An important Democrat constituency endorses Obama

I wonder....

Perhaps she gets her information from "pundents on TV", whatever they are.

Do you think she puts on a tinfoil hat to receive the secret space signals from Democrat HQ?
20 posts later...not even one Dim.....not one, could or would address the thread.....
Obviously thats why I call them Dim.....
20 posts later...not even one Dim.....not one, could or would address the thread.....
Obviously thats why I call them Dim.....

What kind of response were you looking for, hack?

Do you think Obama sought their endorsement? Do you want to go over some of the groups who like McCain?

That's why I call you "hack."
Calling the democratic party the democrat party is a purposeful insult which has been done for years now.

I can tell right off the bat if a pundent on TV uses Democrat party instead fo democratic Party that they are right leaning.

You do not hear pundents on TV say rebuttlickin party do you?

I'm a democrat and I call it "The Deomcrat" party as I believe that is it's correct title. However, compared to you Desh, I am right leaning. ;)
Sought or not, their endorsement he got....

And it goes to show what an utter and complete moron you are. Hamas, whether you right wingers like it or not, are the political representative of a nation of people. By the very definition used to finger Hamas as a terrorist organization also applies to the Israeli's who are every bit a guilty of attrocities.

What makes you a moron is you think you can solve this problem with guns and butter. Not only is this stupid, it's niave.

Posture all you want to you dim wit but until you engage with your opponents, across the table, in civil discourse, then your left with your barbaric approach of killing people.

What really pisses me off about knuckle draggers like you is that if Reagan had your attitude the Soviet Union would be alive and well and we wouldn't give a rats ass about terrorism cause we'd still be fighting the cold war.

Hama's hope for an Obama Presidency (or a Clinton one) is shared by the vast majority of the rational world after 8 years of ideological incompetancy from an extremist US Government. It's time for main stream normal Americans to uphold our traditional values and take back our government from the right wing fascist in power now.

I share their hopes for a reasonable and rational and competent government. One that engages with the world instead of acting irrationally and withdrawing from the world stage like a spoiled brat taking it's ball and going home cause they won't play by there rules and let them win.
I'm a democrat and I call it "The Deomcrat" party as I believe that is it's correct title. However, compared to you Desh, I am right leaning. ;)


You are wrong then

Issues of grammar
Some believe that the use of the noun "Democrat" as an adjective is ungrammatical on the grounds that "Democratic Party" is not a proper noun, but a noun modified by an adjective.[17] Using a noun as a modifier of another noun is not, strictly speaking, grammatically incorrect in modern English in the formation of a compound noun, i.e. "shoe store," "school bus," "peace movement," "Senate election," etc. Americans commonly speak of "the Iraq war" rather than "the Iraqi war."[18][19]

The use of "Democrat Party" could be part of a linguistic trend. As one linguist explained, "We're losing our inflections – the special endings we use to distinguish between adjectives and nouns, for instance. There's a tendency to modify a noun with another noun rather than an adjective. Some may speak of "the Ukraine election" rather than 'the Ukrainian election' or 'the election in Ukraine,' for instance. It's 'the Iraq war' rather than 'the Iraqi war,' to give another example."[18]
Mugabe just won an election, too. Maybe he'll endorse a 'Crat!

Why am I not surprised to learn that a Democrat reveres Hamas (the name is an acronym for "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia") as a legitimate political party instead of the gang of murdering thugs it is?

Hamas did win an election, under dubious circumstances that would be familiar to any Democrat ward-heeler and tinpot dictator.

The National Socialist Party "won" elections too.

That must be why anti-Semites Farrakhan and "Peanuts" Carter joined ther Hamas masters in endorsing the Jackass Party's candidate.

After hearing that Hamas' endorsement had compared Obama (BHO?) to the notorious Jackass Party philanderer JFK, Obama campaign spokesman David Axelrod said "We all agree that John Kennedy was a great president, and it’s flattering when anybody says that Barack Obama would follow in his footsteps.”

When Mr. Axelrod said "We all agree that John Kennedy was a great president" he meant "we" as in Democrats and their terrorist allies. I certainly don't find much in Kennedy's resume to merit such praise.

What's next for the Dems and their terrorist allies? Mutual statements of holocaust denial?
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no but the majority do lean more left than right.

He hates anyone who is not right leaning. He spews hate with his/her every word.
no but the majority do lean more left than right.

He hates anyone who is not right leaning. He spews hate with his/her every word.

The majority stand in the middle, played with by the hacks on the left and right. The people who win or lose you elections are those independents who will vote either way.
The only people I see celebrating when US Soldiers are killed in Iraq are Democrats

Damo this is a quote by this guy from another thread.

The majority think this war was a mistake and want us to come home.
I would say the majority of the country is between the middle and center right, and our governmental representatives are primarily extremists.
Why am I not surprised to learn that a Democrat reveres Hamas (the name is an acronym for "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia") as a legitimate political party instead of the gang of murdering thugs it is?

Hamas did win an election, under dubious circumstances that would be familiar to any Democrat ward-heeler and tinpot dictator.

The National Socialist Party "won" elections too.

That must be why anti-Semites Farrakhan and "Peanuts" Carter joined ther Hamas masters in endorsing the Jackass Party's candidate.

After hearing that Hamas' endorsement had compared Obama (BHO?) to the notorious Jackass Party philanderer JFK, Obama campaign spokesman David Axelrod said "We all agree that John Kennedy was a great president, and it’s flattering when anybody says that Barack Obama would follow in his footsteps.”

When Mr. Axelrod said "We all agree that John Kennedy was a great president" he meant "we" as in Democrats and their terrorist allies. I certainly don't find much in Kennedy's resume to merit such praise.

What's next for the Dems and their terrorist allies? Mutual statements of holocaust denial?

Why do you hate America?
I would say the majority of the country is between the middle and center right, and our governmental representatives are primarily extremists.

I think the majority of Americans are frustrated that our primary process has polarized our politics into extremes when most people are near the center.

I often feel that I have the choice between the Nazi's and the communist.

I do feel good about this upcoming Presidential election. The two remaining Democrats and John McCain are outstanding candidates. One liberal, one moderate/centrist and a true conservative (as opposed to the ideological right wing reactionary extremist like the Bushies who coopted the term.). For once in a very long time I feel very good about the slate of candidates we have. :)

Oddly enough I feel that the moderate candidate (Clinton) is the least capable of uniting the nation while I feel both the liberal and conservative candidate would do an excellent job of that.

The fact that I'm not having an extremist (like Bush) or an Incompetant (like Bush) or an out of touch blue blooded aritocrat (again like Bush) shoved down my throat is very good.

Of all of Bush's many failures as President was the big lie of 2000 of "I'm a uniter not a divider."

It will be nice to have a President to what Bush so cyinically lied about. Uniting us as a people.
The only people I see celebrating when US Soldiers are killed in Iraq are Democrats

Damo this is a quote by this guy from another thread.

The majority think this war was a mistake and want us to come home.
That would not make my statement inaccurate. It just make yours make less sense.

First you say that the majority are all "left of center" then you use this guy's statement to "Prove" that?

Your argument is total garbage and makes no sense.

The majority of Americans are neither left or right, and those who make the difference in elections change often from voting for one party to the other.

This study shows how people feel about the budget and certain programs when there is no right or left label placed on them.

People in this country are more left than right.

When you tell them how the programs would be applied (without adding labels) it changes and more are right than left.

Either are rubbish, the majority are more libertarian than either major party wants to believe. The republicans don't like that the majority are not uber-religious freakos who don't want gays to marry, and the democrats don't like that the majority don't want direct giveaway programs and programs that directly redistribute money.

When you tell them how the programs would be applied (without adding labels) it changes and more are right than left.

Either are rubbish, the majority are more libertarian than either major party wants to believe. The republicans don't like that the majority are not uber-religious freakos who don't want gays to marry, and the democrats don't like that the majority don't want direct giveaway programs and programs that directly redistribute money.

Couldn't care less about the free market, just starve poor people...