Anti White Male Policy

Kamala Trump

Verified User

It is easy to see how this has gotten out of hand. Incentives to discriminate against white men are built into the entire federal employment system thanks to rules promulgated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- another agency named in the center's suit. Even when minorities and women already make up the majority of employees in a job category, HUD's EEO program rewards managers for figuring out ways to manipulate the numbers to hire or promote more. For example, employees within the department's "technical" job category are 62 percent minority and 89 percent women. Still, the department claims there are "manifest imbalances" that need to be cured by hiring more black males, white females, Hispanic males, Asians of both genders and American Indian/Alaskan Native males. This fiction is accomplished by slicing job classifications into tiny subdivisions to create the appearance of underrepresentation.

In reality, the only "manifest imbalance" existing at HUD is the stark underrepresentation of white males, who make up 36 percent of the technical labor force in general yet only 5 percent of the technical employees at the department. This discrepancy, however, holds no interest for the department's EEO people. No one at HUD would even discuss the matter, citing pending litigation.

It is easy to see how this has gotten out of hand. Incentives to discriminate against white men are built into the entire federal employment system thanks to rules promulgated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- another agency named in the center's suit. Even when minorities and women already make up the majority of employees in a job category, HUD's EEO program rewards managers for figuring out ways to manipulate the numbers to hire or promote more. For example, employees within the department's "technical" job category are 62 percent minority and 89 percent women. Still, the department claims there are "manifest imbalances" that need to be cured by hiring more black males, white females, Hispanic males, Asians of both genders and American Indian/Alaskan Native males. This fiction is accomplished by slicing job classifications into tiny subdivisions to create the appearance of underrepresentation.

In reality, the only "manifest imbalance" existing at HUD is the stark underrepresentation of white males, who make up 36 percent of the technical labor force in general yet only 5 percent of the technical employees at the department. This discrepancy, however, holds no interest for the department's EEO people. No one at HUD would even discuss the matter, citing pending litigation.

The federal government is quite adept at keeping its programs going. They use this same tactic to justify denying environmental permits by finding sub-species or varietals of animals and plants inhabiting proposed project sites. Their original stated goals get ignored, we lose more of our freedoms, and the feds consolidate their power.
I wonder if white males will ever have their civil rights restored?

They will probably just collapse the entire economy and then bailout all non whites. Letting white people starve in the street. Afterall, we deserve it, because of what previous generations did. Killing white people is the main goal of identity politics.
Either the US will continue on its current path towards becoming like a South American country with its Latin heritage of favoritism and corruption, or there will be a revolution.
White males deserve no special rights.
If they are too wussy to make it as a white male they should get a sex change operation.
White males deserve no special rights.
If they are too wussy to make it as a white male they should get a sex change operation.

This is not about special rights. This is about equal protection under the law, and the right to be free from racial discrimination. You know this. Stop your intellectual dipshittery.
This is not about special rights. This is about equal protection under the law, and the right to be free from racial discrimination. You know this. Stop your intellectual dipshittery.

Yeah I have hit what you speak of in the past. But just went on around it.

What about the Indian reverse discrimination in the US software industry?
Corporate discrimination. I shot around that as well.
Don't be a whiney ass.
there's the skinhead again looking for a hunting trip
Since you failed at labeling me a "redneck", then "trailer trash", I see you are attempting a new label. However, I assure you that The Southern Man has never shaved his head and is completely pure of tattoos.
Either the US will continue on its current path towards becoming like a South American country with its Latin heritage of favoritism and corruption, or there will be a revolution.

restoration, not revolution. important distinction, lest the 'nanny staters' should become all terrified of the right wing extremists.
restoration, not revolution. important distinction, lest the 'nanny staters' should become all terrified of the right wing extremists.
We haven't been able to "restore" sanity to Social Security or Education, and after Obama socializes medicine along with banks and automobiles I don't think that we'll be able to restore sanity in those areas either. I'm beginning to think that the blood of patriots and tyrants will have to be spilled.
Yeah I have hit what you speak of in the past. But just went on around it.

What about the Indian reverse discrimination in the US software industry?
Corporate discrimination. I shot around that as well.
Don't be a whiney ass.

That's what they used to tell the negroes too.
Wow I can totally relate here AHZ. It is SOOOO hard to be a white male in society. We hardly get hired anymore, it is so hard to get into a good college, and well just talking about it almost makes me cry, well at least whine.
So if I tell someone to get up off their whiney assed butt and do for themselves I am being rascist?
I think that is just good advise for anyone.

It's appropriate in some place, but not in the case of dealing with victims of institutionalized racism.
We should solve this problem by executing conservative/libertarian white males. That should make the average white male three or four times as intelligent, and much more competitive in the marketplace.
You are not the only person who feels this way. The government has gone way overboard on this and Obama will just make it worse.

Wow I can totally relate here AHZ. It is SOOOO hard to be a white male in society. We hardly get hired anymore, it is so hard to get into a good college, and well just talking about it almost makes me cry, well at least whine.