and those ideals in the face of threats from non-whites, non-Christians, and immigrants.
You cannot use Yale as a source with me.