Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

It's a scientific theory that many people believe.

I disagree. There is no scientific support at all nor is it taken seriously as science. It is less scientific than those guys who search for ghosts with their bs gadgets. It's pseudoscience or what I like to call scientificky (which I was using before Colbert's truthiness).
To non-Christians this would be a topic to debate. To a Christian and a believer in Jesus Christ, i will laugh and say bull, and pray that someday soon before the demise of the ones that believe this junk will repent and ask for forgiveness.

The Old Testament (granted not the New Testament) is cited as a source for encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
I disagree. There is no scientific support at all nor is it taken seriously as science. It is less scientific than those guys who search for ghosts with their bs gadgets. It's pseudoscience or what I like to call scientificky (which I was using before Colbert's truthiness).

Science is certain of the probability of the existence of Alien life.
It has evolved since Daniken wrote his book, Chariots of the Gods, 50 years ago, ... into Ancient Alien theory. Dankien is just a footnote now.

Yeah, like Joseph Smith is a footnote to Mormonism. It's still based on his bs ideas.

It's not science, it is not atheistic nor is it popular among atheists.
Yeah, like Joseph Smith is a footnote to Mormonism. It's still based on his bs ideas.

It's not science, it is not atheistic nor is it popular among atheists.

When the bible was written, heaven did not exist in scientific terms that could be understood. Yet, we seek to travel there now and are spending trillions to do so. This is hard for many to accept, but the old testament has met up with modern science.
So? Predicting a technological advancement does not prove Kirk met a Vulcan.

The communicator was not a prediction in 1966. It was a logical tool that would be needed, and was subsequently invented. A similar tool to leave Earth is also needed, and must be invented if we are to survive the next planetary cataclysm.
No, the Mormons use one sacred book. Ancient Alien theory is an evolving science.

It is not science.

Has the "scientific" support for the afterlife evolved? LOL.

Epsiode 87 Alien Resurrections"[15] December 5, 2014Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that incredible stories about the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld are proof that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.
It is not science.

Has the "scientific" support for the afterlife evolved? LOL.

Epsiode 87 Alien Resurrections"[15] December 5, 2014Ancient astronaut theorists discuss the possibility that incredible stories about the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld are proof that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.

Even afterlife is being looked at scientifically in a way. Have you heard about the mouse and the cherry blossom experiment, where mice are trained to fear the smell of cherry blossoms, and pass this acquired characteristic onto their offspring?
The communicator was not a prediction in 1966. It was a logical tool that would be needed, and was subsequently invented. A similar tool to leave Earth is also needed, and must be invented if we are to survive the next planetary cataclysm.

It was a pretty logical prediction of the advancement of then existing technology.

Interstellar space travel is going to be a much tougher nut to crack than the cellphone.
It was a pretty logical prediction of the advancement of then existing technology.

Interstellar space travel is going to be a much tougher nut to crack than the cellphone.

The cellphone did not exist until 1973, so what you say is not possible. My point is that warp drive, or something that achieves it's effect is also needed............and trillions are being spent on it's development right now.
Even afterlife is being looked at scientifically in a way. Have you heard about the mouse and the cherry blossom experiment, where mice are trained to fear the smell of cherry blossoms, and pass this acquired characteristic onto their offspring?

I had not though I have heard of many things we are learning about epigenetics. It is very interesting.

What does it have to do with an afterlife?
I had not though I have heard of many things we are learning about epigenetics. It is very interesting.

What does it have to do with an afterlife?

Well not afterlife technically, but if your parents passed memories to you, part of their experiences at least are still real and present in you. No one has any clue as to how this is recorded or reanimated from DNA, so could all memories be preserved and reanimated? Anyone who says they know is full of shit, because we know less about this than the beginning of the universe, and it's in part how we are made.......................
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


I believe conservatives like you "evolved" from ancient alien turds.

If you could call what you all are "evolved".
Yes, it has. There have been lots of scientific studies on reincarnation and near death experiences to support it.

That support it? BS!

Creationists seem to have some sort of cargo cult definition of science.
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Well not afterlife technically, but if your parents passed memories to you, part of their experiences at least are still real and present in you. No one has any clue as to how this is recorded or reanimated from DNA, so could all memories be preserved and reanimated? Anyone who says they know is full of shit, because we know less about this than the beginning of the universe, and it's in part how we are made.......................

It does not suggest they can literally pass a memory to you. No, they are not real and present in any literal sense.

What it suggests is that their experiences may effect their sperm and how the genes unfold in any resulting offspring.