Ann's Dad died


Loyal to the end
John Vincent Coulter was of the old school, a man of few words, the un-Oprah, no crying or wearing your heart on your sleeve, and reacting to moments of great sentiment with a joke. Or as we used to call them: men. ...

When I was bombarded with arguments for baby-killing as a kid, I asked Father about the old chestnut involving a poverty-stricken, unwed teenage girl who gets pregnant. (This was before they added the "impregnated by her own father" part.) Father just said, "I don't care. If it's a life, it's a life." I'm still waiting to hear an effective counterargument. ...

He left a great legacy.
I hope she rethinks some of the things she has said to the 911 victims during this tough time for her and her family.
I hope she rethinks some of the things she has said to the 911 victims during this tough time for her and her family.

Only you could have made it political, Desh, and for that you should burn in hell.

And the only thing she is ever said is against 9/11 victims that tried to use suffering as a means of gaining celebrity.
Great legacy? He produced probably one of the most vile and shrill voices in the spot light today. That's a loss I won't be mourning.
Just a tad melodramatic.

But you're right, of course; Ann herself has NEVER politicized death or tragedy.

Only when others have politicized it first.

But this is about someone's father dying, and I frankly don't see the need for Deshtard to flaunt her gang colours in this thread, nor do I see the need for those who "can't stand her" to post...if you really hate her, don't say anything at all.
Only when others have politicized it first.

But this is about someone's father dying, and I frankly don't see the need for Deshtard to flaunt her gang colours in this thread, nor do I see the need for those who "can't stand her" to post...if you really hate her, don't say anything at all.

You ain't making the rules here. There is no such thing as a "dedicated thread of mourning, for supporters only."

Desh can post whatever she wants, wherever she wants.

COULTER: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.”

“These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”
You ain't making the rules here. There is no such thing as a "dedicated thread of mourning, for supporters only."

Desh can post whatever she wants, wherever she wants.

Thanks Lorax (or should I say Captain Obvious)...I should have expected a response similar to "You're not the boss of me!"