Another Great Republican Hope Bites The Dust.

There needs to be two big changes in politics. One the point of being a politician can no longer be to get re-elected it must now be to best serve the people in which he/she is representing. Two corporations can no longer fund the politicians nor can the rich. By being funded by a certain corporation you become more and more controlled by them so that it's no longer a true democracy but instead it's a plutocracy of who ever can get the most money and the more effective ads. Until these changes happen we will continue to live in an inefficient and non-democratic government. get the government you deserve. If the majority of the American public are that stupid that they would voluntarily cede their best interest to a plutocray or oligarchy......well that's not a flaw in the system. It's a flaw of the people.
There needs to be two big changes in politics. One the point of being a politician can no longer be to get re-elected it must now be to best serve the people in which he/she is representing.

Great idea! Now all; you need to do is figure out how to implement that idea. Most politicians are self-serving bastards, if they weren’t they wouldn’t put up with a system that belittles them and their families and digs into every closet for their skeletons. We’ve all come across idiots that were so stupid we couldn’t insult them and make them go away no matter how hard we tried. Those are the same kind of egotistical morons that gravitate to the political stage. Mind you that I’m not claiming that all of them are like that, I’m simply saying the majority of them are. So, “go figure” how the hell you get those self-serving bastards to put the good of a nation before themselves. Good luck with that!!!

Two corporations can no longer fund the politicians nor can the rich. By being funded by a certain corporation you become more and more controlled by them so that it's no longer a true democracy but instead it's a plutocracy of who ever can get the most money and the more effective ads. Until these changes happen we will continue to live in an inefficient and non-democratic government.

Excellent point, but you forgot, or purposely ignored the rest of the ”special interest” like AARP, NRA, NAACP, The Sierra Club, hundreds of other environmentalist organizations, gun rights organizations, homosexual rights organizations, BIG Unions, and all other manner of collective bodies that bribe the politicians with lofty donations.

The only way to fix that is with a constitutional amendment. The following is my contribution to the amendment process.

“The First Amendment Clause to this Constitution guaranteeing the right of the people to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances shall not be construed to allow for money or anything of value to be contributed by such assembly, corporation, labor union or other collective body to the political campaign of any person contesting for an office of the government of these United States. All political campaign contributions shall only be made by individual contributors that are citizens of these United States.”
Here is a list of the fifteen pegged pants Republicans who voted for the amnesty bill.

Murkowski (R), Yes.

Flake (R), Yes; McCain (R), Yes.

Rubio (R), Yes.

Kirk (R), Yes.

Collins (R), Yes

Wicker (R), Yes.

Heller (R), Yes;

Ayotte (R), Yes;

Chiesa (R), Yes;

Hoeven (R), Yes.

Graham (R), Yes;

Alexander (R), Yes; Corker (R), Yes.

Hatch (R), Yes;
There are a lot more people who are voter eligible in this country who don't vote than do vote. The actual voters are the voter minority. The GOP continues to ignore this group regardless of what causes their voter apathy and continues down the path of trying to gather the non citizen vote from the Democrats. This isn't going to happen, not now, and not in the distant future.

It would take a considerable amount of time and effort by the GOP to finally commit themselves as an entitlement party leaving the electorate without any political party to represent them which was the whole idea behind the tea parties to begin with, the restoration of a political party that represents them and not special interests such as the non citizen voters and their lobby.

So give up on people who do vote and go after people who don't vote and even if they did vote we don't know who they would vote for? Not a winning strategy in my book.
So give up on people who do vote and go after people who don't vote and even if they did vote we don't know who they would vote for? Not a winning strategy in my book.

What did you want the Republicans to do?

Rubio said over and over and over throughout his senate campaign and after he took his senate seat: No amnesty.

Are you more concerned about empowering the National Republican party or America?

At what price?

And what happened to the border fence?

Rubio threw that out too.
What did you want the Republicans to do?

Rubio said over and over and over throughout his senate campaign and after he took his senate seat: No amnesty.

Are you more concerned about empowering the National Republican party or America?

At what price?

And what happened to the border fence?

Rubio threw that out too.

I live in California where Republicans are basically persona non grata. Democrats hold every elected statewide office and hold a super majority in the state congress. California had been trending left since 1992 but it was the alienation of the Hispanic voters that got us where we are today.

Instead of accusing Hispanics of all being illegals and on welfare how about appealing to strong family nature and strong work ethic in starting businesses and wanting to better their families situation? To me, that approach is a hell of a lot better for the Republican Party and the country as a whole.

Fvck the border fence. We're not some socialist/communist country. We're not East Germany.
I live in California where Republicans are basically persona non grata. Democrats hold every elected statewide office and hold a super majority in the state congress. California had been trending left since 1992 but it was the alienation of the Hispanic voters that got us where we are today.

Instead of accusing Hispanics of all being illegals and on welfare how about appealing to strong family nature and strong work ethic in starting businesses and wanting to better their families situation? To me, that approach is a hell of a lot better for the Republican Party and the country as a whole.

Fvck the border fence. We're not some socialist/communist country. We're not East Germany.

The Hispanic voting bloc makes up a huge portion of the Democratic Party because of one thing and one thing only .. social services for the families of illegals. The Republican party can only cut into this bloc by offering more social services and amnesty.

Fu*k the border fence?

This isn't a free to join charity for the world to take advantage of.
The Hispanic voting bloc makes up a huge portion of the Democratic Party because of one thing and one thing only .. social services for the families of illegals. The Republican party can only cut into this bloc by offering more social services and amnesty.

Fu*k the border fence?

This isn't a free to join charity for the world to take advantage of.

Rove pretty much nails it for why the GOP won't win again without Hispanics. If your goal is elimination of the Republican Party then I would assume your suggested track. If you actually want the GOP to be a viable party that can win national elections then they better do some serious outreach in the Hispanic community.

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

I absolutely LOVED that video up until he stated that Mexicans were the ones bankrupting our economy, and after.

Laws are laws. Find a way to enforce them, otherwise live in a lawless society. The exception is the children born in America that didn't have a say in the matter. But we voted that one down didn't we right wing.

99% of the people that I know commiting government fraud are Right wingers. And they try to cover up their fraud by posting Right Wing idea's. But I'm in a white heavy part of America.

The point is it's not a skin color thing. It's a lazy thing. WAKE UP morons.
I absolutely LOVED that video up until he stated that Mexicans were the ones bankrupting our economy, and after.

Laws are laws. Find a way to enforce them, otherwise live in a lawless society. The exception is the children born in America that didn't have a say in the matter. But we voted that one down didn't we right wing.

99% of the people that I know commiting government fraud are Right wingers. And they try to cover up their fraud by posting Right Wing idea's. But I'm in a white heavy part of America.

The point is it's not a skin color thing. It's a lazy thing. WAKE UP morons.

How many people do you know who are committing government fraud? What kind of fraud are they committing?
How many people do you know who are committing government fraud? What kind of fraud are they committing?

All of my cousins family is friends with a 1% doctor. They were all diagnosed with a disability. Diagnosed by the doctor that gets paid to diagnose.

Did you know that doctors are part of the 1%?

Or maybe Lawyers who make the case that they are disabled?

Or do you prefer to stick to Fox News politics.
All of my cousins family is friends with a 1% doctor. They were all diagnosed with a disability. Diagnosed by the doctor that gets paid to diagnose.

Did you know that doctors are part of the 1%?

Or maybe Lawyers who make the case that they are disabled?

Or do you prefer to stick to Fox News politics.

Good troll.

All of my cousins family is friends with a 1% doctor. They were all diagnosed with a disability. Diagnosed by the doctor that gets paid to diagnose.

Did you know that doctors are part of the 1%?

Or maybe Lawyers who make the case that they are disabled?

Or do you prefer to stick to Fox News politics.

Your family disability is perfectly apparent here. How often during the day do they take y’all’s straight jackets off and allow y’all to play with the computer???

See ya Marco.

The Tea Parties in Florida worked hard to get this guy into the Senate as a strong fiscal conservative after they dismantled moderate liberal Charlie Crist's campaign and what happens when he gets there? He turns out to be another Washington insider good ole boy playing his role with the rest of them so as to go along to get along with the status quo.

I don't know what makes the Republicans think that they can win the Hispanic vote in the first place. The Hispanic vote belongs to the Democrats and there isn't a Karl Rove type Republican who will ever see a big change in the immediate and distant future no matter how much they continue to undermine their conservative supporters.

PR, does it hurt you to read Trump saying "I love Hispanics"?
Well if the GOP wants to eventually get the Hispanic vote, then they'll have to become another entitlement party like the Democrats are already which apparently they are trying to become. That's not the reason the Tea parties supported Rubio but Rubio demonstrates just who is running the GOP.

The Republicans should concede the Hispanic vote to the Dems then go after the people in the country who don't vote. If they got just 30% of those, they'd win easily.

Trump wants to test your theory here. He's going after white voters only.
If you want to know about the immigration bill watch ole Jeff Sessions, he’ll give you some insight into what’s going on with the duopoly’s back room secret scam. The idiot Republicans think an immigration bill will get them more Latino votes and the Democrats know they can get the non-citizen Latinos into the voting booth voting for Democrats. That’s all this shit is really about.

PR, does it hurt you to read Trump saying "I love Hispanics"?

I know, you want a brown country, you republican bastard with your queer San Francisco values. I'm sick of you with your race card and I'm sick of you looking down your nose at me and every other middle class American because they're white and they are sick of you as much as I am.
Trump wants to test your theory here. He's going after white voters only.

What did I just say, you San Francisco faggot? We are going to purge garbage like you from the republican party. You do nothing except suck left wing butt.

You're a disgrace and fuck every other republican here and elsewhere who's like you.