Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

I watched Leah Remini's special on scientology. The organization looks exactly like SOCIALISM with all the individuals dependent on the gov't (the church) for everything including jobs. And the separating of the children from the parents for State (the church) brainwashing.

They most certainly are socialists and homewreckers. Leah Remini is one story amongst 100's. Those fuckers worshipped a lunatic man fixated with the Navy and all things running like a battleship.

Tom Cruise is the unspoken head of the organization and David Miscavige is an egomanic of staggering proportions who does his every bidding. His wife Shelley Miscavige is likely being held against her will in one of their 'compounds' in Riverside County. (Scientology lockdown).

What they do to their families should be illegal. They indenture you when you join and you pay millions to keep buying their brand of bullshit until you die, or become an SP. They follow and harrangue the people who get out relentlessly. They are followed, their families are followed and you're practically penniless in the end.

No wonder the liberal lemmings eat this shit up. Being controlled is what they know. Bunch a fucking trained monkeys screaming for more bananas.
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


What makes you assume you're arriving at valid conclusions ?....
fire emitting rockets
bulky space suits
landing strips
winged space ships
giant pyramids to navigate

Granted, some people might believe some or all of that, but no one can prove even one of those assumptions.....
Cave drawings and etchings and statues from our ancient history don't actually prove anything...its us trying to make figure out what they meant to their those that created them or even IF they mean anything at all....

Those assumptions are no more valid than when observations of the sky proved to some people that the earth was the center of the universe....
What makes you assume you're arriving at valid conclusions ?....
fire emitting rockets
bulky space suits
landing strips
winged space ships
giant pyramids to navigate

Granted, some people might believe some or all of that, but no one can prove even one of those assumptions.....
Cave drawings and etchings and statues from our ancient history don't actually prove anything...its us trying to make figure out what they meant to their those that created them or even IF they mean anything at all....

Those assumptions are no more valid than when observations of the sky proved to some people that the earth was the center of the universe....

It was tongue in cheek.

I think if Ancient Aliens were genuine, they'd have better tech than 1970's America's space program.

You'd be surprised how many millenials accept it as proof.
It was tongue in cheek.

I think if Ancient Aliens were genuine, they'd have better tech than 1970's America's space program.

You'd be surprised how many millenials accept it as proof.

In fact they might be able to pop in and out of time and space easier than we fart.....................No one knows
Epigenics is a word created to describe something that is not understood. The fact is that the memory which is an acquired characteristic in the adult, is in some way moved to the eggs and or sperm before mating. How do you explain this happening?

Answer you can't, just saying it's epigenics does not answer the question.

Again, there is no proof that a literal memory is passed. You don't seem to know much about the paper. It did not trace this through eggs but sperm.

They found that the descendants showed signs of anxiety in response to the smell and had more receptors to the smell. We'd have no way to prove they are literally having a memory of the experience.

Epigenetics is not fully understood. But they have some ideas. You want it explained why not listen to the author of the study you are sourcing, retard?

Scientists trained mice to associate the scent of cherry blossoms with the fear of receiving an electric shock, and found that the mice's pups and grandpups were more sensitive to the scent, even though they didn't receive the shock training. The mice appear to have inherited the fear knowledge through modifications to their genetic code.

These modifications, which can dial the expression of particular genes up or down, are known as epigenetic mechanisms. Certain environments or experiences can trigger the attachment of chemical markers to a gene that controls whether that gene will be used to make proteins (the building blocks of the body's tissues). [The Top 10 Worst Hereditary Conditions]

"Depending on the environment an organism finds itself in, that gene might be turned on or off," study researcher Brian Dias of Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, told LiveScience. "It behooves ancestors to inform their offspring that a particular environment was a negative environment for them," Dias said.


Epigenetic mechanisms appear to explain how the offspring of mice trained to fear a particular scent might inherit sensitivity to that scent.

"These types of results are encouraging, as they suggest that transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated by epigenetics," geneticist Wolf Reik of Babraham Institute in England said in a statement. "But more careful mechanistic study of animal models is needed before extrapolating such findings to humans," added Reik, who was not involved in the study.

Some epigenetic mechanisms have been documented in humans, in fact. For example, other researchers have shown that babies who were in their mothers' wombs during the 9/11 terrorist attacks had lower levels of the hormone cortisol, a hallmark of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Again, there is no proof that a literal memory is passed. You don't seem to know much about the paper. It did not trace this through eggs but sperm.

They found that the descendants showed signs of anxiety in response to the smell and had more receptors to the smell. We'd have no way to prove they are literally having a memory of the experience.

Epigenetics is not fully understood. But they have some ideas. You want it explained why not listen to the author of the study you are sourcing, retard?

Scientists trained mice to associate the scent of cherry blossoms with the fear of receiving an electric shock, and found that the mice's pups and grandpups were more sensitive to the scent, even though they didn't receive the shock training. The mice appear to have inherited the fear knowledge through modifications to their genetic code.

These modifications, which can dial the expression of particular genes up or down, are known as epigenetic mechanisms. Certain environments or experiences can trigger the attachment of chemical markers to a gene that controls whether that gene will be used to make proteins (the building blocks of the body's tissues). [The Top 10 Worst Hereditary Conditions]

"Depending on the environment an organism finds itself in, that gene might be turned on or off," study researcher Brian Dias of Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, told LiveScience. "It behooves ancestors to inform their offspring that a particular environment was a negative environment for them," Dias said.


Epigenetic mechanisms appear to explain how the offspring of mice trained to fear a particular scent might inherit sensitivity to that scent.

"These types of results are encouraging, as they suggest that transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated by epigenetics," geneticist Wolf Reik of Babraham Institute in England said in a statement. "But more careful mechanistic study of animal models is needed before extrapolating such findings to humans," added Reik, who was not involved in the study.

Some epigenetic mechanisms have been documented in humans, in fact. For example, other researchers have shown that babies who were in their mothers' wombs during the 9/11 terrorist attacks had lower levels of the hormone cortisol, a hallmark of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

There is no known mechanism where a memory can be transmitted thru sperm. Again just because this has been demonstrated does not mean it is understood, it's not. Sperm are a more likely candidate than eggs however because mammals are born with all their eggs, which merely mature at different intervals during the life of the female. Since sperm are continually produced they can somehow absorb a memory which has to be coded into DNA. Nothing about the physical mechanism for this is understood. All you are arguing is that it happens, I agree, so you are not making sense at this point.
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


People can come up with a lot of crazy ideas to explain things they really have no evidence to help guide them. But this wouldn't be considered atheist. This sounds more like it would be a separate religion if they really believe in that.
They most certainly are socialists and homewreckers. Leah Remini is one story amongst 100's. Those fuckers worshipped a lunatic man fixated with the Navy and all things running like a battleship.

Tom Cruise is the unspoken head of the organization and David Miscavige is an egomanic of staggering proportions who does his every bidding. His wife Shelley Miscavige is likely being held against her will in one of their 'compounds' in Riverside County. (Scientology lockdown).

What they do to their families should be illegal. They indenture you when you join and you pay millions to keep buying their brand of bullshit until you die, or become an SP. They follow and harrangue the people who get out relentlessly. They are followed, their families are followed and you're practically penniless in the end.

No wonder the liberal lemmings eat this shit up. Being controlled is what they know. Bunch a fucking trained monkeys screaming for more bananas.

I learned a lot from watching her interviews. And of course, South Park's "expose".
People can come up with a lot of crazy ideas to explain things they really have no evidence to help guide them. But this wouldn't be considered atheist. This sounds more like it would be a separate religion if they really believe in that.

Ancient Alien creationism doesn't have a god, so it fits their needs.

Let's start with this and you can extrapolate from there ...

What percentage of Americans believe in UFOS?
A past poll by the same group, in 2013, found that 50 percent of Americans thought that extraterrestrial life exists, while only 38 percent said that intelligent life exists. However, a 2012 survey by National Geographic found that 77 percent of Americans think that aliens have visited Earth.Sep 29, 2015
There is no known mechanism where a memory can be transmitted thru sperm. Again just because this has been demonstrated does not mean it is understood, it's not. Sperm are a more likely candidate than eggs however because mammals are born with all their eggs, which merely mature at different intervals during the life of the female. Since sperm are continually produced they can somehow absorb a memory which has to be coded into DNA. Nothing about the physical mechanism for this is understood. All you are arguing is that it happens, I agree, so you are not making sense at this point.

Of course, there is no known mechanism where a literal memory can be transmitted thru sperm. That's not what the author proposes.

Sperm is just what they studied. It could happen through eggs but it would be based on things that happened to your grandmother. There are believed to be other epigenetic effects passed in utero.

Again, it is not fully understood but they have some ideas about it. None of them have anything to with do the bs you are talking about.
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Of course, there is known mechanism where a literal memory can be transmitted thru sperm. That's not what the author proposes.

Sperm is just what they studied. It could happen through eggs but it would be based on things that happened to your grandmother. There are believed to be other epigenetic effects passed in utero.

Again, it is not fully understood but they have some ideas about it. None of them have anything to with do the bs you are talking about.

Then you can explain how a fear that is held in the mind of an individual can make it's way into the DNA of that animals reproductive cells? Feel free to use anyone else's explanation, as I can tell you that there is none. All we know is that it happens.

Intelligence comes not from understanding, but the desire to understand what is not yet understood.

You on the other hand know everything but can not relay any of that info at all.
As silly as this sound, yes. Atheism isn't just a lack of belief in a Christian God, it's any god. Believing in a story without evidence just basically goes down the path of faith. That isn't atheism.

Atheism is in itself a religion, the fact is not changed that reality is not altered by what people believe or do not believe. Case in point the climate of earth has been warming dramatically for 20,000 years, no matter what any human says or believes.
Let's start with this and you can extrapolate from there ...

What percentage of Americans believe in UFOS?
A past poll by the same group, in 2013, found that 50 percent of Americans thought that extraterrestrial life exists, while only 38 percent said that intelligent life exists. However, a 2012 survey by National Geographic found that 77 percent of Americans think that aliens have visited Earth.Sep 29, 2015

SO the poll found that belief had gone from 77% in 2012 to 50% in 2013 and you think this proves millennials believe in ancient aliens? Why would this decrease in belief in aliens show that? The wide variation makes me suspect methodological problems but your conclusions seem to be disproven if anything by this.

They found that 77 percent of Americans think that there are signs that aliens have visited Earth in 2012.