Annnndddd, I'm back. Is Yurt still gone?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Got back home about 40 minutes ago, after traveling about 8,500 miles in the past three weeks. So how many times did Trump embarrass America, while I was gone? I heard Yurt was banned, so I guess Mason was too rough of a babysitter.
Got back home about 40 minutes ago, after traveling about 8,500 miles in the past three weeks. So how many times did Trump embarrass America, while I was gone? I heard Yurt was banned, so I guess Mason was too rough of a babysitter.

Yaya has returned but is embarrassed, ashamed, humiliated, and is keeping a low profile.

Glad you made it back in one piece, sounds like you and Mom had a great Road Trip. You guys are probably whipped right now, but in a day or two, you'll probably feel GREAT and start planning ANOTHER Trip. :)
Got back home about 40 minutes ago, after traveling about 8,500 miles in the past three weeks. So how many times did Trump embarrass America, while I was gone? I heard Yurt was banned, so I guess Mason was too rough of a babysitter.

welcome back
How many grown men need their mummies to drive them around?

Someone that's physically disabled. Thanks for telling everyone you enjoy shitting on the disabled. Trump ought to consider you for the VA, since he has a knack for putting the exact opposite of what is needed in place. He won't care you're from England, and the willfully retarded part will just be a plus to him.
Got back home about 40 minutes ago, after traveling about 8,500 miles in the past three weeks. So how many times did Trump embarrass America, while I was gone? I heard Yurt was banned, so I guess Mason was too rough of a babysitter.

You missed Trump's disastrous European Extravaganza, which was topped off by him publicly blowing Putin on the world stage, as he tossed America under the Russian bus? Well, you can read about it from his many apologists and asskissers here on JPP. As for Yurt, he is gone for now. His wounds were deep and will take much licking to heal. We'll see what form (and name) he takes when he slinks back in. Jack especially has missed his special butt-buddy. In fact, he's convinced that I got him banned, along with most of Amazon. lol
You, for one.

Assuming you're a grown man which, judging from your posts, is doubtful.

And me. I used to let my Mom drive me on some road trips.

If I ever actually feel like my manhood is threatened by that, I would probably have to punch myself in the face.
Someone that's physically disabled. Thanks for telling everyone you enjoy shitting on the disabled. Trump ought to consider you for the VA, since he has a knack for putting the exact opposite of what is needed in place. He won't care you're from England, and the willfully retarded part will just be a plus to him.

So you let an old woman drive 400+ miles per day? That's assuming anyone believes that you travelled 8500 miles in 3 weeks.
Someone that's physically disabled. Thanks for telling everyone you enjoy shitting on the disabled. Trump ought to consider you for the VA, since he has a knack for putting the exact opposite of what is needed in place. He won't care you're from England, and the willfully retarded part will just be a plus to him.

Normally I would but I consider you to be an enormous jerk so couldn't care less.
Got back home about 40 minutes ago, after traveling about 8,500 miles in the past three weeks. So how many times did Trump embarrass America, while I was gone? I heard Yurt was banned, so I guess Mason was too rough of a babysitter.

You mean how many times did the shit stains get annoyed by Trump?

I lost count a year ago.
Yaya has returned but is embarrassed, ashamed, humiliated, and is keeping a low profile.

Glad you made it back in one piece, sounds like you and Mom had a great Road Trip. You guys are probably whipped right now, but in a day or two, you'll probably feel GREAT and start planning ANOTHER Trip. :)

He is a million times more intelligent than the flotsam and jetsam from the Amazonia. Apart from several notable exceptions, you're all just a bunch of tossers.
He is a million times more intelligent than the flotsam and jetsam from the Amazonia. Apart from several notable exceptions, you're all just a bunch of tossers.

Can't argue with that Havana. The Amazonerds are really bringing the JPP Forum to a new low. 'Tossers', ... yeah, I was just about to use the same word myself, ...
Amazonerds, real fucking tossers, mate. :|