Another attack from the left on McCains service

I don't see anything at all that mentions McCain being qualified, let alone "less qualified." Can we please, pretty please deal with what the person actually said rather than what you want to pretend he said?

If that's all McCain's got, he's got very little and is a bit too thin skinned to participate in day to day life, let alone be president.

Sorry, forgot you were to ignorant to actually use the link to actually read the article. The paragraph above was followed by....

""So I think," Beers continued, "to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."

So Obama pointing out and addressing the idiots that continue to act like he is a Muslim is ok. But for McCain to correct morons like Beers is due to his having "thin skin"????

The thing of it is that none of these statements actually attacked his service.

McCain's a whiny little child that is used to being coddled and he's pitching hissy fits and temper tantrums when anyone says anything about him.

You mean like Obama crying and whining like a little kid that is used to being coddled and pitching hissy fits and temper tantrums when anyone says anything about him????

Whatever, they are both simply addressing the morons from the opposing side.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything? Rand Beers isn't even on Obama's campaign staff and clearly wasn't speaking for Obama.

McCain just keeps crying about this bullshit because it is all he has. And the media and people like SF (and you apparently) eat it up as if it has any bearing on anything at all when in reality it is entirely inconsequential.

I'm not outraged by this. I don't think its a good campaign tactic but that's just my opinion. I'm not being questioned, it doesn't affect me. If that offends you then I'm sorry I can't help.
I don't see anything at all that mentions McCain being qualified, let alone "less qualified." Can we please, pretty please deal with what the person actually said rather than what you want to pretend he said?

If that's all McCain's got, he's got very little and is a bit too thin skinned to participate in day to day life, let alone be president.

The article doesn't even mention McCain responding to this.
Sorry, forgot you were to ignorant to actually use the link to actually read the article. The paragraph above was followed by....

""So I think," Beers continued, "to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."

So Obama pointing out and addressing the idiots that continue to act like he is a Muslim is ok. But for McCain to correct morons like Beers is due to his having "thin skin"????


Again, I see no mention of whether McCain is "qualified" or "less qualified." Just a statement of opinion that McCain' national security experience is limited. I can see why Johnny is upset, and maybe I'd be inclined to agree with him if he didn't go to the well on this one three times in two days and twice when the "offending" statements were innocuous at best.

I'd also point out that drawing a conclusion (McCain's national security experience is limited) based on a fact (he was a P.O.W. for much of the Vietnam War) is a little different than just flat out lying(Obama is a Muslim).
Well, cawacko, I don't believe that this article is the be all and end all of reporting on this subject.

Is it dumbshit day on the board and no one told me?

No disrespect intended because you are a smart guy but you are acting like a girl on her period right now.
Additionally, my new stock response to the faux-outrage from the McCain camp is as follows:


Depraved fucks.

Ah, the halcyon days, when it was Okay to attack someone's service.

She's quite a looker too.
1) Oh I don't know, saying that because McCain was being tortured for five years and not going through the turmoil over here in the states or still fighting that somehow made him less qualified? Yeah, that is not an attack.

2) I am going according to ABC's article which stated Beers is an informal advisor to Obama. Whatever that means.

1) Thats not what the guy said. THats what you say he said. Even if it was what he said, how is that an attack on his service?

2) When did you start trusting ABC News?

3) You claim this was "another attack from the left on McCain's service" Where was the other attack?
1) Thats not what the guy said. THats what you say he said. Even if it was what he said, how is that an attack on his service?

2) When did you start trusting ABC News?

3) You claim this was "another attack from the left on McCain's service" Where was the other attack?

Dude, you just wrote a new thread about Wes Clark attacking McCain and are responding to a thread about Debeers. Why are you asking who the other attack is when you know the answer?
Dude, you just wrote a new thread about Wes Clark attacking McCain and are responding to a thread about Debeers. Why are you asking who the other attack is when you know the answer?

You dont know SuperCandy very well, I asked because once I prove him wrong on that issue, he will claim that was not the "attack" he was talking about. I want him to tell me what he was talking about, because while I think I know, I want to hear it from him!

Ohhh and because if he was refering to what Clark said, That was not an attack.
I have an idea. If there is no "there" there then open up your entire military file Senator McCain. Show us everything, warts and all. My guess is, if it was a glowing file, we all would have seen it already. The guy can put all this to rest by signing the release and opening his military record up to all of us.
I have an idea. If there is no "there" there then open up your entire military file Senator McCain. Show us everything, warts and all. My guess is, if it was a glowing file, we all would have seen it already. The guy can put all this to rest by signing the release and opening his military record up to all of us.

He's trying to hide his awesome record number of crashed planes. He's just modest that way.
He's trying to hide his awesome record number of crashed planes. He's just modest that way.
I imagine that is part of it. But I also imagine that he is trying to hide that at some point he was a typical arrogant Naval Aviator who probably has a rash of reprimands on his record. But if that is it, that can be explained away as being young and dumb and full of piss and vinegar. But by NOT showing it to us, he is creating the image that he is trying to hide something.
You dont know SuperCandy very well, I asked because once I prove him wrong on that issue, he will claim that was not the "attack" he was talking about. I want him to tell me what he was talking about, because while I think I know, I want to hear it from him!

Ohhh and because if he was refering to what Clark said, That was not an attack.

I already stated on the other threads on that topic that Clark was 100% correct in what he said you twit. I also said that when taken out of context it does look bad. So what would make you think that was what I was referring too?

The attacks from the left I was referring to are on this board when certain individuals have attempted to act as though McCain was a collaborator with the enemy etc.....

The "attack" in the article I was referring to, was Beer trying to claim that because McCain was just a POW being tortured that he couldn't really understand as much as those that kept fighting and/or were exposed to the turmoil in the US. That somehow his being a POW was a limit on his ability to lead.
I imagine that is part of it. But I also imagine that he is trying to hide that at some point he was a typical arrogant Naval Aviator who probably has a rash of reprimands on his record. But if that is it, that can be explained away as being young and dumb and full of piss and vinegar. But by NOT showing it to us, he is creating the image that he is trying to hide something.

Actually, I do believe that it was in Faith of my Fathers that McCain talked about the fact that he had a real problem "following the rules" when at the Naval Academy and that his refusal to do so was a large part of the reason that he finished damn near at the bottom of his class.
What's wrong with attacking McCain's service? Just desserts. Kerry actually fought in 'Nam and he had his record trashed.