An important Democrat constituency endorses Obama

This study shows how people feel about the budget and certain programs when there is no right or left label placed on them.

People in this country are more left than right.

Desh. The problem is your a partisan and want to see things with rose colored glasses. Karl rove made the comment that most Americans are center right and he's got a hell of a lot more proof to back that up then you do.

You miss the obvious point. Most Americans are moderate or centrist in their politics and most Americans in the center feel very comfortable voting for either a conservative or a liberal as long as they are competent and are of proven ability.

When you tell them how the programs would be applied (without adding labels) it changes and more are right than left.

Either are rubbish, the majority are more libertarian than either major party wants to believe. The republicans don't like that the majority are not uber-religious freakos who don't want gays to marry, and the democrats don't like that the majority don't want direct giveaway programs and programs that directly redistribute money.


That's the silliest thing I've heard in a long time. If that were true....why a libertarian might actually get elected to an office higher than dog catcher! LOL

That's the silliest thing I've heard in a long time. If that were true....why a libertarian might actually get elected to an office higher than dog catcher! LOL
The silliest thing I've heard in a long time, is taking what I said and pretending it means that Libertarian Party people are getting elected anywhere. That is sad, it shows you seek no meaning in what people say other than to pretend that they mean what you want them to.

I said, "More libertarian". And I explained using the results of the link she gave. I knew as I typed the word it would be a distraction, and should have changed it. The reality is they are neither right or left, but when you inform people how the money is spent they vote economically conservative and socially liberal. Hence my description of "more" libertarian. I certainly didn't imply that they are Libertarians, we all know that isn't reality.

Pretend to laugh as you will, reality supports my conclusion. Not in voting for Libertarians, but in how people do change who they vote for in the middle, and that it is those people you must win over to win elections. Why do you think that the D's tend to change the wording of giveaway programs? Why do you think they avoid the 'redistributing' label? Why do you think the R's only put forward anti-gay legislation in certain places to get their "constituency" to the polls?

The reality is if you don't pay attention to those people in the middle who vote economically conservative and socially liberal you have consistent losses.
When people are allowed to place their priorities on the budget without someone telling them that is a liberal idea or a conservative idea they end up rearranging the budget in a manner most would call liberal.

When you add propaganda and smear words like socialist and communist like the right loves to use for anything that is in the benifit of the American populace then you can make them vote against their own interest.

You are in the middle MD so you think everyone is like you. Damo is to the lib right so he thinks every is like him. Im on the far left and this study shows far more people are leaning my way when just the numbers are set in front of them.

I think I make my case better than either of you.
No you are.

Go read the study. Its very indepth and very telling.

They handed people a work sheet where they could alter the budget of the united statees in whatever why they wanted. No one told them if you give more money to this its liberal if you defund these things its conservative. They just handed them the budget numbers and the program descriptions and let the peopel have at it.

Guess what the majority of people did?

They reduced the military funding and increased the social spending.

Desh I've read that study for 3 years now. In addition to now being slightly dated, you and I both know that it has absolutely nothing to do with how people identify themselves politically.

Can you respond to this post while staying on topic?