Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?


Harris - make America a 3rd world shithole
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.

BS. I do not know any prominent atheists that support that crap. Most of the prominent atheist are also rather active in the skeptical movement, which rejects this ancient alien astronaut garbage.

Do you think Scientologists are atheists?

It is definitely not science.

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology?

Why does Xenu's spacecraft look like a DC-8? Why did reports of aliens use to describe them as having antenna and brightly colored skin (often blue) but now they all have that bulbous bald greyish head with big eyes?
WTF has this to do with atheism.

Episode 87
Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that incredible stories about the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld are proof that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.

Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that extraterrestrial beings were responsible for causing the Great Flood.

According to the Ancient Alien "Theory" the aliens were the Gods and Daniken promoted the idea that they were false gods. That is not atheism.
But it does sound like some of the stupid shit TapsOut was talking about in the OMG thread. They have a similar problem accepting our technological advancement without a supernatural explanation. I don't see why.
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


Sure, my thought is that you are so embarrassed by creationism associated with Republicans that you are searching for straw men to fight.
WTF has this to do with atheism.

Episode 87
Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that incredible stories about the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld are proof that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.

Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that extraterrestrial beings were responsible for causing the Great Flood.

According to the Ancient Alien "Theory" the aliens were the Gods and Daniken promoted the idea that they were false gods. That is not atheism.

anything at all to labor in vain, trying to disprove that which is indiscernible to the natural, carnal, unregenerate mind of fools. all evidence is in the archaeological record. the problem is that many of the falsely so called "scientists" are not scientists; they are reprobate antichrists who will die in delusion, having labored in vain as do you and most leftist antichrists. there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


This concept is actually perfectly compatible with standard Christian religions as well, because God came from heaven (the stars) to create man and all life. All the new concept has done is replace the word God with alien...................
Do you think Scientologists are atheists?

I watched Leah Remini's special on scientology. The organization looks exactly like SOCIALISM with all the individuals dependent on the gov't (the church) for everything including jobs. And the separating of the children from the parents for State (the church) brainwashing.
This concept is actually perfectly compatible with standard Christian religions as well, because God came from heaven (the stars) to create man and all life. All the new concept has done is replace the word God with alien...................

Yep, replace God with Aliens is supposed to be more ... "scientific".
I watched Leah Remini's special on scientology. The organization looks exactly like SOCIALISM with all the individuals dependent on the gov't (the church) for everything including jobs. And the separating of the children from the parents for State (the church) brainwashing.

If you study Jehovah's Witnesses you will see that a full 25 percent of them have schizophrenia or some other serious disease that interferes with their mindset and ability to think rationally. These so called religions need to pound the sense out of the rest of the cult. They actually show how sick America is as a whole to allow this
I watched Leah Remini's special on scientology. The organization looks exactly like SOCIALISM with all the individuals dependent on the gov't (the church) for everything including jobs. And the separating of the children from the parents for State (the church) brainwashing.

Was that supposed to be an answer?
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


Bull Shit. Even "if" aliens do exist, have existed, the major problems of mathematics and physics still exist, space travel over the vast continually expanding universe. One first has to accept BS theory, conjecture and speculation as truth before the "IF" can be quantifiable. Nothing presented in such a theory remotely removes the need of CREATION from the formula of this physical reality. When quantified....something SUPERIOR to NATURE.....supernatural, created the natural as determined by the simple law of causality.

Unless you accept the ramblings of an atheist such as S. Hawking who says, "The universe created itself from nothing..." Really Steve? Explain to us just how Science can be applied to such a conjecture.
To non-Christians this would be a topic to debate. To a Christian and a believer in Jesus Christ, i will laugh and say bull, and pray that someday soon before the demise of the ones that believe this junk will repent and ask for forgiveness.
Bull Shit. Even "if" aliens do exist, have existed, the major problems of mathematics and physics still exist, space travel over the vast continually expanding universe. One first has to accept BS theory, conjecture and speculation as truth before the "IF" can be quantifiable. Nothing presented in such a theory remotely removes the need of CREATION from the formula of reality.

Ralph just a few hundred years ago no one knew what a planet or star was. Your brain is stuck in a gear that space travel requires solid rocket fuel to boost a vehicle off the Earth. This will never enable space travel, have you looked into the ion drive yet? This is generating force in opposition to all known physical laws. How? the answer is because we do not understand physics saying that we do is ignorant. In fact current physics says that 95 percent of the Universe is missing....................... No one has a clue, not anyone from Earth anyway
It's an atheistic creation story.

It is not. It proposes to prove multiple false gods, Daniken claimed the God of the Bible was the true god and they even support the idea of an afterlife. It's not atheistic.

Atheism means disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. The root a means without theist means deity or god.
It is not. It proposes to prove multiple false gods, Daniken claimed the God of the Bible was the true god and they even support the idea of an afterlife. It's not atheistic.

Atheism means disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. The root a means without theist means deity or god.

It has evolved since Daniken wrote his book, Chariots of the Gods, 50 years ago, ... into Ancient Alien theory. Dankien is just a footnote now.
It isn't. Science fiction is not science.

In 1966 Kirks communicator was science fiction. Now you can call the space station from your cell phone. Moral, one mans fiction is a designers opportunity at fact.
