Anyone wonder what happened to Darth then why are you here?
Not everyone and everything here is a lost cause...;) But if you take time to look around, and I know you do, it's easy to see why some are missing in action or posting less...Things will be much improved by mid fall...
Low JPP quality is almost certainly the answer.

You should leave then.

I can sort the wheat from the chaff. Others don't seem capable of doing that. Some of the best discussions I've ever had about politics, foreign policy, religion, science, and history have been on jpp dot com.
You should leave then.

I can sort the wheat from the chaff. Others don't seem capable of doing that. Some of the best discussions I've ever had about politics, foreign policy, religion, science, and history have been on jpp dot com.

Exactly! Like soup, you get out of the forum what you put into it. If you're like Minty or Toxic and you come here just to gossip, toss verbal shitbombs around, and then preen and posture about how "well-adjusted" and "nice" you are, you're kind of missing the whole point about discussion and give-and-take. There are more quality posters here with things to say that you want to read, than there are shit posters who just post spite, hate, and stupidity.

It's amusing how some put this place down constantly, yet here they are. :laugh:
Hard to say. Iolo is MIA as well. Hopefully the COVID cooties didn't get 'em.

Odds favor the "masks don't work", anti-vaxxer MAGA mob dying of COVID. Among JPP's elderly unvaxxed nutjobs, of which Darth was one, the odds favor 20% of them dying with 30% of the remaining 80% (24% of that group) having long COVID.

JPP is a RW forum. Phan is the token Lefty. Odds favor any LW members like Iolo hanging out at a LW forum or one less RW than JPP.

Exactly! Like soup, you get out of the forum what you put into it. If you're like Minty or Toxic and you come here just to gossip, toss verbal shitbombs around, and then preen and posture about how "well-adjusted" and "nice" you are, you're kind of missing the whole point about discussion and give-and-take. There are more quality posters here with things to say that you want to read, than there are shit posters who just post spite, hate, and stupidity.

It's amusing how some put this place down constantly, yet here they are. :laugh:

Some people have not cultivated either the education or the mental capacity to write substantively on advanced and consequential topics of human knowledge and experience.

Then there are those who are just naturally drawn to trivial innuendo, gossip, and grudges like flies are attracted to pig shit.
You should leave then.

I can sort the wheat from the chaff. Others don't seem capable of doing that. Some of the best discussions I've ever had about politics, foreign policy, religion, science, and history have been on jpp dot com.

Darth gets to make up his own mind, run his own life, you should not be snotty about it.
Odds favor the "masks don't work", anti-vaxxer MAGA mob dying of COVID. Among JPP's elderly unvaxxed nutjobs, of which Darth was one, the odds favor 20% of them dying with 30% of the remaining 80% (24% of that group) having long COVID.

JPP is a RW forum. Phan is the token Lefty. Odds favor any LW members like Iolo hanging out at a LW forum or one less RW than JPP.


It's all speculation, but I feel like the demise of their orange tinted Cult Leader from the pinnacle of power left some cultists distraught and unable to carry on waving the MAGA flag on an obscure message board
Do you only come here when you are depressed and need to vent?

Yep, along with several others. Their hate zits get filled and start throbbing, so they come here to pop them and share the pus with everyone else.

Let me know if I can hand you the JPPMindBleach. lol