An Understandable Oversight - McCain Forgets to Pay his Taxes

And I don’t think that my planting the rumor that I’m good-looking, at the same time Topper has been posting his rather spurious claims that I’m easy, had anything to do with it!
And I don’t think that my planting the rumor that I’m good-looking, at the same time Topper has been posting his rather spurious claims that I’m easy, had anything to do with it!

Good-looking and easy are the best possible combinations that can exist within a single object.
That has what to do with owning seven homes and hiring people to pay the bills on them? Oh that's right, nothing. How many homes does Obama, “the elitist” own?
Oh that’s right, one.

You better stick to the Milton, one-note, you know what suckers, because you can take them, but you are getting in over your head when you want to start something with me.

IF you put your assets in a blind trust that means they are being run by someone else. I guarantee Obama has his assets being managed in a similar fashion. Having one house or seven doesn't make a difference. It makes no difference if they are running investment properties, properties for relatives, stocks, bonds, alt investments etc....
IF you put your assets in a blind trust that means they are being run by someone else. I guarantee Obama has his assets being managed in a similar fashion. Having one house or seven doesn't make a difference. It makes no difference if they are running investment properties, properties for relatives, stocks, bonds, alt investments etc....

I think you’re going to be hearing a lot more about McCain’s seven homes, now that he is hitting Obama for being an elitist SF. You better brace yourself for it.

Seven homes. Millions more Americans expected to default this year. And he’s calling Obama an elitist? Nah, not going to fly.
Well, I don’t have all day SF, where are you hiding? I bet you got a look at the smartest JPP poster poll, and got scared huh? I can’t help noticing that I got three votes, and you got, how many? Oh that’s right, zero votes for Superfreak. And, I can honestly swear to God that I did not vote for myself.


I was trying to educate those that supposedly worship Friedman, yet who cannot even grasp what Friedman was trying to say. The assertation that supply and demand cannot drive inflation is quite funny. They seem to be of the mindset that monetary policy is the only thing that can effect inflation, even though that is NOT their idles position.

but back to this topic.... yeah, you really scare me... :rolleyes:

just replied in previous post.....
Remember what a hard time they gave John Kerry for having a rich wife?

It’s not a good time to be running for President with seven homes, and further, not having any idea what a gallon of gas costs at the pump. Which he didn’t.

This guy is toast domestically.

That’s why we’re bombing Iran you know.
I think you’re going to be hearing a lot more about McCain’s seven homes, now that he is hitting Obama for being an elitist SF. You better brace yourself for it.

Seven homes. Millions more Americans expected to default this year. And he’s calling Obama an elitist? Nah, not going to fly.

I have no problem with people commenting on how many homes the McCains own. I simply clarified for you that ALL Presidential candidates have their assets managed by "servants" (as you put it).

I was trying to educate those that supposedly worship Friedman, yet who cannot even grasp what Friedman was trying to say. The assertation that supply and demand cannot drive inflation is quite funny. They seem to be of the mindset that monetary policy is the only thing that can effect inflation, even though that is NOT their idles position.

but back to this topic.... yeah, you really scare me... :rolleyes:

just replied in previous post.....

Well, shortly before Karl Marx died, he said that he didn’t know what Marxism was, but he knew that he wasn’t a Marxist. There is some of that going on with Friedman.
I have no problem with people commenting on how many homes the McCains own. I simply clarified for you that ALL Presidential candidates have their assets managed by "servants" (as you put it).

Including their real property? Doubtful.

Additionally, I though that Cindy McCain was actually the trustee of the trust, no?
"County records show the bills, which were mailed to a Phoenix address associated with Mrs. McCain's trust, were returned by the post office. According to a McCain campaign aide, who requested anonymity when discussing a private matter, an elderly aunt of Mrs. McCain's lives in the condo, and the bank that manages the trust has not been receiving tax bills on the property. Shortly after NEWSWEEK inquired about the matter, the McCain aide e-mailed a receipt dated Friday, June 27, confirming payment by the trust to San Diego County in the amount of $6,744.42. County officials say the trust still owes an additional $1,742 for this year, an amount that is overdue and will go into default July 1. Told of the outstanding $1,742, the aide said: "The trust has paid all bills shown owing as of today and will pay all other bills due."

So, as the board's foremost McCain apologist, and Iraq War supporter, your contention is that because McCain's accountant's didn't recieve a tax bill for four years, they just blew off paying the taxes? And don't blame McCain.

You sure you want to cling to that answer? That your final answer? (See the response to your assertion, from the San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector, below)

I don't think the Government would accept the old "dog ate my homework" excuse, from me. It's my responsibility to pay taxes, whether or not I get a bill in the mail. It's McCain's property, he's responsible. If you want to divert the blame away from McCain, and towards his accountants, what does this say about the type of people he hires to manage his assests?

Look, I understand owning seven houses is a hassle and a burden. The burden of a beef fortune is an additional hassle. Personally, every house I've owned, I made sure the taxes were paid. Even if I had hired a management company to do my leg work, I think I would have been on top of it. It's not like he's Donald Trump, with thousands of properties.

Dan McAllister, treasurer- tax collector for San Diego County: "We do hear an awful lot of excuses for why people don't pay," McAllister said. "Under the law, the property owner is responsible for keeping the address current. We're only as good as the information we are given"
Including their real property? Doubtful.

Additionally, I though that Cindy McCain was actually the trustee of the trust, no?

Not including primary residence, but typically if they have investment properties or multiple properties, then yes.

More than likely since the bank was assigned to run the trust, she turned over duties to them. Again, this doesn't relieve the McCains of ultimate responsibility, but this is a non-story. (with regards to the "ooh they didn't pay taxes point... .but Darla has a point with the "they have a lot of homes" comment)
So, as the board's foremost McCain apologist, and Iraq War supporter, your contention is that because McCain's accountant's didn't recieve a tax bill for four years, they just blew off paying the taxes? And don't blame McCain.

You sure you want to cling to that answer? That your final answer? (See the response to your assertion, from the San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector, below)

I don't think the Government would accept the old "dog ate my homework" excuse, from me. It's my responsibility to pay taxes, whether or not I get a bill in the mail. It's McCain's property, he's responsible. If you want to divert the blame away from McCain, and towards his accountants, what does this say about the type of people he hires to manage his assests?

Look, I understand owning seven houses is a hassle and a burden. The burden of a beef fortune is an additional hassle. Personally, every house I've owned, I made sure the taxes were paid. Even if I had hired a management company to do my leg work, I think I would have been on top of it. It's not like he's Donald Trump, with thousands of properties.

Once again your ability to create strawmen from nothing is astounding. You are a complete moron. Congratulations.

1) It was not their "accountants" that screwed up.

2) The Bank was running a trust for them. Which means they handle all assets and transactions for the trust.

3) The Bank (as I stated) should have caught the fact that they weren't paying property taxes, despite not receiving notices.

4) No, the McCains having given control of the trust to the Bank were not likely to catch the error. They hired the bank to do a job.... the bank failed. Once notified by the state of the situation, the McCains took care of it. No one ever suggested the state would show leniency or say "don't worry about it". What would have happened if they had hit the five years is that the McCains would likely have lost the property and then sued the bank for negligence.

5) They did not blow off paying taxes. They assumed the bank was doing its job and taking care of it.

6) If you hired a management company to run properties and then backchecked every single aspect of running the property then you prove once again that you are a moron. If you are doing all the checking to see that things are done then you may as well not be paying someone else to do it you tool.

7) As I stated above, the McCains were still ultimately responsible. So you are a fucking moron for suggesting that I said anything to the contrary.
Thanks again Gumby for proving what a complete moron you are.
Again, like the typical whiner that you are, you miss the point. I do not give him a pass. I expect him to pay the taxes, as he did.

But the fact is, the BANK was hired to run the trust that owned this property. The property taxes should have been paid by the bank. The fact that the property tax notices were returned by the post office means there was an error by either the bank or the post office. Not by McCain.

An audit by the bank of the trust SHOULD have caught the fact that property taxes had not been paid. But to act as though McCain is somehow to blame for not paying taxes is idiotic. That is what the Bank was hired to do. Manage the trust and pay its bills. It is done so that McCain DOESN'T have to pay attention to those details.

Bottom line though, it is still the McCains responsibility to pay the taxes. When notified that their bank failed, they took care of it.

Note that bolded line Gumby. Was that hard for you to comprehend? Perhaps you should spend more time with reading comprehension and less time being the pathetic little leg humper that you are.
It would actually be a story had he actually forgotten it.

When you put your assets in trust, you cannot watch what they are doing to minutiae. It defeats the purpose of the trust.

Had McCain lost the property through the negligence of the Bank who held the trust, he'd definitely be due recompense and a lawsuit would be in order.
It would actually be a story had he actually forgotten it.

When you put your assets in trust, you cannot watch what they are doing to minutiae. It defeats the purpose of the trust.

Had McCain lost the property through the negligence of the Bank who held the trust, he'd definitely be due recompense and a lawsuit would be in order.

Watch out now.... gumby will be along shortly to spin the above into "you think McCain shouldn't have to pay taxes". Best be prepared for the leg humpers arrival.