Apparently Conservatives only get 1 thread per topic now.

Grind has decided to become more active in moderating, so now... whenever he sees a thread started by a conservative on a topic that is similar to something else he has seen recently, the threads are merged into one. Now.... this doesn't seem to apply to any liberal posters, they are still free to post as many propaganda-filled and web-outlet supporting links to as many threads as they want, on the same topic. A certain unnamed poster who's name has no alphabetic letters or numbers, can post literally PAGES of the same thread title, over and over and over and over... for days and nights on end, and that is perfectly fine with Grind, he doesn't see the problem.

This new institution of the rules is one of the many great ways JPP is "improving" their image! You see? We don't have to wade through all of the Conservative threads to get to the really COOL stuff, like how to play the Werewolf game, or scientific explanations for why God doesn't exist... or farts smell better in the morning time! And all the rich enlightenment we get from incessant links to yahoo from Tom, or the resource links from all the major liberal blogs out there! Those are the REEALLY important things to JPP... so we MUST keep our Conservative viewpoints confined to one thread per subject.

Thanks, and have a blessed day!
what are you talking about?

I just posted a NEW THREAD on Obama's decision to use executive privilege in the Fast & Furious hearings, and since Grind saw a thread from yesterday on the Fast and Furious hearings, decided to "merge" them. My topic was the hypocrisy of the left over the use of Executive Privilege, and only incidentally had to do with Fast & Furious. But the larger point is, we don't see this happening with anyone else here. Crewcut can post 10 pages of threads on the same stupid shit, like a rotating BOT... and nothing is done, Grind sees no problem with that. Liberals can literally line up thread after thread about the same topics, different takes, and nothing is said... opinion after opinion is presented here on a daily basis... nothing is said about it, until Grind sees a conservative talking about something similar to what another conservative started a thread about yesterday, and he merges them.

That's what I'm talking about.
\\\legiontroll/// or crewcut gets away with anything on this board. the owner loves him, grind loves him. there is nothing you can do about it.

accept it or move on. legiontroll always gets special treatment. because he is special. deal with it. seriously no need to start a thread about it.
Grind has decided to become more active in moderating, so now... whenever he sees a thread started by a conservative on a topic that is similar to something else he has seen recently, the threads are merged into one. Now.... this doesn't seem to apply to any liberal posters, they are still free to post as many propaganda-filled and web-outlet supporting links to as many threads as they want, on the same topic. A certain unnamed poster who's name has no alphabetic letters or numbers, can post literally PAGES of the same thread title, over and over and over and over... for days and nights on end, and that is perfectly fine with Grind, he doesn't see the problem.

This new institution of the rules is one of the many great ways JPP is "improving" their image! You see? We don't have to wade through all of the Conservative threads to get to the really COOL stuff, like how to play the Werewolf game, or scientific explanations for why God doesn't exist... or farts smell better in the morning time! And all the rich enlightenment we get from incessant links to yahoo from Tom, or the resource links from all the major liberal blogs out there! Those are the REEALLY important things to JPP... so we MUST keep our Conservative viewpoints confined to one thread per subject.

Thanks, and have a blessed day!

I don't believe in overmoderating forums. My forum is literally moderation free, because we self-moderate and check before posting a new topic.
\\\legiontroll/// or crewcut gets away with anything on this board. the owner loves him, grind loves him. there is nothing you can do about it.

accept it or move on. legiontroll always gets special treatment. because he is special. deal with it. seriously no need to start a thread about it.

Seriously considering the later.
If this is what JPP has become, there isn't much point in sticking around.

We recently revisited the whole debacle yesterday, and it occurs to me, what we have at JPP is really no different than what SR proposed, except instead of having a puppet committee, we have Grind! Instead of SR, we have Damo. And of course, we have Grind's little hand-picked group of "JPP Contributors" who Grind is predisposed to cater to and allow pretty much anything from.

We have no real freedom to post here, it's dictated by Grind and his arbitrary rules. He picks when to enforce them on whoever he pleases. Conservative threads are merged, Liberal threads are allowed to be repeated mindlessly for days on end. How many threads are currently on the board about "right wing racist hate?" You don't see them being merged, do ya???
Seriously considering the later.
If this is what JPP has become, there isn't much point in sticking around.

We recently revisited the whole debacle yesterday, and it occurs to me, what we have at JPP is really no different than what SR proposed, except instead of having a puppet committee, we have Grind! Instead of SR, we have Damo. And of course, we have Grind's little hand-picked group of "JPP Contributors" who Grind is predisposed to cater to and allow pretty much anything from.

We have no real freedom to post here, it's dictated by Grind and his arbitrary rules. He picks when to enforce them on whoever he pleases. Conservative threads are merged, Liberal threads are allowed to be repeated mindlessly for days on end. How many threads are currently on the board about "right wing racist hate?" You don't see them being merged, do ya???

Let me know if you need a list of right-wing echo chambers; I know of lots of them. As well, I know of plenty of forums where the moderation is very inconsistent and favors the loudest crybabies, which are usually righties. For instance, you'd get instant accommodation for the stink you're making over this at that place. And as a bonus, poet posts there. ;)

This forum is better managed and moderated more fairly than any of the others I've participated on.
Legion is Damo's Village Idiot clown. He can dance and do a jig, he can insult people, he can start little 3 Stooges fights, and all sorts of silly things. Damo considers him comic gold, so the clown gets to stay. :cof1:
E=Dixie;1022341]Seriously considering the later.
If this is what JPP has become, there isn't much point in sticking around.

i don't mind it. half the liberals claim to have me on ignore because they are tired of being proven wrong. oddly, they groan my posts and respond to my posts, though i'm on ignore. for example, he wants a debate about subject in a forum that is above the usual petty arguments and then what does he do....ignores my arguments and claims i'm trolling the thread. why would he even respond if was on ignore? FACT: he read my post and couldn't think of a rational response. i've thought about leaving and maybe i will. it is what it is.

We recently revisited the whole debacle yesterday, and it occurs to me, what we have at JPP is really no different than what SR proposed, except instead of having a puppet committee, we have Grind! Instead of SR, we have Damo. And of course, we have Grind's little hand-picked group of "JPP Contributors" who Grind is predisposed to cater to and allow pretty much anything from.

i have no idea what you're talking about, i wasn't there. this is only board where i've seen a troll like dune/legion get away with blatant trolling in an egregious amount. but, you know what, if i don't like, i can leave. several posters have brought up legion's trolling, damo doesn't care, grind doesn't care. so your choice is to accept it or move on.

We have no real freedom to post here, it's dictated by Grind and his arbitrary rules. He picks when to enforce them on whoever he pleases. Conservative threads are merged, Liberal threads are allowed to be repeated mindlessly for days on end. How many threads are currently on the board about "right wing racist hate?" You don't see them being merged, do ya???

it is a private board. you have freedom to post or not post. would you allow some posters on here into your house and say whatever they want? my hunch is - no.

i've seen both liberal and conservative threads merged. it truly depends on the mood swings of the mods.
please don't merge anyone else's threads with a Legion thread, as I would never see it.....there are few enough non-Legion threads as it is......
Uhhh dixie, I merged the threads, not Grind.

Well excuse me... perhaps that's a good reason why you retards should stick to using your moniker that everyone knows, and not changing them more often than you change your thong? I assumed you WERE Grind!

That actually explains a LOT here lately, I didn't think Grind was as pathetically stupid and blatantly partisan as you've been.

Sorry Grind, my apologies... the comments are directed at THIS moron, whom you and Damo have stupidly given some moderator power to.

You had NO business merging the threads, MORE GENIES! They were two completely different discussions.
No, they weren't. You wanted to talk about Obama using executive privlage over F&F. The prior thread used the exact premise you did.
Well excuse me... perhaps that's a good reason why you retards should stick to using your moniker that everyone knows, and not changing them more often than you change your thong? I assumed you WERE Grind!

That actually explains a LOT here lately, I didn't think Grind was as pathetically stupid and blatantly partisan as you've been.

Sorry Grind, my apologies... the comments are directed at THIS moron, whom you and Damo have stupidly given some moderator power to.

You had NO business merging the threads, MORE GENIES! They were two completely different discussions.

Oh, Billy, he loves you!

Words of love, so soft and tender, lalalalala