Anti White Male Policy

Oh whoa is me.

White males, who are over-represented in just about EVERY facet of American life, are upset and whining like a gaggle of chickens because most Americans don't believe they should be in charge of everything.

What is a poor over-priviledged white guy to do?

America is getting browner and the percentage of white males is rapidly shrinking .. but that doesn't mean they shouldn't control everything in sight.

Oh whoa is me.

White males, who are over-represented in just about EVERY facet of American life, are upset and whining like a gaggle of chickens because most Americans don't believe they should be in charge of everything.

What is a poor over-priviledged white guy to do?

America is getting browner and the percentage of white males is rapidly shrinking .. but that doesn't mean they shouldn't control everything in sight.

Too bad you insist on judging based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
That's probably true in your chosen profession, but it doesn't work that way in other professions and it's different in each state. You are starting to act pompous. Get over yourself.

For the record, It ain't hard being a white man. I have been one for 25 years now. I found that I can pretty much drive anywhere I want and I don't get pulled over because my skin tone makes me "suspicious". I found that I got accepted to EVERY law school that I applied to in which my GPA, LSAT score and strength of my undergrad degree made me qualified. When I looked around in law school I found that of any single demographic group, white men were the largest. I found that when I applied for jobs after law school, white men made up the bulk of the profession I had chosen, and I live in a state where White people are just barely the majority. Being a white American man makes me a member of the most privileged class of people on the entire planet. There is no downside from where I look and it is just bad white whine to claim otherwise.
From what I've read from you she's a razor to your butter knife. :pke:


That might be the first time you've spoken to me without using some sort of vulgarity to attempt to demean me.

So you'll understand why I don't take this post of yours any more seriously than anything else you've written.

Go back to hurling the invective. At least that made you slightly humorous.
That's probably true in your chosen profession, but it doesn't work that way in other professions and it's different in each state. You are starting to act pompous. Get over yourself.

It's unbelievable isn't it?

They come on this board talking about their own lives and experiences as if they know everything. It disgusts me. Disgusting.

What about midget wrestlers in Oklahoma? Eh? Not talking about that are you, Soc. I think that tells us everything we need to know.

That might be the first time you've spoken to me without using some sort of vulgarity to attempt to demean me.

So you'll understand why I don't take this post of yours any more seriously than anything else you've written.

Go back to hurling the invective. At least that made you slightly humorous.

The Southern Man hereby challenges you to link to a post where he has defamed you with a vulgarity!
Rosy state of privilege? The average income just over 100k per year. This is NOT the income of the privileged in the US. If you add in state employee lawyers that number probably dips considerably. You have a very hollywood driven view of the legal profession. I am not elite and do not view myself that way. My best friend in this world is a cook at the local brewery. The people I hang out with regularly are college students, archeologists, and a retired couple. I have only one other friend that I spend anytime with who is a lawyer. We both live in houses of less that 2000 sq ft. I drive a toyota echo and used to drive a VW New Beetle. Yes such is the life of an elitist in america.

That's way above average. And you don't have the united states government and corporations changing laws and making up lies to replace you. Coddled and rosy, protected from the market conditions you so gleefully force others to accept, along with your elitst sneers.

You make me ill, you diseased shit freak.

Why do you support discrimination against white people? That's the real issue.