Another Great Republican Hope Bites The Dust.

philly rabbit

Verified User

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

If you want to know about the immigration bill watch ole Jeff Sessions, he’ll give you some insight into what’s going on with the duopoly’s back room secret scam. The idiot Republicans think an immigration bill will get them more Latino votes and the Democrats know they can get the non-citizen Latinos into the voting booth voting for Democrats. That’s all this shit is really about.

Well if the GOP wants to eventually get the Hispanic vote, then they'll have to become another entitlement party like the Democrats are already which apparently they are trying to become. That's not the reason the Tea parties supported Rubio but Rubio demonstrates just who is running the GOP.

The Republicans should concede the Hispanic vote to the Dems then go after the people in the country who don't vote. If they got just 30% of those, they'd win easily.
The Republicans should concede the Hispanic vote to the Dems then go after the people in the country who don't vote. If they got just 30% of those, they'd win easily.

Oh yah...rock the vote, infants and teens!

You stupid shit. What will the republicans offer the ppl not voting...entitlements?

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

What does being a fiscal conservative have to do with supporting big government attempts to restrict immigration?
Most latinos are not rich and understand that Republicons don't represent their interests and actually work against their interests. They understand that Republicons represent international corporatists and the wealthy 1%. They also get it that Republicons stand for lower wages, personal profits from private prisons and racism. Representing the interests of people over personal and corporate profits is the only way the right will ever gain minority support.... and fat chance of that.

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

What funny is that this yahoo probably knows a couple of business owners that use illegal aliens, or would scream bloody murder if we started actually seeing enforcement of the law via more corporate and business owners being duck walked by jacketed FBI agents into a waiting van?

The neocon/teabagger factions have all but destroyed the GOP....and they have no one to blame but themselves.

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

What funny is that this yahoo probably knows a couple of business owners that use illegal aliens, or would scream bloody murder if we started actually seeing enforcement of the law via more corporate and business owners being duck walked by jacketed FBI agents into a waiting van?

The neocon/teabagger factions have all but destroyed the GOP....and they have no one to blame but themselves.

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

Bush won 40% of the Hispanic vote and you want to throw that all away and give it to the Democrats? That is absolutely retarded. Hispanics are fastest growing voting block in America and you suggest just ignoring them? Republicans may not have to win the majority of the Hispanic vote but they damn well need to win a good chunk of it to gain office.

Hispanics have a lot of values that are similar to the G.O.P.'s. What makes you think they are so different than everyone else? Do you actually know some Hispanic people or are you judging the whole group based on a few people?

Dude if you were running the Republican Party they would be freaking non-existent and we're not exactly kicking ass right now.
Most latinos are not rich and understand that Republicons don't represent their interests and actually work against their interests. They understand that Republicons represent international corporatists and the wealthy 1%. They also get it that Republicons stand for lower wages, personal profits from private prisons and racism. Representing the interests of people over personal and corporate profits is the only way the right will ever gain minority support.... and fat chance of that.
I'm here to tell you plenty of 1 percenters are dems for the very reasons you laid out. Being rich doesn't make you Gestapo
Well if the GOP wants to eventually get the Hispanic vote, then they'll have to become another entitlement party like the Democrats are already which apparently they are trying to become. That's not the reason the Tea parties supported Rubio but Rubio demonstrates just who is running the GOP.

The Republicans should concede the Hispanic vote to the Dems then go after the people in the country who don't vote. If they got just 30% of those, they'd win easily.

The GOP already is an entitlement party.

The only problem is the GOP loves to give entitlements to rich, WHITE MILLIONAIRES, and there just aren't enough of them around to make a difference on election day!
There needs to be two big changes in politics. One the point of being a politician can no longer be to get re-elected it must now be to best serve the people in which he/she is representing. Two corporations can no longer fund the politicians nor can the rich. By being funded by a certain corporation you become more and more controlled by them so that it's no longer a true democracy but instead it's a plutocracy of who ever can get the most money and the more effective ads. Until these changes happen we will continue to live in an inefficient and non-democratic government.
There needs to be two big changes in politics. One the point of being a politician can no longer be to get re-elected it must now be to best serve the people in which he/she is representing. Two corporations can no longer fund the politicians nor can the rich. By being funded by a certain corporation you become more and more controlled by them so that it's no longer a true democracy but instead it's a plutocracy of who ever can get the most money and the more effective ads. Until these changes happen we will continue to live in an inefficient and non-democratic government.

Bush won 40% of the Hispanic vote and you want to throw that all away and give it to the Democrats? That is absolutely retarded. Hispanics are fastest growing voting block in America and you suggest just ignoring them? Republicans may not have to win the majority of the Hispanic vote but they damn well need to win a good chunk of it to gain office.

Hispanics have a lot of values that are similar to the G.O.P.'s. What makes you think they are so different than everyone else? Do you actually know some Hispanic people or are you judging the whole group based on a few people?

Dude if you were running the Republican Party they would be freaking non-existent and we're not exactly kicking ass right now.

There are a lot more people who are voter eligible in this country who don't vote than do vote. The actual voters are the voter minority. The GOP continues to ignore this group regardless of what causes their voter apathy and continues down the path of trying to gather the non citizen vote from the Democrats. This isn't going to happen, not now, and not in the distant future.

It would take a considerable amount of time and effort by the GOP to finally commit themselves as an entitlement party leaving the electorate without any political party to represent them which was the whole idea behind the tea parties to begin with, the restoration of a political party that represents them and not special interests such as the non citizen voters and their lobby.
There needs to be two big changes in politics. One the point of being a politician can no longer be to get re-elected it must now be to best serve the people in which he/she is representing. Two corporations can no longer fund the politicians nor can the rich. By being funded by a certain corporation you become more and more controlled by them so that it's no longer a true democracy but instead it's a plutocracy of who ever can get the most money and the more effective ads. Until these changes happen we will continue to live in an inefficient and non-democratic government.

I agree with you 100%.