Another positive

Absolutely nothing. Cypress is just a b*tch. This board is over 95% name calling and trolling (which obviously I just did as well). You know the one person who doesn't engage in either? Leaningright.

And to your point LR specifically said he supports this legislation because he likes to hunt and fish. It's an issue he's passionate about. If someone wants to disagree with the legislation that is 100% alright. But Cypress is choosing to attack him personally and we know why.

A statement of fact that posters like the OP aren't innocently "looking" for positive things from Trump, Obama, or Bill Clinton. They will support, defend, and provide cover for virtually everything Trump does.

Help me out here Cypress. Seriously. This the OP is not about Trump at all. Not about politics really. It is opening the use of public lands for, (shocker), the public. Which I happen to agree with. Better than just letting the drug runners and drug growers utilize it for free!