Another View

This is why Obamas Supreme judge picks are so imporatnt. Get the RePigs off the courts and the law will change
nope. i like the rules in place now for the most part. prob need to zip up the trade show stuff a little more.

What i don't like is gun free public zones. I have a Class A License to carry and conceal. I had to do a gun safety class and test and wait for quite some time for background to get that. Why should I not be able to carry it around in an urban city where its MOST likely i will be assaulted. The problem is not people like me who are responsible and the targets of these gun control laws. The problem is criminals who get them illegaly.

If they outlawed guns today I could do to piedmont street in Worcester and buy one for like $250 thats not registered.

Then you are a gun control advocate.
good luck with that. If they ever banned gun ownership in America there would be some serious riots.
I don't think Darla's point is unreasonable. It makes a certain sense, if you ignore the reason the Bill of Rights was drafted.
They were wrong then. They're right now. I've always been pro constitution.

Your totalitarian judicial activism has failed and your elitist statist self can't handle it. Get a life.

Some think that they were right then and wrong now, and they have always been pro-constitution. You’re just a fascist who wants to shut down any debate you don’t agree with.
Then you are a gun control advocate.

gun control up to a certain point yes. IM a moderate on almost all of my positions.. i know its hard to see from a very very very left point of view. On the political compass i am either exact center or one click from the center every time i take it.
There is no way that during the time when the constitution was written they would ever consider anyone not having a gun.

Well, I don’t know about that. But I wonder if at the time it was written, they would have considered the approx thirty thousand hand gun deaths we have every year? Also, if you read the writings of the individual founders you see they were most concerned with state militias having the ability to fight back against any federal tyranny, which was their most pressing concern. Now, flash forward to today and I can promise you, you are not overthrowing the United States Government with a handgun. So, should we all have the right to bear rocket launchers? Nukes?

There’s a debate there, and as DH said, reasonable people may most certainly disagree. I am repelled by the labels of “anti-constitution” and “anti-freedom” and the screams of ‘THERE IS NO DEBATE THE SECOND AMENDMENT”.
There are historical examples of the idea behind "militia" as was used in the Constitution.

For example, Hitler wanted desperately to invade Switzerland. But his generals kept talking him out of it. It was not the neutrality of the swiss that stopped them. It was the fact that the swiss population were all armed and that shooting matches were held like we hold baseball or softball games.

The generals knew that the army (armored and powerful though it was) would be chewed up and bogged down by what was basically a nation of snipers.
Some think that they were right then and wrong now, and they have always been pro-constitution. You’re just a fascist who wants to shut down any debate you don’t agree with.

I disagree with those people. Im not trying to shut you down, you whining idiotic whore, I'm merely kicking your ass in the reasoning department.
gun control up to a certain point yes. IM a moderate on almost all of my positions.. i know its hard to see from a very very very left point of view. On the political compass i am either exact center or one click from the center every time i take it.

Ok, just wanted to get it straight.
I don't think its a joke at all. I read the dissenting opinion. I also know how I see the wording of the 2nd amendment.

The idiom "bear arms" was not a military phrase. This is obvious because, at the time, hunting was a common means of putting meat on the table. If "bear arms" was strictly for a military then mention of "bearing arms" on a hunt would not exist at the time. But it did.

Also, if you will look at the idiom "bear arms" at the time, then you must also look at the term "militia" at the time. It was not a structured military, but a group of armed citizens. And it is just as valid today as it was then.

Look, it is not my intention to get into a pissing match with you over the text and context of the Second Amendment. I was merely pointing out that the meaning of the Second Amendment is by no means perfectly clear. I would have thought that, given the 200+ years of conflicting opinion on the matter, this particular fact about the Second Amendment was indisputable.
Well, I don’t know about that. But I wonder if at the time it was written, they would have considered the approx thirty thousand hand gun deaths we have every year? Also, if you read the writings of the individual founders you see they were most concerned with state militias having the ability to fight back against any federal tyranny, which was their most pressing concern. Now, flash forward to today and I can promise you, you are not overthrowing the United States Government with a handgun. So, should we all have the right to bear rocket launchers? Nukes?

There’s a debate there, and as DH said, reasonable people may most certainly disagree. I am repelled by the labels of “anti-constitution” and “anti-freedom” and the screams of ‘THERE IS NO DEBATE THE SECOND AMENDMENT”.

It is what it isWe have right to have guns. If you want to change that fact then you want to change the constitution. Doesn't matter what they may have thought based on todays society.
Aww, somebody doesn’t like his fascism to be challenged. Do you want to take a break while mommy brings you your afternoon snack?

I am not a fascist.

IF you even understood half of the discussions I get into you'd realize im the most dangerous revolutionary on this board.
In all the discussions on currency policy, the lynchpin of the control grid, I am consistently on the non-fascist side. But you're too stupid to even understand those discussions.
Well, I don’t know about that. But I wonder if at the time it was written, they would have considered the approx thirty thousand hand gun deaths we have every year? Also, if you read the writings of the individual founders you see they were most concerned with state militias having the ability to fight back against any federal tyranny, which was their most pressing concern. Now, flash forward to today and I can promise you, you are not overthrowing the United States Government with a handgun. So, should we all have the right to bear rocket launchers? Nukes?


I think that the population, armed as it is now, could quite easily overthrow the US Government.

First of all, the military would be cut down immediately. Its one thing to fight a foreign nation, but another entirely to open fire on groups of american citizens.

Second of all, if you look at the tactics used against us in Vietnam and Iraq, being well armed is not a prerequisite of the game. Using a concealed weapon to take out key leaders is more valuable than a tank mowing down scores of replaceable infantry.

And lastly, every war in the 20th century (and thus far in the 21st) has shown the value of a sniper in causing havoc, pinning down large numbers of troops, ruining troop morale, and taking out strategic personnell.

And pretty much every deer hunter in the country would qualify as a sniper.
I'm sorry I touched this big of a nerve.

No raw nerve here, I'm just dumbfounded at how stupid you are. Im the biggest non fascist on this board. You of course are more focused on shoes and your own selfishness than anything meaningful or relevant.