Another positive

A guy who supports his sons gunning down leopards, murdering elephants, and shooting up giraffes is not a guy I trust to be a genuine advocate for wildlife conservation.

I know, right? Anyone who thinks that all "sportsmen" can be trusted to follow the game regulations has never watched one of those game warden shows on cable. You know for every person they bust taking game or fish illegally, there are several more who got away with it. The majority are honest. As always, it's the assholes who ruin it for everyone.

Maybe this proposal might turn out to be okay. I want to see the actual thing and what changes, and which refuges as well, before making up my mind.
What exactly does any of that have to do with what the OP is about?

Absolutely nothing. Cypress is just a b*tch. This board is over 95% name calling and trolling (which obviously I just did as well). You know the one person who doesn't engage in either? Leaningright.

And to your point LR specifically said he supports this legislation because he likes to hunt and fish. It's an issue he's passionate about. If someone wants to disagree with the legislation that is 100% alright. But Cypress is choosing to attack him personally and we know why.
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I know, right? Anyone who thinks that all "sportsmen" can be trusted to follow the game regulations has never watched one of those game warden shows on cable. ....

Wow. When you get form your opinions of a diverse group pf people based on what you see on TV...

I know, right? Anyone who thinks that all "sportsmen" can be trusted to follow the game regulations has never watched one of those game warden shows on cable. You know for every person they bust taking game or fish illegally, there are several more who got away with it. The majority are honest. As always, it's the assholes who ruin it for everyone.

Maybe this proposal might turn out to be okay. I want to see the actual thing and what changes, and which refuges as well, before making up my mind.

The Devil is always in the fine print.

Anyone can propose a law that sounds good from the title - "No Child Left Behind".

I actually think game hunting is a valuable asset to wildlife management. I would rather have duck habitat preserved for hunting, than residential developments and parking lots being paved over our wetlands.

The downside is that game management is not neccessarily the same as wildlife management. I really do not think hunters had a lot to do with preserving the North American wolf, the bison, the spotted owl, or the California condor. Ducks, geese, and pheasant are not apex predator species. And it is the apex predators that really are a barometer of the health of an ecosystem.

I have no problem with game management and hunting. But I believe that is only a partial solution to maintaining and preserving ecosystems and sensitive wildlife.
What exactly does any of that have to do with what the OP is about?

A statement of fact that posters like the OP aren't innocently "looking" for positive things from Trump, Obama, or Bill Clinton. They will support, defend, and provide cover for virtually everything Trump does.
Another positive
I always look for positive things (at least in my eyes) administrations get behind.
Wow. When you get form your opinions of a diverse group pf people based on what you see on TV...

I am a fisherperson; my late husband was as well as being a hunter. Over the years I've seen all kinds of abuses. And because ppl talk, heard of many more. Maybe you should come out of your cardboard box and get out in the woods. Oh yeah. You can't. Bears will eat you. :laugh:
I agree, based on his track record, you got to be suspicious, watch, along with the declaration there will be some hidden loophole that in two years the same land can be open for private development

And you got to laugh thinking that Trump, born in raise in NYC, gives a rat's ass about hunting and fishing, the only time he possibly did either was the last time he mistakenly stepped into a grocery store

he is throwing a sop to the rubes
Absolutely nothing. Cypress is just a b*tch. This board is over 95% name calling and trolling (which obviously I just did as well). You know the one person who doesn't engage in either? Leaningright.

And to your point LR specifically said he supports this legislation because he likes to hunt and fish. It's an issue he's passionate about. If someone wants to disagree with the legislation that is 100% alright. But Cypress is choosing to attack him personally and we know why.

You don't know jack shit, stalker.

I am allowed to defend myself and to reciprocate towards those who were hostile to me in the first place, like the OP was.
The Devil is always in the fine print.

Anyone can propose a law that sounds good from the title - "No Child Left Behind".

I actually think game hunting is a valuable asset to wildlife management. I would rather have duck habitat preserved for hunting, than residential developments and parking lots being paved over our wetlands.

The downside is that game management is not neccessarily the same as wildlife management. I really do not think hunters had a lot to do with preserving the North American wolf, the bison, the spotted owl, or the California condor. Ducks, geese, and pheasant are not apex predator species. And it is the apex predators that really are a barometer of the health of an ecosystem.

I have no problem with game management and hunting. But I believe that is only a partial solution to maintaining and preserving ecosystems and sensitive wildlife.

One problem with hunters is that they want to manage an ecosystem for their benefit, not necessarily that of the creatures who live there. That usually means getting rid of the apex predators who they believe compete for the same game. The result is an imbalanced system that in many cases requires hunting in order to keep populations healthy and in check. Have you read about the changes in Yellowstone following the reintroduction of wolves to the ecosystem there? It's incredible.

I agree with you.... Ducks Unlimited is one hunting group that has done amazing things for our wetlands preservation. There are plenty of others as well.
One problem with hunters is that they want to manage an ecosystem for their benefit, not necessarily that of the creatures who live there. That usually means getting rid of the apex predators who they believe compete for the same game. The result is an imbalanced system that in many cases requires hunting in order to keep populations healthy and in check. Have you read about the changes in Yellowstone following the reintroduction of wolves to the ecosystem there? It's incredible.

I agree with you.... Ducks Unlimited is one hunting group that has done amazing things for our wetlands preservation. There are plenty of others as well.

NIce work, and I concur about 100 percent.
You don't know jack shit, stalker.

I am allowed to defend myself and to reciprocate towards those who were hostile to me in the first place, like the OP was.

Stalker? Please. Don’t flatter yourself.

The OP said nothing to you. You attacked him. You attacked the one person on the board who doesn’t name call or troll. And you lied about him and what he believes and stands for.

LR’s too much of a stand up guy to respond like you deserve. But since you decided to call me a racist after “knowing” you for a decade and having no problems with each other, I have no problems saying what I just did. Don’t talk sh*t to the most salt of the earth person on this board.
Stalker? Please. Don’t flatter yourself.

The OP said nothing to you. You attacked him. You attacked the one person on the board who doesn’t name call or troll. And you lied about him and what he believes and stands for.

LR’s too much of a stand up guy to respond like you deserve. But since you decided to call me a racist after “knowing” you for a decade and having no problems with each other, I have no problems saying what I just did. Don’t talk sh*t to the most salt of the earth person on this board.

You just can't stop reading my posts, thinking about me, gossiping about me, talking behind my back, insulting me, libeling me - can you?

You know how much time I spend gossiping about you, thinking about you, talking about you behind your back? Exactly zero time. Not one single nanosecond.

That is what makes you a stalker.

It is not wonder you have alienated all your erstwhile liberal buddies from the Bush board days - there is something really wrong with you. You are actually on public record drunk posting and threatening to assault women posters here.

I really wish you would stop tracking down my posts, making it a point to read them, and then talking behind my back about me. It is not a good look for any normal, well adjusted man. It is actually pretty freakin creepy
You just can't stop reading my posts, thinking about me, gossiping about me, talking behind my back, insulting me, libeling me - can you?

You know how much time I spend gossiping about you, thinking about you, talking about you behind your back? Exactly zero time. Not one single nanosecond.

That is what makes you a stalker.

It is not wonder you have alienated all your erstwhile liberal buddies from the Bush board days - there is something really wrong with you. You are actually on public record drunk posting and threatening to assault women posters here.

I really wish you would stop tracking down my posts, making it a point to read them, and then talking behind my back about me. It is not a good look for any normal, well adjusted man. It is actually pretty freakin creepy

Jesus Christ, you have issues. Do you know what talking behind someone’s back means? Posting ITT is not talking behind your back. It’s right here for you to see. I don’t speak to anyone off this board. Standing up for my buddy LR when you trash talk him is not speaking behind your back.

Yes I did used to post drunk. Mott still makes fun of me for it. I made a jack ass of myself multiple times doing it. It’s all there for people to see for those who want to go into the archives.

I’ve threaten to assault women posters? Really? For someone who complains about slander and libel that’s a pretty interesting comment to make. Who am I/did I threaten to assault Cypress? If you’re going to make the claim why not share what you say I did. ((And if you’re talking Desh when she was speaking about my daughter and she said “I (meaning Desh) will ruin her life” your god damn right I stood up for my daughter. Who the fvck threatens a one year old kid? Rhetorical question, Desh does. I guess that’s cool in your book. Why would any father stand up for their one year old daughter right? And my words to Desh were don’t Fvxk with my daughter.))

If you want to put me on blast you do you. But you know what they say about glass houses...
Jesus Christ, you have issues. Do you know what talking behind someone’s back means? Posting ITT is not talking behind your back. It’s right here for you to see. I don’t speak to anyone off this board. Standing up for my buddy LR when you trash talk him is not speaking behind your back.

Yes I did used to post drunk. Mott still makes fun of me for it. I made a jack ass of myself multiple times doing it. It’s all there for people to see for those who want to go into the archives.

I’ve threaten to assault women posters? Really? For someone who complains about slander and libel that’s a pretty interesting comment to make. Who am I/did I threaten to assault Cypress? If you’re going to make the claim why not share what you say I did. ((And if you’re talking Desh when she was speaking about my daughter and she said “I (meaning Desh) will ruin her life” your god damn right I stood up for my daughter. Who the fvck threatens a one year old kid? Rhetorical question, Desh does. I guess that’s cool in your book. Why would any father stand up for their one year old daughter right? And my words to Desh were don’t Fvxk with my daughter.))

If you want to put me on blast you do you. But you know what they say about glass houses...

I saw what Desh wrote about you. She made an obvious typo, and you went ballistic and threatened to assault her.

You also threatened to assault another female who I will not name, but it is on the public record here. But if she shows up on this thread, she will confirm your assault threat.

You have got problems, chief. I do know whether drunk posting causes you to threaten women posters in public, and I do not know what your obsession with me is. Your resentment and obsession with me is palpable. You are very creepy.

And the weird thing is, I almost never read your boring posts, I never gossip about you, and never talk about you behind your back.

Your obsession with me is a one-way street pal. It doesn't concern me and is of no consequence. I just recommend you reflect on the fact that you have an obsession with me, and clearly have spent countless hours gossiping about me for over a decade - while in contrast you have not even been on my radar in the slightest. Even you should be able to recognize the creep factor in that.
I saw what Desh wrote about you. She made an obvious typo, and you went ballistic and threatened to assault her.

You also threatened to assault another female who I will not name, but it is on the public record here. But if she shows up on this thread, she will confirm your assault threat.

You have got problems, chief. I do know whether drunk posting causes you to threaten women posters in public, and I do not know what your obsession with me is. Your resentment and obsession with me is palpable. You are very creepy.

And the weird thing is, I almost never read your boring posts, I never gossip about you, and never talk about you behind your back.

Your obsession with me is a one-way street pal. It doesn't concern me and is of no consequence. I just recommend you reflect on the fact that you have an obsession with me, and clearly have spent countless hours gossiping about me for over a decade - while in contrast you have not even been on my radar in the slightest. Even you should be able to recognize the creep factor in that.

What a slimy cunt this excuse for a man is, the other 'woman', for want of a better word, is that race hustling bitch TTQ.
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You just can't stop reading my posts, thinking about me, gossiping about me, talking behind my back, insulting me, libeling me - can you?

You know how much time I spend gossiping about you, thinking about you, talking about you behind your back? Exactly zero time. Not one single nanosecond.

That is what makes you a stalker.

It is not wonder you have alienated all your erstwhile liberal buddies from the Bush board days - there is something really wrong with you. You are actually on public record drunk posting and threatening to assault women posters here.

I really wish you would stop tracking down my posts, making it a point to read them, and then talking behind my back about me. It is not a good look for any normal, well adjusted man. It is actually pretty freakin creepy

You're not one hundredth of the man that he is, just a nasty floater in the JPP crapper that refuses to flush.
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I am a fisherperson; my late husband was as well as being a hunter. Over the years I've seen all kinds of abuses. And because ppl talk, heard of many more. Maybe you should come out of your cardboard box and get out in the woods. Oh yeah. You can't. Bears will eat you. :laugh:
"People talk" lol. The F&W service has a long history of success. There's no reason to suspect that that will not continue.