Annnndddd, I'm back. Is Yurt still gone?

Can't argue with that Havana. The Amazonerds are really bringing the JPP Forum to a new low. 'Tossers', ... yeah, I was just about to use the same word myself, ...
Amazonerds, real fucking tossers, mate. :|

Isn't it safe to say JPP has it's own share of "Tossers"?
Can't argue with that Havana. The Amazonerds are really bringing the JPP Forum to a new low. 'Tossers', ... yeah, I was just about to use the same word myself, ...
Amazonerds, real fucking tossers, mate. :|

Aren't you from Amazon?
Shhh.... he's busy schmoozing and sucking off the Reichwingers here, stealthily infiltrating their ranks by pretending not to be from Amazon. Shhhh......

Talk about 'sucking off' ...
That didn't work too well for YOU here with the Moderators, did it?

(I can't BELIEVE you Reported me. you should be ASHAMED!)
Lie some more Jack-off, lie some more.
Bye Jack-off, bye.

God! I SO wish I could have been here and watched you don your kneepads and ingratiate yourself to the Mods. ...
... then when it was 'payback time', ... you were ignored as you REPORTED, REPORTED, REPORTED.

Owl: "Bye Jack-off, bye."
Jack: Does that mean you will NOT be Reporting me anymore?
You missed Trump's disastrous European Extravaganza, which was topped off by him publicly blowing Putin on the world stage, as he tossed America under the Russian bus? Well, you can read about it from his many apologists and asskissers here on JPP. As for Yurt, he is gone for now. His wounds were deep and will take much licking to heal. We'll see what form (and name) he takes when he slinks back in. Jack especially has missed his special butt-buddy. In fact, he's convinced that I got him banned, along with most of Amazon. lol

God! I SO wish I could have been here and watched you don your kneepads and ingratiate yourself to the Mods. ...
... then when it was 'payback time', ... you were ignored as you REPORTED, REPORTED, REPORTED.

Owl: "Bye Jack-off, bye."
Jack: Does that mean you will NOT be Reporting me anymore?

Poor Jack, bent over the knees of the Owl Goddess Bitch. lol

You little two-timing whore! You said that was our 'special time'. What's THIS! Revenge porn?

Sucks to be you, doesn't it? Sorry about that.... you probably shouldn't attack anonymous internet women who got more balls than you, with your lies and pseudo porno fantasy stories about how you pretend to subjugate us. We always humiliate your stupid ass on a daily basis. Face it, Katrina. I've owned you for years now. Nothing will change, despite your lurid posts and lies. You can't face me alone... you have to gather your army of Amazon losers to try to back you up.

Sucks to be you, doesn't it? Sorry about that.... you probably shouldn't attack anonymous internet women who got more balls than you, with your lies and pseudo porno fantasy stories about how you pretend to subjugate us. We always humiliate your stupid ass on a daily basis. Face it, Katrina. I've owned you for years now. Nothing will change, despite your lurid posts and lies. You can't face me alone... you have to gather your army of Amazon losers to try to back you up


Everything OK, Pumpkin? You seem a little stressed?
OK, OK. Jack, and Owls isn't working out. In the future I will return to giving the Jade name to my discussions. That means no bickering on them, or I will seek a retro-ban. So save scratch fights for outside.
Even Havana is being a little prick here. The limey bastard acts like I was slave driving my mother for a vacation she was wanting. The family has done these type of road trips since long before I was born. Mom wanted to finish what we started in 09, and this trip was as much hers as mine. The little wanker is really trying to be a jackass, but mocking disabled people, and involving my mother in his douchebaggery, just shows what a pissant hater he is. I should have known to ban his ass since he always seems to make cracks at the most personal things he can.