Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

re; Reincarntion

The epigenetic transfer of life experience to dna suggests that a mechanism might exist for a reborn soul to transfer its memories into the genes of its new body.
Still phishing? For someone that is self professed to be Intelligent you sure are a dumb far as being some expert on Evolution. Micro evolution..i.e., horizontal evolution Macro evolution...i.e., vertical evolution Its something that every school child is taught before high school.

You are still to present any documentation of Applied Science in demonstrating that Darwinian Evolution (Macro) if you prefer is Observable, Reproducible via experimentation. If you cannot you are not working with are working with a philosophy....called theoretical science, a name self appointed by those who deal in pseudo science....that exists only in one place...between their ears.

AFAIK, vertical and horizontal are terms used only by creationists. You did not answer how one is vertical an one is horizontal. What do these orientations have to do with the process of evolution below or above the species level?

Again, do you think the limit of evolution is at the level of species or at the made up level of "kind?"

I can easily point you to many of the observed speciation events but you will likely reject them for being below the level of "kind."
I am going to waste a little energy on this thread. 1. the "aliens" are the fallen angels... they were indeed in the earth before the overthrow/ katabole. this is pre genesis... since it is pre genesis, it is not the purpose of the book of the new beginning/ s. the book/ bible is about redemption of mankind/ the revelation of Jesus Christ. it is only a miniscule account of God's interaction with man, creation, etc. v.25 part. 2. it is apparent that these fallen angels/ giants/ men of renown did indeed infect the seed of the planting of The Lord, Eve[ mother of living/ Ibriy/ Hebrew] with the seed of the damned fallen angels... they are referred to as the sons of God because they are his created beloved which were indeed sons to Him until they rebelled and were necessarily determined for destruction. these evil offspring of the fallen angels/ giants had to be destroyed, they caused violence/ rebellion against the peaceful order of The Lord to cover the entire earth [ bad seed], hence the flood. I am only touching on a fraction of the recorded evidence. I am not a scholar/ teacher. I only want you people to get a clue how ridiculous these dna engineering theory upside down and inside out evolutionary theory type baloney is. all evidence is in that book of preserved truth some of you fools think it is cute to call the buy bull. that is all you will get. I will throw you one more pearl of truth you will probably trample under your feet; The Lord, my Father does own a space vehicle... . he owns an entire city called new Jerusalem which, by my poor mathematics is 1500 miles by 1500 miles square .. when I die, I will be part of that city. I believe what it says.
AFAIK, vertical and horizontal are terms used only by creationists. You did not answer how one is vertical an one is horizontal. What do these orientations have to do with the process of evolution below or above the species level?

Again, do you think the limit of evolution is at the level of species or at the made up level of "kind?"

I can easily point you to many of the observed speciation events but you will likely reject them for being below the level of "kind."

Let's say he meant Genus. You can work with that, right?
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


It is just another stupid fucking fairy tale...

I am going to waste a little energy on this thread. 1. the "aliens" are the fallen angels... they were indeed in the earth before the overthrow/ katabole. this is pre genesis... since it is pre genesis, it is not the purpose of the book of the new beginning/ s. the book/ bible is about redemption of mankind/ the revelation of Jesus Christ. it is only a miniscule account of God's interaction with man, creation, etc. v.25 part. 2. it is apparent that these fallen angels/ giants/ men of renown did indeed infect the seed of the planting of The Lord, Eve[ mother of living/ Ibriy/ Hebrew] with the seed of the damned fallen angels... they are referred to as the sons of God because they are his created beloved which were indeed sons to Him until they rebelled and were necessarily determined for destruction. these evil offspring of the fallen angels/ giants had to be destroyed, they caused violence/ rebellion against the peaceful order of The Lord to cover the entire earth [ bad seed], hence the flood. I am only touching on a fraction of the recorded evidence. I am not a scholar/ teacher. I only want you people to get a clue how ridiculous these dna engineering theory upside down and inside out evolutionary theory type baloney is. all evidence is in that book of preserved truth some of you fools think it is cute to call the buy bull. that is all you will get. I will throw you one more pearl of truth you will probably trample under your feet; The Lord, my Father does own a space vehicle... . he owns an entire city called new Jerusalem which, by my poor mathematics is 1500 miles by 1500 miles square .. when I die, I will be part of that city. I believe what it says.

K gomie...
re; Reincarntion

The epigenetic transfer of life experience to dna suggests that a mechanism might exist for a reborn soul to transfer its memories into the genes of its new body.

In fact since the mechanism of transfer is not known, anything is possible. More than likely though, when the way that memories are transferred is understood, we will be seen as the machines that we are. Machines in the manner as God built us just as someone designed and built your computer.
The question, idiot, is how it supports reincarnation which you originally claimed?

I see no reason to think it is controlled by the brain. It does not matter how many times it is explained to you, you are not going to get it.

The parent mouse experiences an EPIGENETIC change that affects how his genes are read. He passed it through his sperm and it affected how genes of his offspring were read.

Wrong son, I never used the word reincarnation; nor did I even imply such a thing. All I want you to do is explain how a bad memory of a smell, can be transferred from an adult to a child? The term epigenics has been applied to this, but nothing in the term describes the method of transfer from an adult brain, to that adults sex cells that form the offspring.

LOL, you have no clue so you start resorting to belief in reincarnation.

It's ok, we accept your defeat, in fact once you admit that you do not know, you will become more intelligent as only those who do not know can learn, though you clearly might be an exception.

Next babble
I am going to waste a little energy on this thread. 1. the "aliens" are the fallen angels... they were indeed in the earth before the overthrow/ katabole. this is pre genesis... since it is pre genesis, it is not the purpose of the book of the new beginning/ s. the book/ bible is about redemption of mankind/ the revelation of Jesus Christ. it is only a miniscule account of God's interaction with man, creation, etc. v.25 part. 2. it is apparent that these fallen angels/ giants/ men of renown did indeed infect the seed of the planting of The Lord, Eve[ mother of living/ Ibriy/ Hebrew] with the seed of the damned fallen angels... they are referred to as the sons of God because they are his created beloved which were indeed sons to Him until they rebelled and were necessarily determined for destruction. these evil offspring of the fallen angels/ giants had to be destroyed, they caused violence/ rebellion against the peaceful order of The Lord to cover the entire earth [ bad seed], hence the flood. I am only touching on a fraction of the recorded evidence. I am not a scholar/ teacher. I only want you people to get a clue how ridiculous these dna engineering theory upside down and inside out evolutionary theory type baloney is. all evidence is in that book of preserved truth some of you fools think it is cute to call the buy bull. that is all you will get. I will throw you one more pearl of truth you will probably trample under your feet; The Lord, my Father does own a space vehicle... . he owns an entire city called new Jerusalem which, by my poor mathematics is 1500 miles by 1500 miles square .. when I die, I will be part of that city. I believe what it says.

Do you have any more of those purple pills for sale?
Let's say he meant Genus. You can work with that, right?

That's not what he said.

"vertical evolution"....evolution outside of a species in changing from one species into another..

That at least makes sense. But I am pretty sure if I give him the ample evidence he will do what a billion of you morons have done before and move the goalposts.

Your question is completely idiotic. Apparently, you are asking that we demonstrate an animal changing so drastically that it cannot be closely related to its parent species. Evolution does not make such a prediction but rather would suggest it is not likely or even possible. It also does not predict the sort of changes that usually (see next paragraph) exist between differing specimens of a genus in the short time that we have had the wherewithal to observe such an event. So just keep kicking your God to the next gap but you will still need to provide some reason to believe speciation is possible but evolution hits its limit at the taxonomic level of genus or the creationist invention of"kind."

Another reason your question is so stupid is that taxonomic ranks like genus are not a measure of variation. That is, the variation in one genus is not the same as it is in another genus. There is no way to test that an animal has crossed the non existing genus threshold of variation. We can test speciation through attempts at forced breeding. As usual, you creationists are misusing the language, terms and science.
That's not what he said.

That at least makes sense. But I am pretty sure if I give him the ample evidence he will do what a billion of you morons have done before and move the goalposts.

Your question is completely idiotic. Apparently, you are asking that we demonstrate an animal changing so drastically that it cannot be closely related to its parent species. Evolution does not make such a prediction but rather would suggest it is not likely or even possible. It also does not predict the sort of changes that usually (see next paragraph) exist between differing specimens of a genus in the short time that we have had the wherewithal to observe such an event. So just keep kicking your God to the next gap but you will still need to provide some reason to believe speciation is possible but evolution hits its limit at the taxonomic level of genus or the creationist invention of"kind."

Another reason your question is so stupid is that taxonomic ranks like genus are not a measure of variation. That is, the variation in one genus is not the same as it is in another genus. There is no way to test that an animal has crossed the non existing genus threshold of variation. We can test speciation through attempts at forced breeding. As usual, you creationists are misusing the language, terms and science.

Dick you have no idea what current evolutionary theory consist of, which is that all life has a common ancestor which means that one species most certainly did become another over time. Until you at least accept the theory you can neither defend nor deny it.

Now take your medication and go back to sleep
Wrong son, I never used the word reincarnation; nor did I even imply such a thing. All I want you to do is explain how a bad memory of a smell, can be transferred from an adult to a child? The term epigenics has been applied to this, but nothing in the term describes the method of transfer from an adult brain, to that adults sex cells that form the offspring.

LOL, you have no clue so you start resorting to belief in reincarnation.

It's ok, we accept your defeat, in fact once you admit that you do not know, you will become more intelligent as only those who do not know can learn, though you clearly might be an exception.

Next babble

My bad, you said it somehow supports an afterlife but you have failed to make the case.

There is no transfer of a memory, dumbfuck. AFAIK, the author's never suggested such a thing. You apparently picked up that description from some science journalist and have decided that is more important than anything the scientists have said. You reject their words describing this as a mechanism for turning on and off genes for your bullshit about memories because it supports the fairytales of reincarnation and the afterlife that you want to believe.

They definitely showed support for the notion that epigenetics (not epigenics dumbass) was involved. The marker was present on the sperm and rather predictable effects were demonstrated in the offspring. They don't know everything about how the information reaches the sperm but they have clearly supported an epigenetic cause. The explanations about methylation and how that effects gene expression goes over your head. But that's your problem. It's not an argument.
Dick you have no idea what current evolutionary theory consist of, which is that all life has a common ancestor which means that one species most certainly did become another over time. Until you at least accept the theory you can neither defend nor deny it.

Now take your medication and go back to sleep

Where have I rejected speciation or common ancestry?

This is just more proof of your comprehension problems and explains how it is you mistook an epigenetic study as proof of an afterlife.
You were babbling about time space continuums and supreme beings named Q from Star Trek.................

Bye the way, all human creators are bound by physics, even though physics is not fully understood. There is no reason to say that God would be any different.

Lol......I can think of one......that there is no reason to say she WOULDN'T be different....
Idiots like PiMPle, runt and maybe Ralph argue that proof of "macroevolution" (see creationist dictionary) requires the observation of an event that is not testable even in a trillion year study. If you are asking for speciation, we have observed that and can test for the event. But neither "kind" nor genus describe a testable level of variation. The argument is based on ignorance of what taxonomic ranks represent or faith in the useless "kind," not science.
Idiots like PiMPle, runt and maybe Ralph argue that proof of "macroevolution" (see creationist dictionary) requires the observation of an event that is not testable even in a trillion year study.

an argument that is shared by everyone who understands the definition of the scientific method.......present company excluded, of course......
an argument that is shared by everyone who understands the definition of the scientific method.......present company excluded, of course......

Describe the test that will disprove your claim? Speciation events we can test and have observed. Kind and genus do not present us with a testable level of variation.
I haven't heard of the creationist alien theories, but the fact that ancients in south america didn't have the laser or weight lifting technology to create some of their fine cut stones, could lead one to believe they had extra terrestrial help.

Or perhaps they had ancient tech we aren't yet aware of.