Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

It does not suggest they can literally pass a memory to you. No, they are not real and present in any literal sense.

What it suggests is that their experiences may effect their sperm and how the genes unfold in any resulting offspring.

Wrong, it does say that memories can be directly passed from DNA to offspring. This is a bigger discovery than when Galileo said the Earth was not the center of the universe, he was locked up because others could not comprehend his observations.

In this case the memory of cherry blossoms causing electric shock and severe pain is transmitted to the offspring. No one is even working with this seriously, because no one knows how to approach it. This discovery shows that there is a layer to DNA code that is not understood by anyone, and this is what we are, thus we do not even know how we work........................
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


Francis Crick postulated the theory of Directed Panspermia back in the 50's. Basically, as a means to get around the abiogenesis problem.

But it only kicked the can down the road lol.
Francis Crick postulated the theory of Directed Panspermia back in the 50's. Basically, as a means to get around the abiogenesis problem.

But it only kicked the can down the road lol.

Once we land on Mars we have taken life to another planet. No one wants to accept that this could easily have been done before.
Wrong, it does say that memories can be directly passed from DNA to offspring. This is a bigger discovery than when Galileo said the Earth was not the center of the universe, he was locked up because others could not comprehend his observations.

In this case the memory of cherry blossoms causing electric shock and severe pain is transmitted to the offspring. No one is even working with this seriously, because no one knows how to approach it. This discovery shows that there is a layer to DNA code that is not understood by anyone, and this is what we are, thus we do not even know how we work........................

It does not, idiot. Who claimed that it did?

It said the offspring of males trained to fear the scent showed anxiety when exposed to the scent. It also said they had greater ability to detect the scent. This is not the first thing supporting epigenetics and no one suggests that it has anything to do with literal transmission of memories.
BULLSHIT! Links! Did they create their own journals like the other cargo cultists in ID?

Searching For The Science Behind Reincarnation : NPR
Jan 5, 2014 - Jim Tucker, a psychologist at the University of Virginia studies ... Over the decades, we've now studied over 2,500 cases of children who report ...

I don't know what journals or ID? you speak of :dunno:

Near Death Experiences are anecdotal by their vary nature. No sense in me providing links.
It does not, idiot. Who claimed that it did?

It said the offspring of males trained to fear the scent showed anxiety when exposed to the scent. It also said they had greater ability to detect the scent. This is not the first thing supporting epigenetics and no one suggests that it has anything to do with literal transmission of memories.

The concept is both simple and has been proved. It goes like this, the parent mouse remembers the smell of cherry blossoms, because it has been attacked by them or so it thinks. the mouse does not understand either electricity or what cherry blossoms are, it does however retain the memory that cherry blossoms are dangerous and or even life threatening as electrocution is both painful and even fatal. Now end this experiment, move the parent mouse to a new location and mate it with an unaffected mate. The offspring retain the memory that cherry blossoms are something to be avoided, even though they have never encountered them or been trained to avoid them. So the parent mouse's memory, training, acquired characteristics are transferred to the baby mouse, presumably to give it a better shot at reproducing by automatically avoiding a threat to life.

Again, the highly intelligent people who did this experiment have no idea what to do next. The experiment proves we have no clue as to what we are or how are minds and bodies store and transfer info. See the memory of cherry blossom danger that was stored in the mind of the mouse, in some way made it into DNA, we know of no mechanism for this
Searching For The Science Behind Reincarnation : NPR
Jan 5, 2014 - Jim Tucker, a psychologist at the University of Virginia studies ... Over the decades, we've now studied over 2,500 cases of children who report ...

I don't know what journals or ID? you speak of :dunno:

Near Death Experiences are anecdotal by their vary nature. No sense in me providing links.

Your support for the science of reincarnation is an interview of a psychiatrist? Has he written any papers? LOL

Here are some of his relevant papers.

Keil HHJ & Tucker JB. "Children who claim to remember previous lives: Cases with written records made before the previous personality was identified." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(1):91-101, 2005.

The society's magazine, the Journal of Scientific Exploration, was established to provide a scientific forum for ufology, parapsychology and cryptozoology, having published research articles, essays, book reviews and letters on those and many other topics that are largely ignored in mainstream journals.

Sharma P & Tucker JB. "Cases of the reincarnation type with memories from the intermission between lives." Journal of Near-Death Studies, 23(2):101-118, 2005.

Near death studies, enough said.

Pasricha SK, Keil J, Tucker JB, Stevenson I. "Some bodily malformations attributed to previous lives." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(3):359-383, 2005.

See above.

Tucker, J.B. "Children's reports of past-life memories: A review." EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 4(4):244-248, 2008.

Pseudoscience journal that publishes parapscyhology.

Tucker JB & Keil HHJ. "Experimental birthmarks: New cases of an Asian practice. International Journal of Parapsychology, in press.

Yep, the impact factor of all of these combined is negligible. He's not doing science that anybody that is doing science cares about.
Your support for the science of reincarnation is an interview of a psychiatrist? Has he written any papers? LOL

Here are some of his relevant papers.

Keil HHJ & Tucker JB. "Children who claim to remember previous lives: Cases with written records made before the previous personality was identified." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(1):91-101, 2005.

The society's magazine, the Journal of Scientific Exploration, was established to provide a scientific forum for ufology, parapsychology and cryptozoology, having published research articles, essays, book reviews and letters on those and many other topics that are largely ignored in mainstream journals.

Sharma P & Tucker JB. "Cases of the reincarnation type with memories from the intermission between lives." Journal of Near-Death Studies, 23(2):101-118, 2005.

Near death studies, enough said.

Pasricha SK, Keil J, Tucker JB, Stevenson I. "Some bodily malformations attributed to previous lives." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(3):359-383, 2005.

See above.

Tucker, J.B. "Children's reports of past-life memories: A review." EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 4(4):244-248, 2008.

Pseudoscience journal that publishes parapscyhology.

Tucker JB & Keil HHJ. "Experimental birthmarks: New cases of an Asian practice. International Journal of Parapsychology, in press.

Yep, the impact factor of all of these combined is negligible. He's not doing science that anybody that is doing science cares about.

The question becomes, are some people more genetically inclined to inherit memories from their parents
I'm simple minded.


Big news.
Your support for the science of reincarnation is an interview of a psychiatrist? Has he written any papers? LOL

Here are some of his relevant papers.

Keil HHJ & Tucker JB. "Children who claim to remember previous lives: Cases with written records made before the previous personality was identified." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(1):91-101, 2005.

The society's magazine, the Journal of Scientific Exploration, was established to provide a scientific forum for ufology, parapsychology and cryptozoology, having published research articles, essays, book reviews and letters on those and many other topics that are largely ignored in mainstream journals.

Sharma P & Tucker JB. "Cases of the reincarnation type with memories from the intermission between lives." Journal of Near-Death Studies, 23(2):101-118, 2005.

Near death studies, enough said.

Pasricha SK, Keil J, Tucker JB, Stevenson I. "Some bodily malformations attributed to previous lives." Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(3):359-383, 2005.

See above.

Tucker, J.B. "Children's reports of past-life memories: A review." EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 4(4):244-248, 2008.

Pseudoscience journal that publishes parapscyhology.

Tucker JB & Keil HHJ. "Experimental birthmarks: New cases of an Asian practice. International Journal of Parapsychology, in press.

Yep, the impact factor of all of these combined is negligible. He's not doing science that anybody that is doing science cares about.

What were you expecting? ... a climate scientist?

The concept is both simple and has been proved. It goes like this, the parent mouse remembers the smell of cherry blossoms, because it has been attacked by them or so it thinks. the mouse does not understand either electricity or what cherry blossoms are, it does however retain the memory that cherry blossoms are dangerous and or even life threatening as electrocution is both painful and even fatal. Now end this experiment, move the parent mouse to a new location and mate it with an unaffected mate. The offspring retain the memory that cherry blossoms are something to be avoided, even though they have never encountered them or been trained to avoid them. So the parent mouse's memory, training, acquired characteristics are transferred to the baby mouse, presumably to give it a better shot at reproducing by automatically avoiding a threat to life.

Again, the highly intelligent people who did this experiment have no idea what to do next. The experiment proves we have no clue as to what we are or how are minds and bodies store and transfer info. See the memory of cherry blossom danger that was stored in the mind of the mouse, in some way made it into DNA, we know of no mechanism for this

Bullshit! It does not literally suggest the transmission of a memory.

It only suggests an epigenetic effect to the males sperm and descendants. It's certainly not that well understood yet but they do have some hypothesis.
Bullshit! It does not literally suggest the transmission of a memory.

It only suggests an epigenetic effect to the males sperm and descendants. It's certainly not that well understood yet but they do have some hypothesis.

Epigenics is a word created to describe something that is not understood. The fact is that the memory which is an acquired characteristic in the adult, is in some way moved to the eggs and or sperm before mating. How do you explain this happening?

Answer you can't, just saying it's epigenics does not answer the question. Arguing that this is not real is a predestined failed argument, but it demonstrates what I said initially, which is we have no clue as to what we are..............
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